HELLO!!sorry i havent posted in awhile.i havent realy had the time to^^;.so what is everyone up to?!how r u guys??anything new happing to u?well ive been good^^!having a great time in school with meh friends!ill start off with Tuseday!^^!
Tuseday-we were in class and we didnt have any chairs!!it was so cool!!alot of people were talking cuz the teacher couldnt see them cuz we were all on the floor!ya it was realy funnny!^^and then Blain(ya i dont realy know how to spell his name)kept telling me that Garyison liked me and it was getting annoying!!ya...it was stupid....
Wednesday-oki so i dont realy what happend int h last couple of days...my mind is blank...lol.well anyway.we had to move seats and it was so funny!i felt sorry for Lacey cuz she had to sit next to Garyison...lol!!it was so funny!yet sad.so now i actualy site right by her!so thats cool!^^but Garyison cept buging us!he cept fleing paper at us with this ruber band.it hurt!!and when we were in the hallway geting our chairs he cept hitting me with the stuoid paper!!it was anoyying..the we went to our Language class and i had to sit next to Max..it was funny!he wouldnt stop talking but it was cool.he cept getting in trouble and got movd to the front of the class(we usualy sit in the back..and he said i love you and ur my best friend and stuff which was funny!and he said something to Lacey but im not going to say..but it was funny!^^.then at the end of the day Blain and his friend Nick(which happend to be my best friends brother)and he was annoying!and then Blain was singing When September Ends(by Green Day)and i was chasing him around and stuff it was funny!and the i left from school..and Nick yelled out when i was in my car talking to me it was so stupid...
Thurseday-today we were in class and Garyison wouldnt shutup!!he just cept talking and got moved to the front of the class like 5 times..its pathetic..then he cept calling me Emy!i think its realy weird when guys call me that..it realy scary.then after we came back from lunch he called me Emy again and i said"oki!so u want to call me Emy,then fine!i dont care.ill just call u Gary!"and he just stared at me like OMG!don t call me that plz!!lol it was all good!so then after school me and Lacey were like"BYE GARY!!"she was laughing so bad when i called him that!it was funny!!then---~back to when we were still in class~~Sorry!!~Blain cept saying Nick,Nick.like i liked him or something..it was annoying..and then they came up to me at recess...i was so mad!!i was chasing them around the school..it was so cool!so..that was that day..i know i have more but i dont realy remember at the moment^^;..oh well
Today-well today we r going to go see Corpse Bride in special theaters!!im so happy!!all my friends hate me because ofit but its oki^^.so im going with KL88!AND IM SO HAPPY!!I HAVENT SEEN HER IN FOREVER!!well thats about it.byez!!hope u guys liked my post.ill chat later!byez!!^^