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I reject your reality and insert my own. xD
Member Since
None. and dang proud of it. xP
Real Name
Mrs. Eduard...whatever I decide his last name will be
Well I would like to say....but that would start a long winded discussion and thus, I will spare you
Anime Fan Since
When was anime invented?
Favorite Anime
Furuba, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Escaflowne, Cardcaptor Sakura, Scryed, DnAngel, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Teen Titans, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Chrono Crusade, Pretear, Tsubasa, Zodiac P.I, H
Become a manga-ku, or novelist or maybe a Human Geneticist!!!
Being amazingly alluring...among other things x3
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
Pictures!!!! XD
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Really tired but happy

Guess what!!! I just discovered the most awsome thing about my cell phone!!!! I can send pictures to my e-mail address and it resizes them so their actual size pictures!!!! heeeeeeeee!!! So next post I will be putting up convention pics!! ^^ Yay!!!
Yay and I'm tired because I woke up at 3:00 this morning....oh well. Oh and it's been decided that I'm going to assasinate the person who invented math and the person that decided I had to go to school on the day after halloween!!!! >.< Geez what a retard. *Ok srry I'm done now..*
Srry this was sucha short post but I've got to go to school in like 10 min.
Ok Ok I had to put two animations I just had to so:
Here's the animationS of the day!!!

Cyas and be jolly!!! *In the christmas mood*

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Monday, October 30, 2006
Hey srry bout the long wait...
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: in headache-ness...

Hey peoples!!! Srry bout the long pauses!!! DX I just can't ever seem to get on long enough to post!!!!! Ugh.... But yes I HAD to get time to post today cuz I'm definetly not gonna be able to post tomarrow.....HALLOWEEN XD!!!!!!!! hehehehe
Now let's see....Oh I'm pretty sure by the next time I post I'll have those pictures up so...yea but they're pretty small....their from my cell phone *shrugs* beggars can't be choosers neh? *sigh*
OH!!!! I drew some pictures that I'm pretty proud of!!! hee hee *that's not often so....yea* The first one was of Kadaj and he's just standin there but still!! Then the second one was inspired by a moment I had with my little brother. I was helping him put his shoes on and he was sitting there smiling at me.....LOOKING ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! O^///^O Well yea so I took a picture of him so I could get the pose right and I think it looks pretty neat!! Then the third one is a character from my manga: Sho who controls the wind ^^ He looks pretty nifty hee hee He's standing with his back to you and looking back one of his arms hidden in his cloak cuz the wind is blowing but the other arm is holding the cloak to his side against the wind. It's hard to explain....*gasp* I just realized I could take a picture with my cell phone and though it'd be small it'd be something!!! Would anyone like me to do that?
Well I think I have to go now's the animation of the day!!!

Cyas!~KK *blaaaaa!!* >:[ * can you tell what that is? It's a vampire!!*

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Tired and should be doing homework....OH WELL!! XD

Yes once again it is too early for me to be up and I've been up since 1:00 ...*sigh* Oh well nothin I can do but drink some Coke and get on w/ my life!! *I've said before that I don't sleep well...and it's still true* My head hurts too...
Ok! Enough with my ailments and let's move on!!! THE ANIME CONVENTION!!!!! XD
It was sooooo much friggin fun!!!! I cosplayed as Larxene and Silove cosplayed as Axel, Naxir cosplayed as Naxir and Mijitsu cosplayed as Momiji!!! ^^ But yea well I was in the first car that got there so me, Tesshnira and Duvessa go look around. I get a call and we go meet the rest of our troupe!!!! XD
First we go spend ALL our money at the rec room!!! *We barely had enough for lunch ^^; * I got a SORA WALLSCROLL!!!!!!! *dies* and I got a FullMetal Alchemist poster, I got a bunch of pins and a KeyBlade necklace. Oh! Oh! and I got these cute little cards w/ Chibi Ed and Chibi Howl and their crossing their arms and it says "Angsty Bishy. Look at me I'm angsty!" hee hee I almost died ^///^
Then we went into the viewing rooms and saw a bunch of episodes for new shows, some AMVs and this cool new movie that I totally have to have now!!!!! The title is something about the wind but it's about how when they emporer dies, his oldest son is to succed him but that's not the Seihei's *the emporers 1st wife* son so she wants her son on the throne. But it goes to them scouting for his wives. It's a really cool movie and I'll find the title later!
Oh and also later I'm going to be putting up some *if not small* Pics I took of the Anime Convention!! and maybe even a video of Kyo and Haru fighting!!!
Here's the animation of the day!!!

Be well!!

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
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Monday, October 16, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Friday, October 6, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: In a little pain but mostly tired...

Okies people!!! Srry I haven't posted in awhile!! There hasn't been a lot of time to post lately and in fact, hehe I'm supposed to be doing homework right now so this post probably won't be too long.
16 DAYS TO THE ANIME CONVENTION!!!!! XD I'm so excited!! My Larxene cosplay was almost finished last night and so my friend Naxir (She's the one that made the entire thing hehe I kinda just stood there and looked pretty...which I'm very good at by the way!!* hehe NeWays so yea Naxir is bringing it to me after school today!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!! XD
In other news I'm going to start selling all my dad's junk on e-bay soon hopefully so I can have some money for the anime convention. *oh and don't get me wrong, his stuff really isn't "junk" it's almost all of it mint condition, rare hot-wheels and limited addition, mint condition starwars toys(the old starwars)* So yea...hopefully I'll get that soon
and one more thing, SHISHOU'S BACK ON!!!! ^0^ I'M SO HAPPY!!! SHE'S SO FUN!! but I don't know how long she's gonna be on so yea...oh well I've got to go...
Here's the animation of the day!!!

There's 2 today cuz they both rock and I couldn't decide...

And you now must all have a good day!!!

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Monday, October 2, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: ummm surprised I suppose... ^^

Hey guys!!! Srry that my text is so hard to read right now...I can't find a color that really stands out to it...*sigh* Oh well...I think I shall soon be changing my site theme to either Bleach, Trinity Blood or FullMetal Alchemist!! ^^ I love Ed!! He rox!! hahaha OMGosh!! That reminds me of the movie TT_TT So....sad....*what?* No!! I'm not saying anything, NO SPOILERS!! >O<
Well now that that's over hehe ^^ me and my friends are gonna make a crazy movie...and oh is it going to rock!!! XD hehe yea, Silove is going to finally find Yuki's phone number, I'm going to melt and we're going to TP my friends big brother.
Oh it's gonna be some gooooood times ^0^ Woot!! I can't wait!!
Wow....I'm sorry but alas I have to leave you w/ such a short post...sad. It'll be longer next time!!!
Well I've G2G so to everyone later!!!

hehe Srry I thought that was pretty funny *NO ONE TAKE OFFENSE, THIS IS NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE*
And now I decree....YOU SHALL ALL HAVE A GOOD DAY!

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results

hehe Yes once again I just barely finished my math ^^ and then I took a bath!!! ^^ *I'm a poet and I didn't even realize it!! ^_~
hehe yea...with that said it reminds me of a part in Furuba vol. 3 where Kyo gets totally ticked @ Tohru cuz she spent all her money on buying them valentine's chocolate and then he just points and tells her to go take a bath ^^ it makes me laugh every time *Kyo's so awsome ^///^ *
Well yea....OH!!! and I have to say thank you to Silvereagle just because on my last post he was so funny ^//^ *He hugged me cuz I was cold and I found that very amusing* Thanx for bein so nice!!! hee!
Oh!!! *one more thing!* I started reading Pita-ten last night! It's quite cute!!! hehe yea...that's all I've got to say
Here's the animation of the day!!

and a good day to you all!!

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: hehe sick of math!!! >.<

*and yes, THAT IS KAMUI'S SICK OF MATH FACE XD*'s 5:55 and I just barely finished my math so...yea as you can see I redid my site!!! ^^ *I couldn't help myself!!* I found so many awsome X pictures that I just couldn't resist!! Yes...these are all Kamui ^^ hehe *I finally remember his name!!*
I haven't been able to find any X GIFs...does anybody know where I could find some? Oh well. Yea, I'm now randomly switching to some other subject...let's see...uh COATS!!!
Yes coats, right now I'm wearing this really warm coat that looks totally stupid but...I really don't care cuz it's freezing here!!! >.< OUR FRIKIN HEATER BROKE!!!!! GAY I SAY! GAY! So it's really cold here in the mornings...*brrr* Speaking of cold it's almost halloween...which means it's almost the anime convention!!!! *Which means I need money...*
Here's the animation of the day!!!

You'd better have a good day!

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