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myOtaku.com: Kyo krazy

Friday, May 12, 2006

The ultamite torture device....school
glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics

Currently I am: Tired

Ah school, the...uh...place of "supposed" learning. It sux eh? Well I'm in choir all right, and almost no one is working AT ALL!! I'm an alto and my folder partner who is also (supposedly) alto, WILL NOT SING ALTO!! No matter how loud I sing the alto part in her ear (and just ask Silove, it's REALLY hard to ignore me) or show her the parts where she messed up. (Which is the whole song!) She still is constantly singing saprano! Ugh...

Ok srry bout that but the whole reason I started talking about choir was really cuz I'm singing a really cool song...I just kinda got off the subject hehe ^^ Well the song I like is called "Heart We Will Forget Him" and it's really cool the lyrics are:

Heart, we will forget him.
You and I tonight,
you may forget the warmpth he gave,
I will forget the light.

and it goes on to say how she's trying to forget this guy and the very last words are

I remember him, Heart

It's a very haunting song and it's kinda sad but I like it.

Well that's pretty much it for now but...I'll be back O' course!! ^^

Here's the animation of the day!!

glitter graphics

I guess I'm just in a cute mood hahaha! ^^

glitter graphics

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