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I reject your reality and insert my own. xD
Member Since
None. and dang proud of it. xP
Real Name
Mrs. Eduard...whatever I decide his last name will be
Well I would like to say....but that would start a long winded discussion and thus, I will spare you
Anime Fan Since
When was anime invented?
Favorite Anime
Furuba, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Escaflowne, Cardcaptor Sakura, Scryed, DnAngel, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Teen Titans, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Chrono Crusade, Pretear, Tsubasa, Zodiac P.I, H
Become a manga-ku, or novelist or maybe a Human Geneticist!!!
Being amazingly alluring...among other things x3
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Currently I am: Bored and Confused

Hello! All right, I don't want to sound...I dunno weird but where did everyone go? Like I've waited for a week and only got 5 comments when I usually get 10 in 3 days...I don't wanna sound...I dunno it's just I miss you guys...
Well I guess what's done is done eh? Oh well, so how are those of you that are here? I'm ok, I have a C+ in math right now and my mom and dad are freakin out at me to get it sux but yea...I'll live. So we're gonna have a dance tomarrow at school and I'm going but *no offense to any guys* I don't want any retardo fag guys coming up and ruining it for me. They've done the last few dances I went to and I'm kinda apprehensive... but after that us 9th graders are going to lagoon and we only have to pay 18$ for it, I'm gonna stay ALL day, from morning till 10:00 at night!! It's gonna be a lot of fun cause Silove, Tesshnira and Mijitsu are gonna be there, Kogaz my luver can't be there cause her parents are restricting her cause of her grades. ^^'
What fun is going on with all of you? Either way, here's the animation of the day!!

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Friday, May 26, 2006
Currently I am: Happy ^^

Sorry you guys!! I haven't been able to visit very much because it's been a REALLY busy week @ school. We had like 3 different, GIANT assignments due that counted a lot for my grade and, being me, I procrastinated till the very end and finished the last big assignment due about 1/2 an hour before school. hehe ^^ oh and everyone go thank Silent Love for letting me use her prisma color pencils!! They rocked!! ^-^
Well as you can see I've now dedicated my site to my favorite Kingdom Hearts Bishie...SORA!!! *woot!* I love Sora, he's so hot tee hee
I'm in the mood to ask a question so...
Who do you think would win a fight, Namine or Kairi ?

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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Currently I am: Airhead happy

Yup it's happened agin, I changed my site and yes it's FullMetal again!! The reason for this change is I just got some awsome pictures and I'm putting 2-3 up a day they're so funny!! Oh, here's one now eh? It's my kitten!! HAHAHA!!

This rox!! and there are lot's more!! Tomarrow's is gonna be Al Kitty!!! hee hee!
Well by the way, it was my sis's B-day today so...I'm plum-tuckered out hehe that's fun to say ^^
Here's the animation of the day!!

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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Currently I am: Kinda tired but...airhead happy

All right...Well srry bout the weird title, I don't know what really I'm gonna talk about so I don't really know what to call this hehe friends are so weird...well most of them. Well at lunch everyone likes to stare at us for some reason....Ok we're REALLY loud. hehe The other day a bunch of chearleaders were at the table next to us and they were laughing their heads off cuz we kept singing our "Ninja song" and they thought it was hilarious.
Also the other day this girl we don't even know turned around and yelled "SHUT UP!!" So me and Tesshnira turned around and screamed and her friend started laughing, she just turned around and hasn't said anything since...
Well....not much more to say..I just wanna say thanx to Yensid for reading a story I sent to her ^^ Well here's the animation of the day!!

All right, have a nice day
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
It actually worked!
Currently I am: Really, REALLY happy ^^

Yesssss!! I just redid my site (again) as you can probably see and the theme is Hana, Tohru and Uo, the best friends of Fruits Basket! NeWays I finally got my hands on the post background code and it actually worked! Usually my luck is that it just doesn't hehe ^^ I so happy.
Well that was my major accomplishment of the day...and it's 5:30 hahaha Oh and that is thanx to Night shade2 THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!
Well now I'm really happy and tired and I've got a strange headache for some reason haha
Other than that nothin much is goin on...Oh! Ummm As you might be able to tell...I made this Tohru, Hana and Uo BG and I'm uploading it so I would like some comments...I know it's not really good cuz all I have is paint but I think it's ok for my first on eh?
Oh, and I want to give random points of the day! All right these random points of the day go to Silove! She just called me up and the first thing she said was "Riku is the one I love!" and then started off on something completly different and off subject. It was pretty funny ^^
Here's the animation of the day!

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Friday, May 12, 2006
Currently I am: Tired

Ah school, of "supposed" learning. It sux eh? Well I'm in choir all right, and almost no one is working AT ALL!! I'm an alto and my folder partner who is also (supposedly) alto, WILL NOT SING ALTO!! No matter how loud I sing the alto part in her ear (and just ask Silove, it's REALLY hard to ignore me) or show her the parts where she messed up. (Which is the whole song!) She still is constantly singing saprano! Ugh...
Ok srry bout that but the whole reason I started talking about choir was really cuz I'm singing a really cool song...I just kinda got off the subject hehe ^^ Well the song I like is called "Heart We Will Forget Him" and it's really cool the lyrics are:
Heart, we will forget him.
You and I tonight,
you may forget the warmpth he gave,
I will forget the light.
and it goes on to say how she's trying to forget this guy and the very last words are
I remember him, Heart
It's a very haunting song and it's kinda sad but I like it.
Well that's pretty much it for now but...I'll be back O' course!! ^^
Here's the animation of the day!!

I guess I'm just in a cute mood hahaha! ^^
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Currently I am: Happily content ^^

Last time my mom let me on I guess it was only for a day soooo yea, srry bout that hehe *bows* NeWay, I really am back on now cause I got my grades up!! Yeeesssss!! Success!! tee hee!! Now I've just gotta visit like crazy and I really am sorry!! I hope everyone hasn't deleted me cause that would suck TT_TT
Well as you can see I've now changed my theme. This one is Final Fantasy X-2 yes, that is ten-two meaning it's the sequel to Final Fantasy X (10) but's cool and OMGosh!! Sora is hot!! ^//////^ I LOVE Sora!! He rox!! *coughs* Srry I had to get that outta my sysetem hehe
So yea I appreaciate anyone and everyone who might have waited for me to come back, Thank you!! *bows to you* it's time to visit!
Oh, here's the animation of the day-

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Saturday, April 15, 2006
Currently I am: So happy I could die!! ^-^

OMGosh!! my mom FINALLY let me on!! Yay!! I had to suck up majorly and do a lot of housework but it was sooooo worth it!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!! Agh!! I'm so happy I could scream!! NeWays, I really am sorry I haven't been able to visit and I'm gonna visit like CRAZY!!! Well, G2G!!
Here's the animation of the day!!

Comments (11) |
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Currently I am: Angry.

OMgosh, this sux butt! My mom's "kicking me off the computer for my own good" it sux >.< Bleh!
So I'm sorry but I might not be seeing you guys for awhile...please don't delete me TT_TT I'll hurry as fast as I can to bring up my grades and talk to all of you agin!! TT_TT This is like...depressing....well, I might sneak on anyway so watch out for me ^^; Other than that I don't got much to talk about srry...any one wanna give me suggestions on how to make my site...well better? I'm up for anything!!
Vote for the display bishie!!
Train (Black cat)
Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Sauske Uchiha (Naruto
Here's the animation of the day!!

Have a nice day!!...I know I won't T_T
Comments (9) |
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Currently I'm feeling: A little bored, tired.

NeWay, how are all of you? So....once again I have changed my site theme hehe ^^ this one's "Kawaii Angels" I just think it's fun. Well I'm really happy as well as bored cause my friend that I thought was leaving isn't!! Yay!! Do any of you know Cia-chan? Well she said she was leaving but it was a complicated situation so she wasn't actually leaving, she just got a new site!! I so happy!! Well her new name is Minamoto Botan. I think she still has both sites active 4 awhile so you can visit either or both!! ^-^ Well now I don't have much to say so I'll make a banner for Cia!!

Yay!! I'm soooo glad she's back on!!
Well here's the animation of the day!!

And don't forget to vote for the display bishie!!
Sauske Uchiha (Naruto)
Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Train (Black cat)
Currently the vote is:
Tied for the lead Train and Yuki w/ 3 votes each, and in last Sauske w/ 1 vote
Thanx for coming!! ^-^
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