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I reject your reality and insert my own. xD
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None. and dang proud of it. xP
Real Name
Mrs. Eduard...whatever I decide his last name will be
Well I would like to say....but that would start a long winded discussion and thus, I will spare you
Anime Fan Since
When was anime invented?
Favorite Anime
Furuba, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Escaflowne, Cardcaptor Sakura, Scryed, DnAngel, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Teen Titans, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Chrono Crusade, Pretear, Tsubasa, Zodiac P.I, H
Become a manga-ku, or novelist or maybe a Human Geneticist!!!
Being amazingly alluring...among other things x3
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Friday, September 22, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Happy!! Jeez! Don't you people ever read the title?! J/k ^^ I'm just hyper

GUESS WHAT?! I SAW THE FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST MOVIE!!! XD *dies!* I LOVED IT!!! ED IS SO AWSOME!!!!!! I'm not going to say much of what happens because most of you probably haven't seen it yet but I will say this IT IS AWSOME!!!!!! I LOVE ED!!!! ^///^ OMGOSH!! THEY HAVE THE BEST PICTURE EVER ON THE BACK OF THE DVD COVER!!! I LOVE IT!! THERE WAS SO MUCH AWSOME-NESS I COULDN'T STAND IT!!! *dies again*
Ok now that that's over...iloveed. Srry I had to do that one more time ^^; Well yea I got more sleep than usual last night...wich made me tired...ugh. Yea a full uh I guess almost 6 hours. And I hate mornings...not so much the waking up part for me it's the fact that I almost ALWAYS get sick about 2 hours after I get up. I don't know what it is happens.
And srry I probably haven't been commenting on your sites a lot!!! I don't get much time on the comp now that school's in so I'll be waking up earlier to get to all of you...which also means I'm srry to all of you that update during the day...I'll probably get back to you the next day...*sigh* Oh well, oh and Yensid...I LOVE YOU!!! XD Srry I just felt like saying that cuz Yensid is so awsome!!! She is currently *I think, and correct me if I'm wrong* but she's drawing a picture of the main character from my first manga: ELEMENT, the one I've been putting at the bottom of the posts for those who wanted to read it. Yea...I don't know when I'll put the next part up, I might not. Oh well. Well G2G peoples!!! Luvs ya all!!!
Here's the animation of the day!!!

Have a good day!!!

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: I'm not sure...but as always I'm tired ^^

Well I have a few announcments to make but first here's a little thing from my heart...a story of my night. hehe
Well I don't sleep very easily so it takes me almost 3 hours sometimes to get to sleep. and then almost every night I wake up at random intervals (actually usually like 30 min. intervals) so last night I was kinda happy cuz I was actually sleeping good so I was gonna sleep in till 6:00 but noooo my little sister (I am a VERY light sleeper) has her alarm clock on and it starts BLASTING stinkin Cheetah Girls!!! DX I try and ignore it and go back to sleep but nope, when I wake up I can't go back to sleep, and my sister, *WHO SLEEPS LIKE A FRIGGIN LOG!!!* Did not even hear it. So I get up turn off her alarm and go upstairs. As I walk up the stairs I start freezing cuz it's raining really hard here and guess what? Our back door is open so the floor is wet and it's cold.
Ok I'm done so now I really only have like one announcment. My sister, (formerly known as Inu-rox) Is now Usagi Otome and she wanted me to mention her so you would all go visit her, put she pissed me off last night so you don't really have to It'll be our secret ^_~
J/k!! hahaha I don't really care all that much whether you do or not but she would appriciate it. ^^
Well G2G Here's the animation of the day!!

Have a nice day all!!

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Way tired and have a headache

Well yes, now that that's over we shan't speak of it again! But this is gonna be a short post because I should be doing homework right now. But yea my grades are pretty much sucking and I'm even trying to get good ones this year!!! So evil!! Oh and speaking of evil my freind is getting FullMetal Alchmeist the movie soon and I'm soooo excited to see it!! ^^ Yay for Ed!! *Oh and now I feel like putting an awsome pic of him!* 
Isn't that so cute!! I just love it!! ^//^ Oh, and I won't be putting my manga up for a little while so if you really wanna read more *of an improved version* Just e-mail me ok? ^^ My E-mail address is
So yea G2G!! Here's the animation of the day!!

Have a good day dangit!

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I hehe

(I'm not angry that's just a fun pic ^^)
NeWays, Hello peoples!! ^^ It's not gonna be a long one again, I have to go to bed soon...I should have been off and hour ago ^^' Oh well and srry if this text is too small. If it is I'll fix it!! Well I got an Ed necklace yesterday!!! and a State Alchemist pocketwatch!! hee hee I'm soooo happy!! Oh, you guys should visit my friend Naxir it was her birthday yesterday and we did a fun post on her site and had a lot of fun @ the mall ^^
I told you it'd be a short one I already have to go and srry!! Hopefully I'll be on tomarrow!!
Here's the animation of the day!!

Have a good day!!

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Tired and bored...but this is just a random pic of Sephiroth ^^

It's Sephiroth from the manga ^-^
PRESS PLAY!! The song is an awsome rock remix of "One Winged Angel" but it doesn't auto start so...yea PLAY IT, PLAY IT!!! hahaha
Hello everyone!!
Srry about the last post, I was in a...mood it was just confusing but yes, now one of my dogs is dead...
I'm not sure what to say...hehe ^^ It's not like have much to say hehe
Does anyone know what happened to Inuyasha? Adult Swim stopped showing it now so does anyone know what's goin on? *I am officially clueless*
Ok, thanx for leaving comments about my manga ^^ It seems like some of you like it? Well here's a continuation from the last one. This one is Kiyoshi's perspective. (water)
Natsuko and I were walking down a worn path, completely surrounded by trees, with me having no idea where we were going. I’m glad I’m traveling with her... I thought I just wish she would talk more! I’m so bored. I put on a sort of childish scowl and she glanced at me smiling. “What?” she asked amused. “Where are we going?” I asked. She looked at me, then looked down the road and sighed. “I think there’s a village over that way.” she said nodding her head in the direction we were walking. “Ok, so why are we going there?” I asked, just wanting to talk. She smiled, seeing my thoughts on my face and let out a little laugh. “I sense a demonic aura coming from there.” she said “So...” I said apprehensively, looking at her “are you a Priestess or something?”
She looked surprised for a moment then said, “No, my...mother,” she said the word quickly then continued, “she was a powerful Priestess with great spiritual powers, but for some reason, little was passed onto me...pretty much all I can do is sense demonic auras and miasmas and a couple other things.” I was about to ask her another question when she held her hand up in front of my chest and put her finger on her lips. She kneeled on the ground silently and I followed, both of us quietly moving closer to the voices. I sat and listened, I heard a lot of jumbled men’s voices all talking at once, they were all men talking about something that had happened to their women. All of a sudden we heard a child call out to someone, “Daddy, where did he take Mommy?!” he sounded on the verge of tears. I winced and looked at Natsuko, who was fingering her katana and glaring at the ground. I tapped her shoulder and whispered in her ear, “What do you want to do?” She looked a little surprised then stood up and started walking toward the voices. I walked after her. I hope she knows what she’s doing... I thought those are all men and by the sound of it they’ve been deprived of their women for awhile. I walked faster to catch up to her and walk by her side.
Here's the animation of the day!!

Have a good day!!

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Pretty sad...

Hey guys. I don't think this'll be a long post but..yea. Well I'm just posting about tomarrow. Tomarrow is Saturday. My dog, Chariot, is being put to sleep. I kinda talked to Elve's but yea, she's 15 years old *ancient for a dog* She's been our dog since I was 1. *yes I'm the same age as her* So I've grown up w/ her. But she's too old now, she can't see or hear so all she has to go on is her sense of smell which leads her astray a lot...but yea, She also has BIG trouble going up and down stairs cuz of her arthritis...and we have 2 sets of stairs...this is so deppressing. I'm sorry to be so sad today but...yea. I don't think I'll be posting again till Monday. Yea, I know she's just a dog but still...*sigh*
Here's the animation of the day


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Monday, August 21, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Tired *even though the pic doesn't look very tired...oh well

Hello everyone!! ^^ I don't have much to talk about today, other than school...which starts tomarrow...I'm not excited. Well, I'm happy about being able to see my friends and all but the teachers and the not entice me. I'm not all that good at that kinda stuff...Oh well watcha gonna do?
I'm likin my cell a lot and I'm making a correction on myself, my entire plan has 3000 min. but my mom's only letting me personally have 50 a month so yea...better than nothing neh? I'm going to post another part of my manga and if you read the first part it's not too far back in my archives if you wanna read it.
Brush up-The girl at the beggining of the story controls the element of fire and meets up with the boy who controls water
Oh and the story changes perspective so...yea this part is the girl's perspective, the first part was the boy's perspective.
The boy, Water, was now transformed too, Darn! I thought, knowing all to well that water was my weakest point. He was now wearing a dark and light blue shirt with pants to match, with a blue, one shoulder shawl draping his right arm, he was holding water up in the air and watching it playfully. He’s messing with me! I thought, trying not to flinch. What does he want? We were standing there and I could feel the tension building, adrenaline was rushing through my veins, begging me to attack first. I tried to calm myself and harness the energy but my efforts were interrupted when he started laughing.
“What the...” I whispered and stared at the now hysterically laughing boy in front of me. He was trying to talk but he was laughing to hard so he got control of himself stood up and smiled at me. “Sorry,” he said, a laughing lilt in his voice, “tense moments have always amused me.” I felt myself smile and my guards drop a little. “I don’t wanna fight you,” He said still smiling, “and besides, I don’t think I would win.” I looked at him surprised, this was not how I had pictured my first meeting with another Elemental. “So what’s your real name?” He said, “Unless it really is Fire.” “It’s not.” I said with momentary annoyance, then said, “It’s Natsuko.” “Oh?” he said with an amused smile. “Well then, hello Natsuko, I’m Kiyoshi.” “Hi Kiyoshi.” I said with a small smile. I could tell that he would be tiring.
Well here's the animation of the day!!
*it's off theme but oh well*

Have a nice day!

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Pretty bored...

Well peoples, it's official...I'm getting ready for school. I just finished my school shopping but I have yet to go supply shopping. I'm kinda glad cuz I'll get to see my friends everyday agin, but I'm not excited for the homework. XP Oh well, whatcha gonna do...
In other news I just got a cell phone!! ^^ It's a T-mobile, camera flip phone!! I'm so happy!! hee hee I have unlimited text messaging but only 50 min. a month with 4 other people. I mean 4 people w/ only 50 min. a month?! Oh yea. The one class in school that I am excited for is buisness webpage design!! *srry I just randomly switched subjects hehe*
Well I feel like asking a question so..ummm what's a totally ridiculous fear you have? Mine is the pink elephants in Dumbo. They scare the crap outta me. Ever since I was little...I had forgotten how scary they were cuz the other day I was in my basement watching Dumbo *it was night* and when the pink elephant part was over I found myself huddled in a ball in a crevice of the couch, yea, those things scare me...I mean The Ring doesn't even scare me as much!! But oh well...
Here's the animation of the day!



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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Confuzled...*no pic today*
Hey guys! I havn't been able to post for a long time and srry this one's gonna be pretty short, but yea, I helped my friend Mijitsu organize her site and it did something to my site, now I can't find my code for 2 BGs. If any of you have a working one will you send it to me? My e-mail is I would really appreciate it ^^
I also got an MP3 player and that was cool, though my comp doesn't comply w/'s why Silove's lettin me use her's!! ^^ thanx Silove!
Well G2G so here's just a random animation of the day!


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