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Member Since
pizza boy
Real Name
john federico
hmm i guess being able to fix my own computer with out help lol also my writing skills and soon to be my drawing skills once i get better at it > >. my books also i have a few books i wrote already
Anime Fan Since
hmmm probally since i first saw yu yu hakusho five years ago
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, naruto, rurouni kenshin, inuyasha, fooly cooly, twighlight tournament, samurai deeper, utena revolutinary girl (my gfs fav anime), king of hell, kingdom hearts (if that counts) mega man, escaflowne, g gundam, demon hunter koto, love hina <3
getting into the navy, becoming a published author, actually being able to draw better, figuring out the quantum theory for fisixs class, getting my math teacher to SHUT HIS TRAP and to break the record of the male who eats the MOST RAMEN EVER!!!! (i have
writing, rping, skimboarding, foot ball, fixing almist anything electronic, reading, mixing drinks and testing them on me (witch is why im drunk a lot -_-")
rping, swimming, writing, skimboarding, drawing, fixing things like my ghetto computer, cooking > > ramen
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Friday, July 8, 2005
new thingy
like it says yall i have changed the song that i have kept fffooorrr ssssooooooo long lol anyway its swing swing swing by all american rejects. a very great song and it speaks to ma heart, "has a conversation with his heart:
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
hey every one o.o i am um back i guess lol sorry i was gone for so long its just i have kinda been busy with other thing that shall remain nameless. lol oh yeah happy sixth of july ^ ^ id wish u all the fourth but im a lil late /).(\ u all must wanna kill me now :cries: kidding <.< anyway im still here so just cheking in

What is Your Ideal Anime Weapon?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, June 27, 2005
sad for once
hey .... today really sucks not only is my friend karson gone but i pissed another friend of mine off and now she wont even talk to me any more. i dont under stand myself sometimes i do things with out even knowing it and it hurts people. i guess its kinda stupid and you guys dont want to here my problems anyway ttyl every one ok bye...
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
im so tired -__-" :yawns: o.0 i need how u say soemthing to do. god its pissing me off i have all summer and the only thing i do is sit around all day and sleep or go to a party every few weeks T_T oh well ill find something to do but hey my friend karson is leaving for texas so ill miss him so much :cries: /).(\ o.0 0.o eh oh well hell live welp im off every one ttyl ok ^ ^ bu bye
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
freaking bored
hey every one just checking in since i havent been in here for the last o.o :shrugs: since the last time i was here lol ^ ^. i havent been drawing much because im starting to thinkl ill never get a new scanner T_T. also i have almost finished my book so once im done with that ill be free and can rest before i start a new project. if anyone has a chacter they want in this book just pm me or just leave a post and ill pm you anyway ttyl k guys bye
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Friday, June 17, 2005
 You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a sense for the different and challenging, Walt Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick to write something that the rest of the world doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate yourself from the average joe. An author with a true sense of self, you have confidence in your abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO YOU!
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla
eh dont ask but it looks like i am a forarm writer o.o honestly im not sure wut i means but hey the quiz only had about three freaking questions not enough to tell wut i really am. ill let u guys decid. my writings usally pry at my readers mind keeping them on there seats. really long books more like novels so not many people read them but if they do they get caught up in it witch makes me laugh. usally depressing and ends with happy unless im in a bad mood then its a dark one help me out and tell me what u think o.0
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
 You are Light.
Just because you ARE light doesn't mean that you're a softy. In fact, you can even be the exact opposite, but you're a good leader, a good friend, and are a humorous boyfriend. Happy!? You care a lot about the others, an uncommon trait in a boy, but you're not lovey dovey as if you're gay. Hey, you're able to make friends easily, so be happy!
Element Test: For the Boys brought to you by Quizilla
lol check it out im light was up d^^b thats me down to the core funny a great friend and a good leader and no IM NOT GAY come on ladies whos the beast ~_^
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hey hey every one im grounded still so i have a lot of time to do stuff and guess wut im starting my first manga. its not a serious one so dont expect it to be master ful drawing skilled cause we all no im not the best artisit. anyway its just about kyars friends and him doing things ~_^ ill post it when karson gets his scanner fixed ^ ^
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
hey every one ^ ^ i do have a lot of pictures but sadly i got thrashed really bad i mean really really bad so im taking down most of the pics and only keeping up a few of them. some of u can call me a baby since its only one person but who cares ill just take down my bad ones and draw some more good ones d^^b motivation for me lol and if i had my scanner id have more and more >_<. ill probally take the to karsons house and mooch off his scanner >.>
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
hey every one great news well no not good news actually horrible news. i might not me coming back on this site for a very very long time since im about to have my body beat down by my step father T_T so yeah im grounded now when they get back home, every one who reads this knows NOT TO DRINK if u boose you loose
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