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I reject your reality and insert my own. xD
Member Since
None. and dang proud of it. xP
Real Name
Mrs. Eduard...whatever I decide his last name will be
Well I would like to say....but that would start a long winded discussion and thus, I will spare you
Anime Fan Since
When was anime invented?
Favorite Anime
Furuba, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Escaflowne, Cardcaptor Sakura, Scryed, DnAngel, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Teen Titans, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Chrono Crusade, Pretear, Tsubasa, Zodiac P.I, H
Become a manga-ku, or novelist or maybe a Human Geneticist!!!
Being amazingly alluring...among other things x3
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
ha...ha...ha? *gets hit by a rotten tomato*....dang
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Merry day after the day after Christmas!!!
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Monday, December 11, 2006
Merry Christmas!!! ^^
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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
The Dentist....WILL BURN!!!! XD XD XD
Currently I am: really, really angry at the dentist...
Ok, Ok I will tell you my horrifying dentist story....alright it's not horrifying but it is freaking angering!! I mean FREAKING HECK YOU STUPI' TARDO ASSIST- calm...I am calm. *srry I have a bad temper... -_-' * But ok here it is. I have Ortho Clear invisible braces ok? But guess what? Invasalign *another invisble brace/retaner company* has taken over Ortho Clear....AND THEY LOST ALL OF ORTHO CLEAR'S RECORDS!!! >O< *WTFreak?!*
So I have to go to the dentist and get my teeth impressions done all over again. Hoo-rah. So I go to my dentist appointment, which was supposed to be at 3:00 and I arrive a little early so I go sit down. Well no one comes to get me so at 3:20 I go up to the desk thinking that they didn't know I was here so I go up and tell them and they say "Yea we know your here, your mom called." and they began to ignore me again. *I really wanted to yell @ that lady: "SO WHAT THE FREAKING HECK AM I STILL DOING OUT HERE 1/2 AN HOUR AFTER I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN THERE!?!" *because teeth impression appointments take a long time*
So yea I finally get in the office and it's time to take my impressions. To all of you that's never had to do this, they have this goo that they have to put on your teeth to take the impressions. So the lady walks up to me *we were currently taking the bottom teeth impressions* and she slathers A TON of goo all over my bottom teeth, she used a ton more than she needed, so it starts running down my chin.
Thanks a lot lady.
And then she decides to wipe her dripping goo gun off, ON MY CHIN. >.< *and right about now I'm thinking, 'WTFHeck is wrong wit you?!?!'
and then she puts the mold in my mouth but she gets some glue on her gloved hand. So she decides to wipe it off ON MY FREAKING CHIN.
So we get done with impressions and she looks at me and says, "Well I made ya real pretty now didn't I?" I'm so freakin angry I'm like, simmering. So I start peeling off this now dried orange goo and start putting it on the floor. She ignores me for awhile and then finally hands me a mirror and tells me to get the stuff off and throw it in the garbage. Oh I dislike that lady very much....*steam*
But yea.....srry bout the pout session.
Here's the animation of the day.

*I will get revenge.*
Cyas later!~KK
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
Time to leave the past behind me....
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Friday, December 1, 2006
OMFGosh!!!!! Sooooo long!
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Tired but really happy ^^ I love my cat.

Hello there peoples! Man! It has been forever and a day since a last posted hasn't it..... I've been so friggin busy lately....*oh sigh* but yea the reason I'm so happy is because I saved my kitty!!!! XD *ok he's not a kitty anymore he's like 2 1/2 years old but still....he's my little kitty ^///^* but yea. Over here it's below freezing outside, and my cat is an outdoor kitty cuz he won't use a litter box ^^; but yea, I didn't want him to freeze to death so I wanted to put him in the house. We have no pet cages so I had to build one. All I'm gonna say is that is was intersting.
I couldn't resist putting this little GIF up, it reminds me of Silove a lot ^^ hahaha
and if you can't see it very well there here's a link ^^ The Silove Icon
But yea I'm also very miserable TT_TT my throat is so freakin sore and I now have a stinkin cough to boot. I hate winter. and I hate, HATE HATE snow!!!! It the absolute worst stuff ever invented!!! >_< *hisses and runs inside* Ugh.
And one more announcement!! I'm probably getting a scanner for Christmas!!!! hee hee!! Yes!!! I am sooooooooo excited!!! and I really hope I get one!
But that's all 4 now so here's the animation of the day!

and to all a good night er...morning. Just have a good one!! >,<

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Monday, November 20, 2006
Random title of the day!!!! XD
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: should be getting ready for school....and of course that's a mood!!! >,<

Hellloooo there!!! ^^ I changed my theme as you can probably see ^^ I didn't like my last theme all that much and then I found these awsome Tsubasa wallpapers and I just had to do it!!
But yea I don't really know what to talk about....Silove and Naxir came over to my house a couple days ago and we watched some Pretear! It was really fun ^^ but yea Naxir got in line for the Wii and so now she has 2!! She got a little sick on the last day and her bro. took over but yea...
My and Silove's story site is almost done too!! I can't wait!! I've got to get my chapters uploaded and that's pretty much it...but now I have to convert them to HTML talk... and I've got a lot of italics...*sigh* Oh work!! So yea that should be up soon ^^
Well now I have to go....SORRY!!! TT_TT I wish I could stay on longer than I have as of late...
Here's the animation of the day!!

Stay happy or else! XD

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Thursday, November 16, 2006
SOOOO SHORT!!!!!! TT_TT *srry Ed!!!*
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Kinda mad *at my frikin little sister who's being a brat* but other than that happy....AND RUSHED!!!!!

Ok peoples!!! Srry I just had to post!!! But yea this is gonna be REALLY short. and srry no convention pics for the moment. But yes I changed my theme to flame vs. fullmetal. Hee!! Ed is so awosme!!! *glomps Compu* hee hee hee!
But yea the reason I'm so rushed is because I have a dance concert tonight and I'm supposed to be getting ready for it right now....*sigh* So that means I have to go!!! I'm sorry!! TT_TT and it's almost christmas!!!!! XD yay!!!!! AND I GOT A NEW COMPUTER!!!!! YES!!! my old was just that....OLD. So yea I'm really happy!!!!
Here's the animation of the day!!!


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Monday, November 6, 2006
Look!! A title!! XD
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Kinda mad and happy and MY ELBOW HURTS!! >.<

Hellooooo there peoples!!!!! XD First the reason I'm kinda mad....ok yesterday *and this is my own fault* I went to sleep at like 5:30 in the morning cuz I was finishing my book and then I slept in till 1:00 in the afternoon that's all fine and dandy but last night I wasn't tired AT ALL!!!! So I was up reading till about midnight *new book* then I tried to go to bed at around 3:00 just to be woken up at 4:00 by my alarm clock...WHICH I FORGOT TO DISABLE!! it's either disable or destroy...*sigh*...
Now the happy part!!! ^^ I am now gonna be able to sell my dad's stuff on e-bay!!!! Because of the little trick I found out with my phone hee hee!! XD yay! and I also discovered that after all the fees are paid *like selling fees and stuff* I get 50% of the money!!! I thought I was only gonna get 20% at the most!!!! YES!!!! XD and now happiness part 2: CONVENTION PICS!!!!! now these arent all of them so yea....NeWays here ya go!!
This one is Silove dressed as Axel Mijitsu dressed as Momiji and some Hari, Shigure and Aya cosplayers

This one was a couple of Kyo and Haru cosplayers that started was awsome hehe ^^

This was Hari, Shigure and Aya cosplayers

This is me dressed as Larxene next to a Sora cosplayer...yea my bangs kinda deflated...

This is Mijitsu *in white* with another Momiji cosplayer

This one is Mijitsu, Duvessa and a Kadj cosplayer

This is Naxir with the Kadj cosplayer

This is Silove, dressed as Axel next to a Cloud cosplayer

And last for today a Roy coslplayer sleeping on a bench...that seems like a very Roy thing to do hehe I loved it! XD

and now I've gotta go so here's the animation of the day!!!

Sailor Moon...this has nothing to do whith anything really...just looks cool ^^
Goodbye and get some good sleep!!

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