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Kitsune Kya
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anywhere and everywhere my feet and mind take me
Member Since
A very busy college studen @_@x Oro~
Real Name
o.ox oro? hmm, call me Kya
an art award ^^ o.o i think that counts >.> also keeping faith in this world ^_^
Anime Fan Since
I seen Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
My all-time fav is Rurouni Kenshin! also Naruto! But, others include Inu Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Last Exile, Gravitation, Scrapped Princess, Princess Mononoke, Envangelion, Gundam Wing, (other Gundams), Loveless, Sukisho annd...lots more!
Being more confident and also finishing college~ also be a brilliant cosplayer! >.O
well, i draw a lot, read fantasy books, manga, i looovvee to play videogames, espcially Final Fantasy ones! (VII is the bomb!)(also the Chrono Cross and Trigger series, and the Suikoden series ^__^) and writing fanfictions. and reading yaoi ones.
Talents... well i have some weird ones. i can whistle in many different ways, spot voice actors, and beating people with Roy in SSBM!! and beating almost any RPG that comes my way >) lol I also try to help ppls with their probs...
| KyatheBattousai
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
konnichi wa!! ^^ sorry kinda happy today! we had a party in art club. the guy i like, hmm who will be named Squall(his nickname lol), played cards for half the time til i threw something at his head and got his attention XD then we went outside and ran around rping with mini cloud and twinkie *we all have weird nicknames lol XD* but then again, i need ta study -.- bother. but! my most favorite books, The lost years of merlin series, might get a movie out! yay! i need to wrap Squall's present in a cereal box and surprise him! well, best go! oh yea and RXLover, me knows he's urs that why i posted him for ya! ja ne all! *wanders off*
(sorry no words today ^^;;)

aww! yahiko and sano always ruinin' moments! lol
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Monday, December 13, 2004
i'm so sorry!
sorry guys *bows* it's been a hecktic week. i've been having to study for finals, on top of that there was realllly bad lightening. but the storms are away.. for today. i don't know if i can post tomorrow. i'm hoping i can get to all of ur sites. if i don't, then i'm really sorry. but! anyways, how are all of you? the holidays are comin' up!! yay!!! i also had to go shopping all weekend. @.@ i got my friends some kewl gifts: one Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories! cuz he so nice. lol. i hope to see you all soon! ja ne!
japanese word: kyoodai (brothers and sisters: all of us! lol)

battousai: you lookin' at me? i know i'm that hot (lol sorry sorry ^^ it's his expression!)
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
hi hi. ^^ how was everyone's day? today it was actually sunny! *steps into sunlight* ahh! burns! *comes back* welp! we went Christmas shopping today for our class kid that we're sponsering. we bought him some yugioh toys and hotwheel cars. this boy sounds so cute, but all he'll be to us is a number. i know he's going to love all of our gifts! mm Chinese noodle soup! i love the huuuge dry noodles you put in it! *eats lots* ahh ^^ oh yea! like my little kitsune in my intro now? he's Poplar from Imadoki! well, i best go. i have a history paper to write. it's our exam paper @.@ about why was it considered that the 1940s was the "greates generation". ja ne! *wanders off*
japanese word of day: Tenshi (angel)
found this pic! so kewl! my other fav characters! aya, haa-san, and shigure! very small very chibi kenshin pic! ^^x
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
hi hi
today was rainy -.- it made me sleepy. thank goodness we were watching a movie in Spanish! still kinda tired. school takes foreverrrr. but the good thing about today was i went to art club and pilfered three of my friends' cards! >) they didn't notice til i said something, but it was fun in the meantime. our teacher left us there alone so yay ^^ got a small question for you! who would you say is the evilest villian in anime? not the strongest, just the most sinister one, lol. well, best go before i fall asleep. and i'll try to get to all of your sites today too now! ja ne!
japanese phrase of day: daijoubu: (if it's asked in a question, it means are you all right? if answered it means i'm fine)

Battousai...enough said ^^x
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Monday, December 6, 2004
hi hi guys ^^
ello ello. erg tired today. no sleep last night. and plus my aunt's car broke down so we had to wake up extra early and get her, but i got to school early yays. ^^ how was everyone's weekend? mine was fuuunn! i had my two friends over. we also cleaned up cuz my mom's bday was the 5th. oo and we seen a grey fox! ^^ i loooove foxes! only 10 more days of school left til Christmas Break! yayyyy! but then again... exams >.< there's always a downfall cuz of them. oh wells. i don't know if i can make it to all of ur sites today. i'll try though. forgive me if i cant! ja ne!
japanese phrase: Ore ni makasero (leave it to me!)
misao: er guys.. the camera's this way o.O
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
hi hi ^^ how are all of you? i'm good taday. we got our exit exam scores back today. and.... i passed! yay! i made a high grade in math too! didn't know i could do that, lol. it was a lv 4 and the highest was that. got lv3 in Eng. so yay i passed. i get my diploma ^o^x oro! glad tomorrow's Friday -.- i finally get a break from all the makeup work and tests i need to retake @.@ *thinks* hmm didn't leave anything out. oh yea! nm, ^^;*hits self on head* baka baka baka. my friend on here's name Nosaj. could you go visit his site please? you don't have to if you have time. ^^ thanks anyways!
well best go. food time! ja ne!
japanese words of the day:
Ashigaru (bodyguard)
Bakemono (monster)
a great duo!!!
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
ello! how are all of you? well i hope. today i went back to school to see that i have a lot of makeup work -.- and two quizzes. poo. but! i will get caught up! our band is going to hawaii @.@ they lucky! i'm in orchestra, and all we went to was the concert festival. but that's still fun. my mom wants to watch this movie about a girl getting a boyfriend for her Christmas wish. i want one! *cries* lol. ^^ i always have my anime and manga! they're so good! *hugs dvds and manga* nah, me ok. well best go. sorry ta rant! *bows* ja ne!
japanese word of day: Nanji desu ka? (what time is it?) lol i have a Japanese book so thats where i'm getting it. ^^;;
o.Ox oro yahiko??
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
sorry. this is kinda late
hey! sorry i haven't been around. got sick on Sat. at first it was a headache then to a stomache virus -.- i always catch them! wahh. >.< oh well, i'm better now though. mostly. still kinda sleepy. glad to see all of you got through Thanksgiving or the weekend alright. ^^ good thing about Sat. was that i got X/1999 manga and Samurai Deeper Kyo DVD. it's so funny! some crude humor and some of the funniest outtakes! lol. well, best go now.
japanese phrase of day: Anata ne! (now wait a minute!)
beware of the sky!!!
samurai deeper kyo! it's kyo! >.> eep!
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
hihi! ^^ HAPPY THANKSGIVING! *to all who celebrate* lol, my cousins say hi! *passes out more food* our own party! lol. sorry this post is short. but yay for short day! mwahahhaa. well here's to you! and be safe on this day, don't overeat! *toasts to all of you* ja ne!
japanes word of day:
kappa(water demon)
eep! enishi on the prowl! >.>
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
hi hii ^^ glad u all enjoyed the drinks! lol. welp! no school for me now! *dances* yyaaaay! for all of us! we got to do nothing in school today! except draw, read, write, and watch this Italian movie in History. i love history! my fave subject ^^ especially world history. so much knowledge! tonight, i plan to watch anime, on G4tech and my Kenshin dvds, and play FF7 and Star Ocean! fun night! my cousin is cooking tomorrow @.@ her first turkey. >.> hope i don't get sick! lol. if you are traveling for the Thanksgiving, i wish you a safe trip! and also lots of food! ^o^x *hugs all* yay! just in a happy mood ^^ oh and byee hinaru! we'll miss you!! well, ja ne! and have a good day tomorrow!!!!
japanese word of day:
ursai (shut up) ^^ might be usuful against others that bother you!)
unmei (fate/ destiny)
kenshin group ready for Thanksgiving!!!
kaoru: i burnt the turkey!!!!
kenshin: ^^x;; oro....
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