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myOtaku.com: Kusinagi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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shippo gal (06/08/04)

Hi! I clicked on Random member and you showed up ^_^. I like you website check out mine and sign my guestbook! Add me as a friend if you'de like ^_^
cool pic

Syco (04/23/04)

Hey! Shizuma Rocks! YEAH! Well, thank you for signing my guestbook!

sesshomarusbabe (04/22/04)

hey wuz up ?great site come by and check mine out and plz sign my g/b!! well laterz
Bi-bi -_-' i forgot to do my homework again...

Panda (04/20/04)

I noticed you are from Washington, is that state or DC? I am in Washington state. Nice site you have here, feel free to stop by mine and sign my guestbook and add me as a friend. See you around!

Sara (04/02/04)

Whoa, lots of quizzes!

Heh. What's your username from? I'm curious.

KamiyaUsagi (03/26/04)

Why hello to late i looked at ur site hahah u r a godd artist as soon as i can i will put a lot of pics on my site! but for now ur site is asome!

purplebeef (03/05/04)

Hi, you have a great site, I wish mine could be as good as yours is!!! Well anyways, would you mind stopping by my site just to sign the gb, vote for battle of the bandz, and maybe if you like it add me as a friend!!! That would be so cool of you!!! Oh well, once again i love your site!!! Have a nice day!!!

EKG72 (03/04/04)

Tahnx for checking out my site! i don't know if i will color that picture yet! 1 person said to color it and another said not to! i'll figure out something!

Yami Maho Keno (01/22/04)

Hey I really love your Fox Kid drawing! It's very good and just too cute. And I see you have Shippo as well, awesome!

You're quite talented. ^^

Seifer sama (01/19/04)

Thanks you for taking the time to visit my site and for signing my guestbook. ^^ I really appreciate it. ^^ So thanks. Nice site by the way. ^^ I like the animations.

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