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pizza boy
Real Name
john federico
hmm i guess being able to fix my own computer with out help lol also my writing skills and soon to be my drawing skills once i get better at it > >. my books also i have a few books i wrote already
Anime Fan Since
hmmm probally since i first saw yu yu hakusho five years ago
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, naruto, rurouni kenshin, inuyasha, fooly cooly, twighlight tournament, samurai deeper, utena revolutinary girl (my gfs fav anime), king of hell, kingdom hearts (if that counts) mega man, escaflowne, g gundam, demon hunter koto, love hina <3
getting into the navy, becoming a published author, actually being able to draw better, figuring out the quantum theory for fisixs class, getting my math teacher to SHUT HIS TRAP and to break the record of the male who eats the MOST RAMEN EVER!!!! (i have
writing, rping, skimboarding, foot ball, fixing almist anything electronic, reading, mixing drinks and testing them on me (witch is why im drunk a lot -_-")
rping, swimming, writing, skimboarding, drawing, fixing things like my ghetto computer, cooking > > ramen
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
eh ok
wow o.o i feel sad for some reason its early right now and i have my music on getting me ready for school. do you know when you put on music and have a memory of a loved one, yeah well every song right now that i play reminds me of jenny, for those of tyou who dun know her shes my ex. anyway ill go to school now maybe seeing all ma old friends with make me feel better ^^ bye guys
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
grounded and school... and ramen
nuuuuuuuuu achool starts tommorow /).(\ its not fair i was just getting started in ma summer.. oh yeah and i got tosedo n aol lol some sissy little man girl told on me like a baby :/ eh oh well right? besdies i fight.. FIGHT THE POWER!!! anyway ill be gone for a while since school and i got grounded so ill sneak on every now and then ttyl
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new fan fic ^^
lol ok every one i wrote another fan fic this one is for captain fire lily or kagira ^^ it has a suprise ending and a guest appearnce lol, also i be doing good
project 3
“WIND SCAR” Shouted inuyasha slashing his massive blade towards the ground, upon contact the blade sent forth a yellow strip of light. The light ripped through the ground and headed right towards a young fox demon. The demon grinned a little bit moving his long crimson hair from out of his eyes giving him a better look at the beam.
“That all, you’re pathetic” he shouted jumping into the air as the beam slid under him and slammed into the forest that outlined there battle area. The demon then landed swiftly on the ground rushing forward as he then began to kick and punch inuyasha in the stomach. The demons movements were fast, so fast that it almost looked like a blur.
“Ill kill you” murmured inuyasha coughing up some blood while he regained his footing and grabbed his sword slashing it horizontally towards the demon in front of him. He hoped back just in time and was about to strike again until inuyasha screamed, “Kagari now ”
When that was said I jumped out of the bush I was sitting behind, the sun reflected off of loose gold and blue kimono while my long black hair flowed behind me like a cape. The demon turned sharply and looked at me then turned back to inuyasha and spun around kicking him in the face, the kick sent him falling to the ground.
“So who are you” he murmured to me glaring at me with his golden hues.
“My names Kagari and that’s all you need to know”with that said she reached for her blade and skillfully began to spin it within her fingers.
The demon arched a brow and shrugged twitching his fox ears as he then reached into his pocket slipping out the purple jewel inuyasha and I have been searching for. The jewel of the four souls in its complete form and this demon had it, well not for much longer.
“Names kyar” he stated spinning the jewel on his finger tips until he clapped his hands with the jewel in-between them. When kyar took his hands back and showed them to me the jewel was gone, “magic or no” he playfully said grinning.
“Ill show you magic” I yelled back over to him tracing the blade on the ground in the shape of a crescent moon, in turn the shape began to glow red and from there it began to explode. The explosions traveled forward like a chain of them while kyar twitched and jumped into the air as to avoid the explosions.
He landed on a near by tree branch and looked around, “its to hot here anyway see you around” with that said he turned and ran off bouncing from tree branch to tree branch until he was out of my site.
I spat on the ground and walked over to inuyasha, “hey you ok” I asked him patting his shoulder.
“Im fine now get of” he growled standing back up and using the sword to hold him up, “who the hell was that guy” he asked, I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or himself.
“His name is kyar, or that’s what he told me.” I replied slipping the sword back into its sheath.
Inuyasha nodded and turned so his back was facing me, “hey get on we need to follow him so he doesn’t get to hickory shrine.
I nodded and jumped on his back as inuyasha jolted forward carrying me through the trees, the same direction as the demon had went. I slowly rested my head on his shoulder thinking to myself, if he got to the shrine before we did he could use the jewel to grant anything he wanted. It was true that the jewel could grant supreme power but not enough to make someone invincible, so the shrine was made and kept a secret. I was suppose to protect that shrine but I got side tracked and wandered off into a village. It was there that I got info on someone who stole the jewel and was now headed for hickory shrine. But when I tried to go back I was taken captive by a band of demons and humans, shortly after though I was rescued by a dog demon named inuyasha. He was in search of the jewel so I asked him if he could take me back to the shrine and he agreed as long as he would be given the jewel. That was almost two weeks ago and now im on my way back trailing after another demon.
The demon I was after now had long blood red hair and golden eyes, two fox ears the same color as his hair along with tan skin. His name was kyar but that’s all I know, Inuyasha had been trailing him for a few months already and it had all come down to this.
“Hey stop day dreaming already” demanded inuyasha who was now paused and standing right in front of the shrine. Kyar was standing on the roof spinning the jewel on his index finger.
“Hey about time you got here” he said smiling still. After he said that he hit the roof and jumped through the small hole that he made and entered the shrine. Inuyasha ran forward and slashed his way into the shrine following kyar. There was a long pause while the two remained inside until I saw inuyasha body get thrown out of the shrine and hit the tree next to me. His sword was snapped in half and his face was bruised a little bit. I noticed as well that inside of Inuyasha body was the jewel like he had swallowed it. Kyar came walking out of the shrine with a wicked smile on his face. His clothes had changed, he was now garbed in a grey long sleeved shirt with black pants. There was also a grey strip of cloth wrapped around his forehead to keep his bangs up.
“Hey there that jewel worked great I needed new clothes”.
Just when he said that I felt like my heart was about to drop, Inuyasha’s jaw was hanging open and his face looked a bit funny.
“You idiot you used the awesome and unlimited power of the shrine and jewel to make new clothes ” I shouted stomping my feet on the ground.
He looked at me and laughed, “yeah but that demon over there kept trying to fight me so I just kicked his ass and then after I made my wish I gave it to him”.
There was a long pause while I felt my whole body fall over, “I cant believe it all this time and all that effort just to stop a demon from getting a new pair of clothes”.
Kyar jumped on a rock and then jumped onto inuyasha stomach, “ill get the jewel if that’s what you want” with that kyar yanked back and then forward slamming his fist into Inuyasha’s gut. His mouth opened and the jewel popped out then landed next to him.
“Well bye guys” he said jumped into the trees and running off again.
Inuyasha and I sat there staring at where he was before the two of us began to curse and shout we then stood up and jumped into the trees chasing after him. Kyar looked back at us and picked up his pace while we remained chasing him. “Get back here ” I shouted as kyars faded voice came back, “no”.
The end ^^
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Monday, August 8, 2005
new pics
hey guys a little late for me to post but for you all who care i have two new pictures up please go look when u get the chance
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the city was on fire
hey guys im back :looks at tge picture under him: o.o :blink: yeah like i said i was forced to take it nipple twisters hurt @_@.....ANYWAY aside from that i went to the beach yesterday then hung out with karson/ aka vampire kazazil go to his site by the way, and yeah i went skim boarding nailed a few spins then busted my ass xD not as bad as karson though i laughed my ass off o.o i mean e did alright, -.- hey guys im outta here ttyl
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
fooly cooly

yeah my friend rachel pretty much forced me to make this picture so yeah i thought it looked funny ^^
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
back ^^
hey guys hope you didnt miss me to much lol i had a lot of fun ^^ but i missed u guys so much, one more thing im tired of people coming to my site once and never coming back so im only keepin serious friends on my list now so come to my site and sighn this if you really want to be my friend. i mean come on guys i try to g to peoples site when they dun come to mine so yeah i tired of it again if you want to be my friend then just come to my site and comment every now and then if you dont then you're off my friends list sorry
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
hey guys still good ^^ i posted like a few minutes ago lol but it was small and stupid -.- anyway yeah ill be gone and i wont miss any of u =D eh eh eh kiddin. ssooooooo.............. mmmmeeeeeoooowwwwwww ._. yeah as u can see i have no idea what i will be doing. but also i ate a couple of tacos andh ave to ride for 15 hours in a car ^^ revenge never smelt to sweet. so yeah anyway karson aka vampire kazazil will be writing for me so if he says anything stupid as i know he will it was all him ^^ anyway peace out guys ill love and miss every single one of you :hugs you:
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hey guys sry but i won t be back for a whole wek goin to tenasse love u all ecpt for u karson ^^ bye j/p man
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
-.- ok in all seriousness im very stressed out, i have work to go to every morning and cant get in any sleep that easy with out being woken up by my dog or brother. then i have girl problems since my bf and me spilt up, parents hassaling me with shit and its pretty hard to do what i want now not to mention the otaku site is getting harder andh arder to work with. god i dun know how much more i can take... what ever bye guys
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