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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
first day back @.@x
hi hi all. how are all of you? today was the first day back to school for me >..<) then Probability and Statistics @.@ whoa hard ta spell. our Orchestra teacher is pregnant with a twin boy and girl! she's due by the beggining of next month. yay! welp best go. thankies for reading! ja ne! *wanders off*
random anime: Read of Die! it was pretty good ^^
the continuing pic i shown before ^^
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Monday, January 3, 2005
hi hi ^^ i hope you all had a good new year! sorry i haven't updated much. yesterday was rowan's birthday! we had so much fun playing with her eye toy thingy. ^^ *dances* we also made a little home movie that we made up! it really had no plot. but still so fun! i got to be a ninja like person ^^ we went to the mall and i got the Last Exile soundtrack! it's sooo pretty *listens to it* back to school tomorrow for me..pleh >.< i'll try to reach all of your sites today k? if not, gomen *bows* welp i'll be goin' now. ja ne! *wanders off*
Suikoden 2 pic ~Jowy~ i reallly want this game!! *cries*
lucky people! choose your ken character today!
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
hi hi! ^^ how are you all today? i'm good. i can't believe it's almost the new year. then back to school. icky >.
Celebrate the New Year! with ken ken fireworks!

alright! more about Fushigi Yuugi ^^ this is the Seiryuu (hope i spelt that right) group! the pic i shown you before were the Suzaku. the story is about two girls finding a book called "Universe of the Four Gods" and are sucked into it and made the priestesses. i'll continue later. ja ne!
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Hi alll ^^x
hi! sorry it took me so long to post again @.@x oro.. i've been tired -.- but good! i hope to get to all of your sites today. if not, sorry! *bows* ^^ i watched that Last Exile marathon. Poor Dio and Luciola and Alex! *cries* good part is that i seen all of them now. i also watched this anime called Fushigi Yugi! it so kewl! i read the manga. Hikaru Midorikawa (voice of Marth on SSBM, Leon on Tales of Destiny, Tokiya on Flame of Recca, etc.) spoke the main guy! he's a good voice actor ^^ how are all of you? i'm well. went to the mall today with Rayea and Julian and Brosenka! it was kewll. welp, sorry ta rant. New Years is comin'! yay! ttyl! ja ne! *wanders off*

this is a pic of the good guys if you can call it lol. i'll tell you about the story next time ^^x
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas!! ^___^ *gives you anime plushies, food, and manga* i got sick last night -.- my stomache. i went to bed at 1am and woke up at 3:30am feeling sick! but now i'm better. don't know why, sometimes i'm sick on Christmas @.@ oro... but! i got the 1st Kenshin box set, a kewl coat, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, a huuuge comforter ^^ what did you all get? hopefully the things you wanted. best go! Happy Holidays!!! oh and thank you all who sent me anime greetings! *hugs*

kenshin: no one will know that i'm not Santa! >.>x oro....
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Friday, December 24, 2004
hii all! sorry for not being here much. @.@x been having to go to my grandparent's and sister's house. it's Christmas Eve!! yay! ^____^ can't wait for tomorrow! the other day i got to buy Gravitation anime. it's so funny! Ryuichi is soo cute!!! ^__^ hope you all are having a good day today and enjoying it! best go before dad starts yellin' at me to get off. ja ne! *wanders off*
don't be left out in the cold!! hiko's cape is just for you for only 999999999!!
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
ello ^^
hi guys! ^^ glad ta see you're all well. last night Julian and I went to my grandmother's and got presents ^^ i got money! yay! my uncle also came and shown me my family tree that dates back to 1770 something! i love history so it was big to me. my oniisan (older brother) is finally comingt to visit soooon ^^ *dances* welp! i wanna thank Julian for everything! she's kinda down this mornin' so if ya go to her site, cheer her up ^^ thank you guys *bows* well best go. enjoy your Sunday! ja ne! *wanders off*
AWWW!!! IT'S KENJIII ^^ adorableee
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
it's midnight! o.o
ello ello all. i missed you guys while i was gone too ^^. i'm watching Last Exile! yay! sooo good! dio and alex are kewl. well while i was off the computer my printer acted all funny. just when we got it fixed too >.< i hope it doesn't break again. *crosses fingers* good part today: i finished my Merlin book! so now to take a quiz to see if i win prizes! ^^ kinda tired, so best go. i'll try to visit sites later. if i can't i'm sorry! *bows* here's some kewl pics! chibi ryuichi from gravitation.
aww spread the love!!
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Friday, December 17, 2004
hi hi i'm baaack ^^
yay! missed you guys~ wasn't very long though, lol. my scanner and printer are finally fixed! *dances* and also on my history exam, i scored the highest in the class ^o^ yay! hope i did well in Spanish ^^;; how are all of you? finally: CHRISTMAS BREAK! i also had my Christmas concert Thurs. I sat first chair! that was a new experience o.o whoaa, lol. well best go now. thank you julian for posting for me! ja ne! *wanders off*
kenshin: i'm baack ^^x
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
hey this is julian
i'm just here to say that kya's computer is being worked on so i'll be making her posts until so. she says hi to everyone and that she's sorry. how sweet!
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