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myOtaku.com: Kusinagi

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

You belong to the world of the self-destructive.
You belong in another of my worlds. The world of
self-destructive tendencies, either through
actual physical destructiveness or emotional
breakdowns that you keep bottled up inside,
thus hurting yourself. You feel that life is
nothing but pain, and you see red in everything
with the memories of the blood you have
bled(literally or figuratively) for your
hurting. You live in a hidden land that few
will ever understand or see in you, because you
keep it to yourself and only let a few rare
people into the truth of your reality. Er...I
don't condone my own actions, so I really don't
know what else to say. Of course, you could
also just REALLY like blood....or you might be
homicidal, not suicidal. ^_^;

Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES)
brought to you by Quizilla

YOU ARE A PYRO!!!! You rock. You are passionate,
creative, fun loving, energetic, and wild! The
sad thing is you tend to be Depressed and
very quiet about. But dont let that get you down, now
you are aware of your problems and now you can
fix them :D

What is you inner mystical power?
brought to you by Quizilla

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