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I reject your reality and insert my own. xD
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None. and dang proud of it. xP
Real Name
Mrs. Eduard...whatever I decide his last name will be
Well I would like to say....but that would start a long winded discussion and thus, I will spare you
Anime Fan Since
When was anime invented?
Favorite Anime
Furuba, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Escaflowne, Cardcaptor Sakura, Scryed, DnAngel, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Teen Titans, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Chrono Crusade, Pretear, Tsubasa, Zodiac P.I, H
Become a manga-ku, or novelist or maybe a Human Geneticist!!!
Being amazingly alluring...among other things x3
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Duh!! Don't you read the title!! Excited!!
I am sooooo excited!! There's gonna be another anime convention here!! I didn't think there was but there is and I'm so excited!! Does anybody know where I could find some Uo *Fruits Basket* cosplay? That's who I wanna go as.
I'm still really excited for the sleepover at Refi's and the party at fullycrazy's too!! Oh by the way, if anyone wants to come to the party they can!! It's on Monday morning let's see I go by mnt. time so in my time it's from 8:00-10:00 a.m Srry if you can't tell differences beteween time zones...but I can't either...
So anyways I might be going to work in a Motel in Yellowstone with my friend Tesshnira for 75 bucks a week, free room, food and were gonna go places too!! I'm excited, though Silove doesn't want me to go and my mom's not quite sure yet, but I beleive I'm convincing her. ^^
As I said I would, here's the first part of my manga, it's really long so I'm just gonna give you the Proluge and some of the first chapter. Please tell me your honest opinions so I can improve!! *oh and to Yensid's question: I do have's just that I don't have a scanner so I can't put them up...T_T* Here ya go!!
For three centuries, ever since the greatest war, there has been a confusion of the elements and the rampaging of demons. So, created by the first Keeper of Balance, Etsuko, were six pendants to represent the six elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Dark and Light. Each of these pendants would be given to a guardian who will keep it as long as they choose.
The guardians organized the first sanctions of Samurai to keep order where they couldn’t be. There are two sections of Samurai. The first, the least powerful, are the physical Samurai, who can only use physical attacks. The second are Spirit Samurai, who can use physical attacks and spiritual attacks, spirit attacks are attacking the opponent with the mind, and using the mind to great lengths. This is commonly mistaken for ‘telekinesis’
“Why did you push me?!” demanded the little girl, now on the ground touching the bleeding scratch on her cheek. “You’re a girl, you don’t belong here so leave!!” said the little black-haired boy across the clearing, as he started walking away. “I have nowhere else to go...” the little girl whispered as she pushed herself up.
I woke up suddenly, but didn’t open my eyes. Why did I have that dream? I asked myself. I got up hearing the katana that had just been in my lap fall to the moss covered ground with a muffled thud. I put my hand on the giant tree I had been leaning on and sighed, “Oh, well..” I whispered to myself. I snapped to attention as I heard a sound behind me, I shifted my glance backwards and asked “Who’s there!?” a boy stepped out of the shadows smiling, “Who me?”
Chapter 1
Fire and Water
The girl I had snuck up was short, and blonde. I noticed briefly her orange eyes and long hair, but what I was focused on was the pendant on her neck that seemed to be flaming on her neck. She now knew what I was looking at as she noticed a similar pendant on my neck. “What do you want Water?” She said, glaring, I decided to have some fun. “Who said I wanted anything...Fire?” I said walking closer to her smiling bigger. She backed up a little then bent down and picked up the katana she had dropped when she woke up, fastening it too her belt. “Well, what are you here for then?” she asked and I could tell she was getting a little annoyed. Good, I thought, I can’t fight her, she’s a Samurai I wouldn’t win but if I distract her enough... “I’m not playing games with you.” she said interrupting my thoughts, her voice low “If you want my pendant you’ll have to take it from me.” With that she was engulfed in flames and when the flames died down she was wearing a flames on her shirt and pants with gold metal plates on her shoes. She’s not too bad looking... I thought to myself then she glared at me harder and flames sprang to life in her hands. I put my thoughts to my pendant and felt the ocean open up inside of me. It started overflowing and I felt like I was floating at the bottom of the ocean, to her I knew it must have looked like I was surrounded by a hurricane, but to me it felt wonderful. The transformation stopped and I looked at her, now in my Elemental form.
Here's the animation of the day!!

Have a good day!!

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am...I'm not sure so here's a picture of Ed!!

Hello all!! A lot is goin on these days on MyO! *and everywhere else hehe*
Well first of all there's the sleepover at Tiggerola's and I'm soooo excited!! ^^ hee Eyes Rutheford (sp?) and Shigure Sohma are the guests!! I can't wait! Then next...Monday, we're having a party at fullycrazy's and that's gonna be a lot of fun too! ^^ hee *that one's still being organized.
Then Me'n Silove are making a club called "The Chibi Assasins" with me the founder and Silove the co-founder, she's making banners right now so just tell me if you want one!!
Well, I've decided to start visiting everyone on my friends list cuz *I'm srry to say* that I have a way longer list than people I visit so I'ma start visitin everyone!!..on my friends list. hehe Oh, I have a question for you guys. What are you guys obbsessed with? Like with me it's that when I type, if I see any mistakes I have to correct them or it drives me crazy...
Oh, and *srry long post* Would anyone want to read the story of my manga? I'm typing it right now so if anyone wants to read it I'll put the first part in my next post.
Well here's the animation of the day!!

Have a good day!

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Monday, July 10, 2006
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Happy and soooo excited!! hee!

Alright, my family decided to cut the camping trip short and so we only stayed one night, that made me happy ^^ At the end of my post I'll tell a little camping story that was quite amusing.
I'm going to see Pirates 2 in about 4 hours!!! YAY!!! I'm sooo excited, I've heard that it's really good and Wil Turner's pretty hot, but alas my favorite is Captain Jack!! ^^ he's so funny hehe Ugh, right now my sisters are watching Princess Diaries 2 and it's really distracting...*grabs remote and chucks at T.V.* Now that's taken care of!! J/K Well I'm hoping to wear my brothers Naruto headband to watch the movie but I'm not sure he'll let me...oh well I may just have to keif it right from under his nose!! MWAHAHAHA!! XD tee hee!
Well here's my camping story ^^
I was sitting by the fire and my Uncle's and grandpa and the old people were telling bear stories and the little kids were gettin freaked out, then the lights went out and a growl came out of the trees almost everyone but me freaked out *and a reason I didn't freak out was cuz I recognized it as my brother's voice* hehe NeWays, the oldies had run out of bear stories so I got up and warned them all of the imfamous "Hill Gnomes" it didn't help the little kids calm down that we were surrounded by giant hills and that right in the middle of my story came the loudest growl hahaha ^^ Well my sister screamed and all the little kids started to freak. hehe It was so funny...
Well that was my here's the animation of the day!!

Have a good day!!

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Friday, July 7, 2006
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Pretty happy/'s weird ok! XO

Oh my frikin goodness!! >.< We are leaving AGAIN!! it's sooo frikin retarded!! grrr...
But like I said, I'm also happy because I like the way my site turned out. I think it looks nice ^^ What do you guys think? *Be honest dangit.*
NeWays, I haven't told you guys a story in awhile so here's a funny one that happened to me today. I was at the store buying chips for my mom cuz she didn't wanna go in the store and she had to buy chips for my dad...*confuzling...* Well I had just..kinda got myself wet with the hose so my upper torso *almost to my bellybutton* was soaked and my upper...lower part of my body? O.o was soaked so I walked into the store and I didn't get a cart so I went to the chip aisle and I was supposed to get 4 bags of chips so I grab the bags and I have to stack them in my arms this *pic below*
and trust's a lot more difficult than I so...graciously make it look.
Well then all of a sudden I realized how funny I must look to everyone else and I laughed. and I laughed and I laughed. *and I have a somewhat...evil? sounding laugh, at least that's what Silove and Mijitsu say* Well these two people behind me looked at me like I had just lost my mind. It was quite amusing ^^
Well that's my fun little story of the day!! ^^ Now it's time for the animation of the day!

Have a good day!!

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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am...: *sighs* Bored...

All right...I know I've said this before but now I'm back again! ^^ So NeWays, srry I havn't been able to get to everyone's sites as quickly lately...I'm so dang busy I don't even have time for karate...but yea. NeWays, I'm SOOOOOOOOO bored. Tesshnira and Duvessa (a.k.a- Kogaz my luver) are both in Yellowstone working for Tesshnira's uncle...and Silove and Mijitsu are either almost as busy as I am or not calling me!! >.< *sigh* Oh well...I'd rather be bored than in school!! hehe Well, something I guess I'll tell you...hmm *thinks* I like to jump on my tramp ^^ and right now I'm bouncing around because it's raining really hard and I wanna go out in the rain. Another thing about me, I like rain, hehe the perfect day for me is either: rainy, windy or overcast. I just like those days What about all of you? Well...I wanna put my friends' buttons on my site so give me the URLs to your buttons!!
Oh and before I go, Tiggerola had a contesty thingy on her site and I won so she made me this banner!! ^^ *woot!*

Here's the animation of the day!!

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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
Currently I am: Feeling a bit sad...*sigh*

Hey guys *sigh* I'm leaving for YellowStone sooner than I thought. I'm leaving tomarrow at 8:00 a.m so I'm re-doing my site again as Wolf's Rain ^^ Well I'd like to thank a lot of people that've helped me a lot lately and/or just been awsome!! ^^ Well there's Hiroko2nd who has given me some very helpful codes!! Thanks!! and now to Refi!! I LOVE YOU REFI!!!! *she brings Kyo to my site all the time hee hee ^^* and now for my friend Naxir my friend who just joined who WILL NOT SIGN MY GB!!! *goes after Naxir w/ flamethrower* J/K
Well I'm gonna miss you guys and I hope you like my new theme!!
Here's the animation of the day!!!

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Sunday, June 25, 2006
Backroom LogOut Portfolio Guestbook Quiz Results
"Currently I am: in a mood

Hello guys!! I'm back and as you can see I've changed my theme yet again. This time it's the Brothers from the big brother contest featured above. hehe I think that's so funny
Well, I'm back for now and I'm SOO glad!! ^^ I've been everywhere these last weeks. But alas I'm not gonna be here too long cuz I'm going to Yellowstone on Thursday or Friday. Talk about no rest for the weary!! Sheesh! ^ ^
*sigh* I also hurt my arm pretty bad. What happened was I was wrestling with my sis (Inu-rox) and I tackled her, but I could see that we were going to fall to hard and it would have hurt her really bad. So I stuck my arm out to brace the fall and my elbow bent IN toward my ribs. It hurt like @#ck for like 30 min. and it still hurts pretty badly, especially with me typing...ugh I think it might be fractured (which would SUCK!!) but my mom says it's only sprained. Either way, it's wrapped up and it itches. Oh and something funny that happened today was I was sitting in church when I looked down at my arm. It was swelling and turning purple. I was shocked for a second then walked out and found my dad who re-wraped it and it got better.
Here's the animation of the day!! Oh and today there's 2.
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Monday, June 19, 2006
Right now I am: Tired and in the mood to see Kyo ^^

All right, I have to make this quick srry ^^; I'm again going on vacation and I'll be gone for 5 days!! Sooooo sorry!! I think there might be a comp where I'm staying though so...we'll see. Sorry this had to be so short!!
Here's the animation of the day!!

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Monday, June 12, 2006
Hey guys!! I'm back!!
Currently I am: Not supposed to be on MyO ^^; hehe
I just like this pic ^^
Hey look!! I got a portable Name translator hehe ^^ Fun...
NeWays, as you can see I'm back and I've got some goodish news, my dad did decide to come with us on vacation. But he had to drive and decided to gripe about us being loud and stuff so the drive there wasn't the funnest thing ever but having my dad there was a lot of fun. We went to see some plays and his comments always crack me up ^^ he's so funny. but yea there was no computers at the condo so I couldn't update till now and I'm not even supposed to be doing that right now hehe Oh well!! It's great to be back and I hope you enjoy the translator!!
Here's the animation of the day!!

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Monday, June 5, 2006
See ya guys!!
Currently I this kinda mood: 
Yea, well guys, I've changed to an Inuyasha summer/eating theme hehe ^^ Hope you likey!! I'm also posting to tell you I'm going on vacation for about 5 days and I may not see you ^^; unless there's a comp at the condo, I hope so!!
I think we're gonna have fun though...though my day says he's not mom made him mad and I think this is his type of...childish revenge? I guess so...he's been on a short fuse latley...*sigh* Oh, well whatcha gonna do?
I hope to see you all agin soon!!
Here's the animation of the day!!

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