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I reject your reality and insert my own. xD
Member Since
None. and dang proud of it. xP
Real Name
Mrs. Eduard...whatever I decide his last name will be
Well I would like to say....but that would start a long winded discussion and thus, I will spare you
Anime Fan Since
When was anime invented?
Favorite Anime
Furuba, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Escaflowne, Cardcaptor Sakura, Scryed, DnAngel, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Teen Titans, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Chrono Crusade, Pretear, Tsubasa, Zodiac P.I, H
Become a manga-ku, or novelist or maybe a Human Geneticist!!!
Being amazingly alluring...among other things x3
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/01/06:
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Itachi Uchiha!
Likes: Nothing
Dislikes: Everyone
Owner: Kyo Krazy
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi! |
Result Posted on 08/13/06:

What Organization XIII member are you? Find out Here!
Result Posted on 07/14/06:
What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Griffin: The Griffin stands for Freedom. You have the kind of soul that can't be brought down to retraints, and will always escape to find a happier place. Strengths: Always energetic and looking for some fun, the Griffin seeks to live an exciting life. Sometimes you just want to fly away from the world itself to seek something more exhilerating to endure and experience. Often friendly, the Griffin is usually the one who is the center of attention, always looking to give a good laugh and help others. Flip Side: When love calls to the heart of this freedom seeking bird, sometimes its hard to pin it down. You don't like being caged, whether it be a relationship or inside your own house, it can merely drive you insane! The Griffin is also known to become carried away, and can also turn sour to other people on bad days. Congratulations! You have a Griffin inside! pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/13/06:

Which KH2 Main Character are you like? Find out Here!
Result Posted on 07/13/06:

Which world do you belong in? Find out Here!
Result Posted on 06/04/06:
He's so hot. ^///^
Result Posted on 06/04/06:
Yup that's pretty much me hehe ^^
Result Posted on 06/03/06:
What does your evil twin look like? (girls only)(With anime pics and hilarious results!)
Result Posted on 05/28/06:
Horoscopes (girls only, anime pics)
 LeoElement: FirePlanet: sunQuote: I willColors: orangegood: Proud, sincere, confidentBad: vain, childish, cruelCommunication will be the key to popularity. Your ideas will be well received and you can be in the spotlight if you take charge and make arrangements for yourself as well as for others.Generous and warmheartedCreative and enthusiasticBroad-minded and expansiveFaithful and lovingbut...Pompous and patronizingBossy and interferingDogmatic and intolerant Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/02/06:
that looks frikin cool
Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have?
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