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Member Since
Real Name
you can call me Kyashii
still being in school...
Anime Fan Since
can't remember
Favorite Anime
naruto, YYH, InuYasha and much more but it'd be too long to list
becoming either a singer or a drummer/guitarist
singing, drawing, hanging w/ my mates
i have a talent? maybe... well i can sing, draw, play drums, guitar, piano pretty well i guess
well i'm kyashii some of you will probably think i'm insane, a bad influence and stuff like that but i don't care so think what you want! i have some friends just as insane as i am so deal with it, i don't post art and i'll probably just talk of my life and the stupid stuff i do. i love watching anime and listening to music, i sing and draw but i don't sing infront of people (not even my friends) and never show my art so too bad for those who wanted to see it!

Monday, December 26, 2005
bored but x-mas rocked this year!
yea x-mas was a blast this year with the twin and all my friends we got to play till like 2am this morning(i'm in a band)then we got back ... the 24th all my mates were at my place along with some of the twins friends and we had a huge party i didnt know we had that much friends ^^' all put together we were like 50 in our house lol so much fun not to mention i got loads of gifts from everyone now theres another party for new years but thats in a week heh right now theres a snow storm so some of our mates are still here and they'll be stuck with us today! lol anyway i gotta go people are starting to wake up now (its like 11am here) yea i dont need lots of sleep so i'm the first one up -.-' now i gotta make something to eat for my hungry little bunch of like 20 people thats gonna be so much fun!... not! anyway hope you guys all had a great time for x-mas
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Friday, October 14, 2005
well lets see... nothing really new i went at my err i don't know what to call him... i don't know if we're actually dating or not... anyway i went at his place tonight and his lil bro was there (he always is only when i go there he's alaways in my friend's room) he still thinks i'm his cousin damnit anyway i went there and we did what we usually do watch tv, listen to music and that kinda stuff only we talked about his prom that will be at the end of this year and he asked me to go with him there cause he liked me (nothing new there i already knew it... he also always says that i'm hot when ever i turn my back... and i can still hear him most of the time and he knows i like him so that's why i'm not sure what to call him were not officially dating but we're more than friends so dunno what to call it) anyway my best friend/cousin came at my friends place for no readon and we ended up talking when i found out my friends dad died when he was like 10 or 11 and that he came to live around here when he was in 7th grade i think... i was so shocked i didn't know what to say and just stayed there not doing anythng but staring at him when all of a sudden he just pulled me on his lap and told me he was over his fathers death and it didn't matter anymore... he isn't really that kind of guy usually he askes me if he can do something before doing it to me and my cousin was like get a room the problem is we were in my friends room and my cousin came on his own so yeah he kinda felt dumb for saying that lol the day was fun actually even though there was school... my friend scared a stalker of mine away again ( i swear i'm making a collection of stalkers lately...) oh yeah i'm trying to stop smoking with my friend's help... i didn't see lee alot this week wonfer what heppened to her i know her and razer are going out now but i saw razor alot... he and my friend (who's name is Frank i'm tired of writing friend all the time) aren't really friends but razer respects him (ok maybe that's only cause i like Frank but oh well at least he isn't telling his guys to get him lol) Razor comes to see me even when i'm with Frank but theres always one of them who's not talking so it's getting annoying... i got my room painted blood red and black and i got a new dog too its a rotweiler i called it Shadow (wow i have so much imagination lol) from Frank since he got one too his is called Lady (i have a male while he has a female they're brother and sister) his step dad's friend had a rotweiler who had pups so he got one and one for me anyway i should be going cause i told the twins and Frank i would come back to the living room in 15 mins so i gtg lol cya all!
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
let's see i started school as i was suposed to... made some new friends along with the others i had... i also met a guy who was at the twins house with some of their friends turns out he's in some of my classes even though he's 2 years older than me (he hangs out with older people like me) like you could guess he got held back two years last year and two years ago... everyone knows him like the guy that all the teachers hate and the leader of the 'bad guys' (the guys that do drugs, drink smoke and stuff like that...) or as Razer (that's his nickname cause he always has a razorblade with him) he acts really protective of me at school even though my best friend is the stongest guy in school and that most people are scared of him... even the twins agree he's acting weird but he's fun to be around... well for me at least XP he isn't all that nice with the others especially that anoying guy folloing me around asking me out he got sent to the hospital by Razer's gang today the ambulance had to come get him i think he has a broken leg, wrist and i think they broke his nose too by the looks of it lol lee (that's he second name and also her nickname) the girl that's the closer to me (i don't have much friends that are girls) she draws some wicked drawings she made me a huge poster of a dragon skull with flames and blood all around it it's so cool! well i gotta go Razer and Lee are here and Matt's gonna get here any minute now so i'll come back later!
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