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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
hey guys ^^ how's ur day going? mine's good taday ^^ lol. welp leseeee, oh yea! there was this huge fight at school today. two big huge guys jumped the assistant principal O.O whew! he got punched like four times before the other teachers could help. then they got handcuffed and taken away.
othere than that i found this new manga called Juvenile Orion ^^ it's awsome! wings and all lol. and nice bishies to boot. welp that's about it for today. i'll try to get to all ur sites. ja ne! *wanders off*
sooooon summer you will come! mwahahaha!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
hey guys. sick today. ick >.< i woke up in the middle of the night, my stomache hurting so badly i couldn't sit up straight, so i ran to my bathroom and barely made it before the vomit came >< but i'm better today. i just think it was something i ate ^^;;
on other topics, i spent my day watching Gundam SEED my friend let me borrow. i kept on missing episodes so now i wont' ^^ athrun is soo awsome! lol, and kira too.
oh and my best wishes to schultzie. hang in there! welp best go. sorry ta rant. ja ne! *wanders off*
a nice little group of pics ^^x
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Monday, February 14, 2005
hihi ^^ Happy Valentines Day! (to those who celebrate lol) mine dealt with rain and playing Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicals with Rowan and Julian lol. we finally beat it too! fun day! glad that there was no school today lol. *sigh* i got to sleep in some ^^ i can't think of a name for my birds >< *except one: the gray one is Birdy lol, from Gundam SEED, cuz he reminds me of him ^^* if you guys know any good names, do tell please! oh yea! how was ur weekend? welp best go! ja ne~ *wanders off*
to all of youuu~ *hugs and gives all chocolate*
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
hi hi ^^ tomorrow is play practice -.- >.> i might get out early though. that teacher acts overdramatic too much and she throws these bitchy fits, pardon the language >.< ick.
well in other news! my dove can be let out of his cage now ^^ he'll sit on my hand and be all friendly. i even heard him laugh! well it sounded like it lol. the others are good, they asleep lol. well i'll try to post tomorrow if i can't, sorry *bows* welp here's some pics for today. ja ne! *wanders off*
aww ^^ vash and kuro neko! dedicated to jay ^^
o.o woww kinda sounds like me! and looks like my character!
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
hi guys! no play practice todays. whew! lol. how are all of you? ^^ i'm GREAT! i got three birds as pets!! my very first! well besides ducks and chicks ^^ there are two cockatils and a dove. they're so beautiful! the dove is so sweet >.> but the others are mean little buggers! lol, but they're nervous so i'm not going to complain ^^
in other news, my ex was botherin' me today -.- i wish he wouldn't get jealous at every guy i talk to besides his group >.< grr! sorry ta complain @.@ i just had to get that off my chest *breathes now* aw well, hope you all have an excellent day! *wanders off*
Soujiro kun! lol
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
1000 VISITS!!!!!
hi guys. i'm sooo sorry that i haven't been here *bows* my grandmother's house caught on fire while my dad and i were in there and it wasn't too bad but the smoke made us sick -.- it was an electrical fire. @.@ whew.... then the trucks and ambulance came and they wanted to take me to the hostpital but i was scared. i know i know i shouldn't be but still >.< but everyone is ok now. ^^
in other news, i got 1000 hits!!!! yay!!! *dances* thank you alll! oh yea! also, when i went to Blimpie, a realllly good resturant, there was this asian guy named Tidus!! i was looking at his nametag for the longest XD *laughs* well i'll try to make it to your sites. i might have play practice tomorrows so me will try my best to post. ja ne and thanks guys ^^ *wanders off*
random hot bishie ^___^
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
hi hi ^^ how are you today? today was good for me lol. got to talk to Jay, hiii Jay if you're reading ^^ *waves*, and he's letting me borrow lots of anime!! he so sweet. also had Art Club today. i found out that a girl in there sells her art. i seen it!! it's so.... beautiful! dragons, elves, etc. she even gave me some tips ^____^ yay!
It might sleet on Thurs... i hope not >.< i know that sounds weird but i don't wanna be stuck here again @.@ ack lol. well best go. ja ne! *wanders off*
one of the prettiest pics i've seen! *tear*
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Monday, January 31, 2005
hi guys. thank you all so much. *hugs* you don't realize how much you made me feel better ^^ my dad and i worked through most of it lol. good news is that i got to see the newborn baby my mom's friend had! she's so tiny ^^ makes me want one.....definately when i'm older though lol. too young right now. today we had play practice and i had to be this preppy girl >.< ACHKSF me don't like at all @.@ ^^ again thanks to all!

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Saturday, January 29, 2005
hey guys... today is not a good day for me, even though it's snowing. i found out that i am a huge burden on my father... he knows i have anxiety problems and i didn't get to take my medicine yesterday and now... i just got out of my room, which he wouldn't let me out of... *teary eyes* i didn't mean it... i'm sorry to act so strang, really. *bows* if you made it this far into my mindless post. i'll be better later. i should be happy after all because of the yuki *snow in japanese* i'm having to post quickly so he won't see me. then he'll definately get mad at what i wrote...
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
hi hi. today was ok ^^ how about urs? i have play practice tomorrow and i don't know if i can update in time. *bows* i'll try to at my best, that i will! lol. today we finished this crazy movie about Mozart in orch and got all the pictures done, so yay. also made a B on chem. so i can rest this week, besides the club. i can't make it to all sites cuz my father... who i love very much -.- well here's some random pics. ja ne *wanders off*
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