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myOtaku.com: Kyo krazy

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics

Currently I am: Bored and Confused

Hello! All right, I don't want to sound...I dunno weird but where did everyone go? Like I've waited for a week and only got 5 comments when I usually get 10 in 3 days...I don't wanna sound...I dunno it's just I miss you guys...

Well I guess what's done is done eh? Oh well, so how are those of you that are here? I'm ok, I have a C+ in math right now and my mom and dad are freakin out at me to get it up...it sux but yea...I'll live. So we're gonna have a dance tomarrow at school and I'm going but *no offense to any guys* I don't want any retardo fag guys coming up and ruining it for me. They've done the last few dances I went to and I'm kinda apprehensive... but after that us 9th graders are going to lagoon and we only have to pay 18$ for it, I'm gonna stay ALL day, from morning till 10:00 at night!! It's gonna be a lot of fun cause Silove, Tesshnira and Mijitsu are gonna be there, Kogaz my luver can't be there cause her parents are restricting her cause of her grades. ^^'

What fun is going on with all of you? Either way, here's the animation of the day!!

glitter graphics

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