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myOtaku.com: kyokatz

Sunday, April 23, 2006

   Survey Thingy
heya! i stole this off of Master Hiko's site. Thankyou Master Hiko!

About Yourself
The 411...
First name::Rebecca
Middle name::Evelyn
Like your name?:yes
Named after anyone?:my great grandma Evelyn
Nicknames::stre-beck (don't ask...long story)becca, becky
Current location::sitting at the computer
Height::5 foot, 7 inches
Like your height?:it has it's advantages
Eye color::brown
Contacts/glasses?:i'm supposed to wear them...but..i don't
Hair color::brown
Natural hair color::i don't intend to dye my hair
Righty or lefty?:righty
Your Favorite...
Type of music::hard rock, or metal
Band or singer::Evanecsence, System of a Down, Queen
T.V. show:FMA
Movie::Forrest Gump
T.V. channel::Cartoon Network
Radio station::105.3
Place to be::away from aloness, or with a lot of people
Thing to do::watch tv or read, or play video games
Food::chiken enchiladas
Non-alcoholic drink::Shirly Temple
Alcoholic drink::Wine
Place to shop::mall
Actor::Orlando Bloom, or Johnny Depp
Actress::Dakota Fanning
Scent::blooming flowes in springtime
Restaurant::5 and diners
Fast-food place::Burger King
Pizza topping::sausage
Ice cream::fudge
This or That...
Chocolate or Vanilla::chocolate
Pepsi or Coke::coke
Hot or Cold::cold (not too cold)
Black or White::white
Dog or Cat::cat
Morning or Night::morning
Cars or Trucks::cars
City-life or Country-life::city-life
French Toast or Pancakes::french toast
French Fries or Onion Rings::french fries
Hamburger or Hotdog::hamburger
Pepperoni or Sausage::sausage
Britney or Jessica::neither
Boxers or Briefs::what?
McDonalds or Burger King::Burger King
Thanksgiving or Easter::Easter
Canada or Mexico::Mexico
Hugs or Kisses::hugs
Giving or Receiving::ermmmmmmm
Movies or T.V.::movies
Truth or Dare::dare
Do You...
Shower daily?:yes
Sing in the shower?:yes
Collect anything?:yes
Have any pets?:yes
Like to sing?:yes
Like to dance?:sort of
Go to church?:sometimes
Like to read?:yes
Go hunting?:no
Like rollercoasters?:yes
Like to swim?:yes
Get sick often?:yes
Talk to yourself?:how did you find out
Believe in yourself?:yes
Play an instrument?:no
Like any weird foods?:can't think of anything
Have any phobias?:yes
Live alone?:no
Like the snow?:yes
Want to get married?:yes
Want kids?:yes
Think you're trustworthy?:yes
Think you're funny?:yes
Believe in ghosts?:yes
Believe in fate?:yes
Believe in Santa?:no
Own a blender?:yes
Do drugs?:no
Wash your hands frequently?:yes
Brush your teeth often?:yes
Laugh often?:yes
Get along with your parents?:most of the time
Get along with your siblings?:mostly
Like to drive?:still underage
Like surprises?:yes
Have You Ever...
Toilet-papered a house?:yes
Gone garbage tipping?:no
Broken the law?:no
Been arrested?:no
Been out of the country?:once when I was a baby
Made out with a stranger?:no
Been in love?:yes
Caught a fish?:no
Hit a deer?:no
Had a bloody nose?:yes
Had surgery?:no
Been beaten up?:no
Beaten someone up?:no
Been up a mountain?:no
Been rootin'?:no
The Last...
Thing you ate::turkey sandwitch
Person that called you::my grandma
Person that you called::Phantomstep
Time you got drunk::never
Place you got drunk::never
Person you watched a movie with::my bro and my sis
Person you went shopping with::can't remember
Person you hugged::my sister's prom date
Person you talked to online::Kyolover
Person you dated::it's a long, sad story
Stupid thing you did::i don't know
Concert you went to::never
Present you received::a digital camera
Random Questions...
Your parents' names::none of your buisness
Your siblings' names::none of your buisness
Do you live in the moment?:i think so
Your favorite childhood memory::halloween in kindergarten
Would you change your name?:no
What do you like about your family?:very loving
Are your parents divorced?:no
Do you consider yourself tolerant?:what?
The best advice you've been given::be yourself
Your favorite inside joke::don't know
How does your hair look?:very messed up
Ever killed an animal?:no
Your biggest fear::spiders or the dark
Are you passive or agressive?:aggresive
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:no
Your bedtime::none
The book you are reading::Inkspell
What's on your mousepad?:the Adelphia logo
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:DN ANGEL, FRUITS BASKET, AND THE COMICS I WRITE
Can you speak any foreign languages?:no
Are you a smartass?:no
The most important lesson you've learned in life::can't remember
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