Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Sooo bored
I'm sad.. Above my eye is red and crusty. It hurts. Enough of that. I'm bored because my school is so strict about blocking sites. More than my old school was. So, this post is made out of boredom. Wow... I hate school. The other anime site, theanimeasylum, that I go on is now blocked on the schools computer. It wasn't like that two days ago. Did I mention keyboarding is boring? Well, it is. I need some entertainment... Entertainment please? Anyone? Eh.. I can't think of anything else.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
 Light Angel. You believe that everything is equal.
You are very kind almost to kind. You will do
anything to help out, and can be a bit to
trusting. Dont let people take advantage of
you. There needs to be more people like you.
The job you would be best at is a nurse or
someone who helps the elderly because you get
to help people.
What Angel Will You Be? (Anime pics and detailed results) Updated brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
THIS WAY UP á | Kyoko-kun has fragile contents which may break! |
From Go-Quiz.com
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Monday, January 23, 2006
New animes I got
I bought and got animes for gifts over christmas I mention that in the other I made I thought I'd give more details on that. For gifts I got Count of mounty cristo (Ma I do not know how to spell that)Samurai Champloo the 4 or 5th volume I can't remember and Le portrait de potite Cosete tranlation the Portrait of little Cosete. For stuff I bought with my christmas money I got The cowboy bebop movie. I might have forgotten some of them I'm not sure.
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Monday, January 9, 2006
I'm full of self lothing and anime plushies
I feel bad caus I freaked out anout Puppydogs post she made and because I lost someone's work sheet... Anyway I've gotten a few new animes.
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