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Kitsune Kya
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anywhere and everywhere my feet and mind take me
Member Since
A very busy college studen @_@x Oro~
Real Name
o.ox oro? hmm, call me Kya
an art award ^^ o.o i think that counts >.> also keeping faith in this world ^_^
Anime Fan Since
I seen Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
My all-time fav is Rurouni Kenshin! also Naruto! But, others include Inu Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Last Exile, Gravitation, Scrapped Princess, Princess Mononoke, Envangelion, Gundam Wing, (other Gundams), Loveless, Sukisho annd...lots more!
Being more confident and also finishing college~ also be a brilliant cosplayer! >.O
well, i draw a lot, read fantasy books, manga, i looovvee to play videogames, espcially Final Fantasy ones! (VII is the bomb!)(also the Chrono Cross and Trigger series, and the Suikoden series ^__^) and writing fanfictions. and reading yaoi ones.
Talents... well i have some weird ones. i can whistle in many different ways, spot voice actors, and beating people with Roy in SSBM!! and beating almost any RPG that comes my way >) lol I also try to help ppls with their probs...
| KyatheBattousai
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
hey guys... >.< man... it's been! *breathes* ^^;; again i'm sorry for taking so long.
let's see where to start... well! i guess i can tell you guys >.> *looks around* well my parents had a rocky situation, arguments,etc., and that concluded me having to spend a few days at my sisters. it wasn't too too bad ^^;; in the end we got back home *sighs with relief* and also my brother's aunt died so i went and seen him. he lives a good hour away and is usually busy with his job so i barely get to see him, but it was bittersweet.
heh, well as you see, i haven't had the best time ^^;; but! i'm glad i can FINALLY post! *dances* the only reason i got to today is because i'm at my grandparent's house. the bad thing about it is that my uncle's chihuahua is sitting near me and let's just say we never have gotten along. >.>
i've been getting to watch a lot of anime lately ^.^ yay! lots of Naruto and Loveless and Love Hina *thank you Jason kun!* so it hasn't been too bad at all! ^__^ also i got to try out DDR but i wasn't too good lol, but i did get to light! yesh!
oh yea!! i got a new bird too ^.^ heehee! a cockitil (however you spell it) from the humane society (godmother knows them) her name's Summer. she can be sweet but try to put her in a cage, you're declaring war =.=
well i'll stop yapping now ^^; *bows again* i hope to update again realllly soon this time >.< i don't know how many times i've said that lol @.@ but i might as well go. as the famous words of Kenshin have been spoken "Sayonara..." *wanders on*
(pics to make up for my absense)
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
gomen! my computer has been down >.< i know that's not a good reason for not being here though. but it's managing for the meantime! *hugs all tightly*
that for the end of Gravitation *cries* i got to read it! T_T
let's see where to start... well i was at my sister's some ^^ fun lol. got to play with my niece and nephews. >.> even though they're nerve wrecking XD *laughs*

well the power went out last night there and i usually sleep with some sound in my room (the humming of a fan, etc.) O.O it was dead silent >.< so it took hours to go to sleep lol. then i got up early and noticed that they had been airing Tokyo Mew Mew (well Mew Mew Power) my neice was watching it. funny i do say lol.
ooo! i got to watch one of the kewlest animes!!! Loveless! *purrs* shounen-ai! with cat ears! XD lol, got ahead of myself. also i have been getting to watch Tsubasa and Naruto ^.^ thankies Jason kun! *hugs* lol.
i'll try to update more often now >.< summer's not the best time for me to post etc. my parents try to keep me busy. well i best go so i can visit your sites. ja ne! *waves and wanders on*
gomen again. *blush*
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Friday, July 8, 2005
sorry again >.
@.@ oh my goody goodness! *gasp* it's been forever again. *bows a billion times* i'm so sorry! my computer has been messing up a lot and now i'm at my sister's >.< i'm hoping to get my comp working soon, if i can. that's one reason that i haven't been here. i won't be able to visit anyone's cuz i only have 5 minutes to post. well i'll try to visit you guyzes *cries* i miss you so much! *hugs all*
sorry to make this a quicky. hmm so far my cousin has to get surgery and my mother does too. >.< goodness. welp ja ne!
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
*squeals and hugs all* i missed you guys~! i'm so sorry i haven't been on @.@ i said it was going to be a week but then it got hecktic and and *takes a breath* here i am ^^;; i'm at my grandparents so that's another reason i can get on. >.> my computer has been bad >.<
Muraki and Tsuzuki ^.^
ok! 2nd day:
Good: went to an island that doesn't have any humans living on it!
Bad: got attacked by these HUUGE (bigger than quarters) flies! >.< the only thing that bothered me about them was that when they bit they left huge welts o.O
Good: got to see a beach covered in white beach wood, where we seen dolphins!!!! they were sooo close ^.^

and the last day:
Good:we got to go downtown where there are lots of old stores and an art show going on ^_^
Bad: my sis locked the keys in the car and we had to wait on a locksmith person.

welp! that's it, well the most part. it was great though ^^ even though a lot of bad things happened ^^;; mainly to my sis. she really did deserve a better vacation @.@
sorry this post was soooooooooooooooo long >.< *bows* i'll develop the pics i took and try to post them up to show you that island ^.^ so purty!! well ja ne! *hugs all again and wanders on*

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Friday, June 3, 2005
ello my friends *bows* welcome again to my little site! sorry it's so late for my post ^^;; free style! randomness lol. i want my hair to be that long! *points to gif and pouts*
brown hair ish today's theme lol.
on Sunday i leave for the nearest beach! *dances* i haven't had vacation in a while *sighs* it's gonna be nice ^___^ cuz we're gonna visit this island where there's no people living! like seclution sometimes lol. people can get so carried away that you just need to back up from them @.@
img src=""> ah Heero^.^
i got to go to the library today and finally found the book i've been dyin' ta read since i got the map of it. Tree of Avalon: Child of Dark Prophecy. ^.^ oooo! can't read it all tonight though lol. *yawns* ack -.- already tired today. @.@
so how are all of you? tha summer ish gettin' good *thumbs up* yesh! mwahahaaa.... >.>
well i best be off my fellow otakuers *bows* i hope i can make it to all of your sites! forgive me if i don't make it *bows again* ja ne! *waves and wanders on*
sano chibi!
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
hello my fellow otakuers! *bows* how are your days going around? ^_^ lol mines doin' quite well! >.> well besides the fact that i had to help till up the gardens @.@ oroooo....
randomness today *yawns*
yick. i slept too much today @.@ *rubs eyes* i tend to feel more tired when i sleep more than when i sleep less >.< this weekend we leave to go to a beach that's about three hours away. ^.^ oooo i can't wait! but then again i'll miss you guyzes *teary eyes*
i might try for my liscense (however you spell it @.@) really soon >.< ick makes me kinda nervous at the thought >) but then again that chill just makes me wanna drive more *maniacle laugh* whew! that's a load off lol.
oh yea! how do you put up pics that you took yourself on your site? cuz i got some back and i wanna show you! ^_^ yay! lol, but you must excuse the pictures of myself @.@ i look a mess in some of em ^^;;;
road trip!
welp! that symbolizes i should be heading out. ta ta for now! *waves and wanders on*
sleep well >)
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
i'm sorry guyz! *bows low* i've been so busy i haven't found time to post @.@ (sorry ahead of time if i dont get to your sites, my crappy dial up comp is slow today >.<)

lol i've been HOOKED! on two animes i've gotten to watch over the weekend: WeiB Kruz (Knight Hunters) and Decendants of Darkness! *drools* my friend came down from north of us and she brought them ^___^ Julian and I looooved them! they're all so great! we were gonna get to watch all of Saiyuki but she had to leave really early *cries*
aww! Suzuki and Hisoka *squeal*
i'm officially a senior now *cries* i have one year left! i'm actually gonna miss my school. there are a lot of new anime fans coming to the school so it'll be great! ^_^ especially if the anime club goes under way! since I'll be president of it! *wearing a lady's business suit* yessssss mwahahaa!
*coughs* >.>
hisoka!!!! ^.^ and tha crazy doc! *yaoi thoughts bruing*
well i best go ^^; i'll try to post a lot more since it's the summer now! *dances* well i'm off! ja ne!*wanders on*
some evil guys in W.K.
and teeny Kenshin to finish! ^.^x
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
hey guyzes! i'm so sorry i wasn't here! *bows* please forgive me! It seems as the end of school draws near, I'm finding myself more and more occupied @.@ especially with writing out my chemistry study sheet. lol i'm a dork ^_^
in honor of me getting a kitten!
that's right lol ^^ i finally got another kitten! we call her Willow but her middle name is Saki chan lol ^^ today's theme will be random cuz my brain ish hurting >.< i have a small cold @.@ *coughs* i took an extremely long nap yesterday so i'm better today ^_^ *thumbs up*
summer is afoot! three more days of school for meeee! *dances* but next year i'll be a senior @.@ tha big cat in tha school *smirk* nahh most of my friends are younger than me ^^
hmm leseeee @.@ orooroo.... well! about the changings of my site: i might have to post pone them a tid bit longer. i'm sticking with my avi too lol ^^ *coughs* >< ack! i'm at my grandparents' house with my chiuahua, hope i spelled that right. ^^; his name ish Peep Peep! lol he's so cute and nice for a chiuahua!
well that's about it @.@ i'll try to post asap next time! for now i'll just put up some randomness picies ^^ toodles! *wanders on*

ahh ken san *hearts*
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Monday, May 16, 2005
hey guys! i'm so sorry i haven't written in a week! *bows low* and i can say why! my mother got so ill to the point where she was crying and i had to help her out with the house and stuff. the other was because my power shorted out for a while @.@ some moron down the road hit the powerline pole -.-
Clamp was requested ^^
so how are all of you? i'm going to start trying to make some changes to my site soon. even a new avi! lol ^^x well i do have ta study soon -.- which is the only downfall about next week. school ish out in a week and two days! *dances like an idiot* happy happy joy joy ^.^
there was one bad thing today >.< that led up to me yelling my head off at two peoplez >.> for the people who know me at school, jason ^^ lol, well they know that my lunchbox is my safe AND my drawings are my pride! today i drew a Shuichi pic that took me a good amount of time so i could give it to my friend who i won't see anymore. i sat my lunchbox and drawing RIGHT beside me >.> after school and was talking. all of a sudden i look and here comes this big guy we call Hungrey and rips my lunchbox strap off with his foot and steps/hurts the drawing o.o i freak by the time i see this and discover that another guy,one i so deaaarrlyy wanted to hurt before and after this incidence o.o, was chasing him around. and they BOTH deny it! >.< ooo somehow I'll get my revenge on them! tomorrow mwahahaha >).
well best go, sorry ta rant *bows again* i have missed you all though~! *hugs* *waves* ja ne! *wanders on*
kenshin closing out!
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Monday, May 9, 2005
hey guyzez! *waves* i won't get to come to your sites tonight @.@ *spins* tonight is my orchestra concert ^.^ kinda nervous but more excited~! i hope that we can work on what little time we had to practice though *whipes forehead* it's been rough! an hour and a half of practice without stoppin' @.@
today's theme: Vampires/Demons ^_^ yesh!
i need to start studying for my chemestry exam >.< i'm aiming for an overall high B in the class because i don't know if i can make and A. but! in math i'm shooting for at least a 96. >) i hope i can hit it though. >.< now's the time for me not to be a procrastinator! or however you spell it lol. exams are on May 24 and 25 so i need to make me a weird schedule if i can. i hope i can lol. i need good grades *cries*

let's seee *thinks* oh yea! i got to read Gravitation volumes 8, 9. 10, annnd i'm reading 11 ^_____^ YAY! lol it gets funnier each volume! i'm gonna cry when it ends *sniff*
well i best be off. i need to go help them put things up on stage. Ja ne! *waves and wanders on*
lol about the closest person i can find to fit the theme XD shishio san ish kewl too!
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