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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
School sucks!
I don't know about you but I think school sucks! It's so stupid! We don't have school today just because our basketball girls went to state. Duh! That to me is just so stupid! Anyway...
Yesterday... this guy I really like, James (who's also just a friend), really hurt me. I was wearing my TEC shirt and it really hurt me to hear him talking about difiling God and how he hates Jesus. That just really hurt... but at least I know now that it really wouldn't work. If but some chance pigs began to fly and he asked me out. Anyway yesterday was just a normal day. Ignored by friends most of the day.
Anyway today was ok. I'm in charge of making dinner tonight and have no idea what to make. My mom just decided on the sper of the momment last night that I would make supper. Wish me luck.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
I'm sick... again... for the the 100th time this year! >.< I hate being sick!
But waht I really hate the most is friends being mad at me for no good reason! I mean I know I can be annoying but all they have to do is tell me that and I'll quit whatever I'm doing to annoy them. Instead they're being REALLY immature and not talking to me. As far as I know the only reason why they're mad is because I annoyed sometiems. Is that a stupid reason or what?!?! *sigh* I guess I'm just cursed with losing friends. This is all for today...
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Monday, February 28, 2005
I guess I can't complain today. It's been pretty desent. I made a new friend! ^^ I'm so happy!
I have a vocal concert night.^^ Should be fun... but long! Oh well. Mmm... let's see... I guess that's all for today. ^^ Come back soon for updates! ^^
Luv Alwayz
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Need Manga!
If anyone has a site that has manga/anime to read on it please tell me! I'm diein' here! I need manga! But sadly I have no money. I'm just in a real manga/anime need! Need manga! I had a site but I lost it. So if anyone knows of a site that yuou can read manga off of please tell me! I know nobody really reads this but I hope somebody does! I'm gonna cry if I can't find a manga to read.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
They say time heals all wounds. So how long do I have to wait? I know I'm just being selfish in my stupid childish problems. And I shouldn't get all depressed about it but I do. To me... it's important. I know other people have it far worse then me but still...
God put people on the earth not to be loners but to be a sosiety. To co-exsit and live with each other. But then why do we have to be so cruel to each other. Why do people have to leave you? Why do friends just decide they don't want to be your friend anymore? Why must people push other people away? I just wish I knew what his plan is for me. Or if I'm just wasting my time living.
I need help. I know that. I feel like I'm drowning. And everyone is on the sidelines watching... not helping. Will someone... ANYONE help me?
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Best Friends
Well I guess I'm feeling a little better now after the weekend. Sure still my net friends don't talk to me. People at school don't talk to me. But I got to see my best friend yesterday! She lives about an hour away at my old school. I was so happy to see her again! It had been a long while. I also got to meet her boyfriend (who I actually remembered from 4 years ago)and he's friend. I miss my friend SO much! I can't wait till I move back this summer. Seeing her and old friends just brighten be up, warm up my soul, and make me happy again. ^^ (That last line was kinda cheezy huh? >.<) Well...
Luv Alwayz
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Friday, February 18, 2005
My heart is breaking. It hurts so much. I hurt... I don't know how much more I can take. I have no friends. People treat me like I'm reatarded and worthless. Even my friends on the net hate me now. Am I really that annoying? Do I really have that bad of personality. Why am I curse so? I'm a nice person. Really I am. So why must everyone hate me? Why must my friends ignore me? And leave me? Why must I push everyone away? Why must everyone I love leave me? Why?
My heart is breaking. It hurts so much. I hurt... I don't know how much more I can take. Please someone just kill me now. I just... don't feel like living anymore right now. Please someone just kill me now...
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Bad days
>.< I had another bad day. I suppose it really wouldn't matter but it's gettign worse. I'm getting depressed again. People at school treat me like I'm stupid and worthless. But I don't want to whine or complain to anyway.
Good news is I'm getting a new mattress and I'm going to stay in a hotel this weekend! I'm so excited! ^^
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Friday, February 11, 2005
I finally stop being so lazy and actually got to work on this site. I updated, Yay! Are you proud of me? Not that anyone as has seen it but hey, it's still funto do one! ^^
Need a friend? I'd love to be PMed! ^^
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