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At my computer, wondering why you care where I live.
Member Since
Uber-Mega-Fangirl of: KAKASHI!!, Deidara, Kimimaro, KYO!!, Roy Mustang, Ed Elric (kinda), and Sanctus Real; Ninja; Alchemist; Sophomore.
Real Name
Samantha. But please call me Sam.
Having uber-sweet friends, making it to high school, writing an entire fanfiction, reading the first 6 Harry Potter books over 17 times, knowing the words to every Sanctus Real song, and having a 4.0 GPA.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Naruto, xxxHolic, AIR, Azumanga Daioh, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bobobo-bo-bobobo (don't laugh that anime's hilarious!), Inuyasha, Bleach, Death Note, Ouran High School Host Club, Megatokyo (well it's only manga but whatever), Haruhi Suzumiya
Graduate from high school, watch more anime, finish my KakaRin fanfic, keep the awesome friends I already have, and make it to Otaku Legend, and I want to go to Japan.
Writing fanfics, reading (manga and regular books), watching anime, doing homework (is that really a hobby?? o.O), hanging out with my friends
Erm...I'm a good writer, I guess. I'm pretty book-smart...and I make people laugh a lot. But not always on purpose...XD lol.
| Kyofanatic13
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!!! ^^
Hello everyone!! Happy Valentine's Day! And in honor of this holiday there is a very cool pic:

Isn't it adorable?! I love Kisa's dress. ^^ See ya!
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I finally figured it out!!! I hope you all like my song!! I hope you think of Tohru and Yuki and Kyo when you hear it!!! ^^ And please commment if you have to press the play button on it!!! I wanna make it automatic, but it might just be my computer...(cause I have to press play) So tell me or just say if you like the song!! ^^
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2 more peeps!!
I just added 2 more people to my sites thingy...SKAsam and Zodiac Ninja. ^^ Woo-hoo!! Ah, I've been on here forever...I have nothing better to do...*sighs* But I hope you like my new bg, I love it!! I'm not particularly in love with Yun-yun, but I do like it a lot!!! ^^
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About my Sites You Should Visit!!!
Now, as you can see on my profile, I've chosen 11 people!! THE ORDER THEY ARE IN DOES NOT MATTER!!!! ORDER DOESN'T MATTER!!! I just numbered them to make it look more organized. ^^ Again, these are the people I talk to the most, or comment the most on my site. If you comment or whatever enough, your time will earn you a place on my profile!! ^^ Although, that character minimum is ticking me off. I was going to put more people, but I think I'll just have to make my profile shorter. =[ Oh well. Or maybe I'll just tell you when someone's been added in my posts. I think I'll just make it shorter...Anyways. Every single person on my Friends list on the bottom of my site is my friend! I AM NOT SINGLING PEOPLE OUT!!! This is not to make you feel bad. It's a reward for taking the time to comment and stuff. ^^ But, even if you're not on the list, I still like you a lot, kay? ^^ See ya!
Ps. Visit the sites I listed if you're not one of them. Maybe you'll make new friends! ^^
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Monday, February 12, 2007
I am decided!!! ^^
I have decided who I am going to put on the list...But I'm going to wait till I change my layout to Yun-yun, I think. ^^ So you'll have to wait! Anyways...I have some questions about YOUR Valentine's Day!
1. Are you gonna make valentines for your friends? Or a special someone? *grins*
2. Are you in love this Valentine's Day? I hope you are-I'm not! *sighs* Oh well! See ya!
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I have made a decision!! (Hehehe)
Ok, I've decided to make a list of "cool sites" on my site...Now, before you all get angry, I mean the people I talk to the most (Emiko, Shika, Jaguar, Jaden, Riku, etc.) A the people that comment the most on my site! Therefore, I am promoting your site if it's on there! So I'm doing you all some good! ^^ Yay me! Because I am nice and don't really care if my site is popular or not...(Really, I don't!) I just thought it would be kinda cool. I think I'll do a poll...Nah, maybe not. Oh well! =] I haven't decided yet, so please just wait!! Adios! ^^
Ps. If you have comments regarding my decision, of if you dont' want me to put your site on here, then just pm me if you want! ^^
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
Gaara is disgusting!!!
Ewwwww, Gaara was so repulsive in that episode!! I hated it!!! =[ I mean, not the episode, but Gaara. To all you Gaara fans, I'm sorry, I apologize. But that true form thing was pretty gross. I wonder how Sasuke will beat him?! And I hope the Beetle Dude doesn't die. (That's what I call him, since I can never remember his name.) And I was laughing so hard when Naruto ran into that tree...I have a really lame sense of humor, so yeah. But I know everything will turn out well for everyone! I just hope Lord Hogake gets Orochimaru's soul out before he dies...Because, alas, it is inevitable that Hogake will die. *tear* I'll miss him. But I know who's the next hogake!!! Yay me!! But I'm not telling you!! *evil laugh* Bye!
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I just got a load of new avatars!
Ah, I love avatars, they're so fun to look for! I just got a million Furuba ones...But I'm going to wait to use them! I'm going to make Yun-yun my theme next...I have loads of avis for him! Go Yuki! ^^
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Friday, February 9, 2007
Hello, ya'll!!!! Like it?!? My site has been Momiji-tized!!! Yay! And I have a new avi too...Isn't it cute!? Hope you like it!!! Now all I need is a Momiji-ish song...Grrr!!! ^^ Bye!
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Does anyone know how to do this?!
Can anyone tell me how to put a song from imeem on my site? It won't let me do it whenever I try!!! Just comment if you do. ^^ Thanks!
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