Helloz^^.how r u?im good!!i had a great time today at open house!i was so happy to see all meh friends outside of school time^^.it was funny.i also had a good time in class as well...oki so again today,John did that nodding of the head thing AGAIN!!!its scaring me!!i dont know what to say!!or what to think!!!...what sould i do?!?!?!someone plz help me if u been in this kind of situation b4(girlz plz!sorry guys....)....
well at open house, the first person i see is Blain and i say"HI BLAIN!!"and he looked at me(he was also sliding down the ramp at school)and when i said hi and he looked at me he fell!it was funny yet sad..then i like saw everyong i knew in my class and some out of class!i saw Lacey,John,Blain(ofcourse)Shandy,Caroline,almost everyone i knew...ext. for Gayison and Max...i was so mad!!i wanted to bug the crud out of them!! but i couldnt cuz they wornt there...TT . TT*cries*oh well...anyways..Blain was being evil like always and he was mesing with Shandy and Jabvalin(sp,i think)and he trew something of hers(i think)over the fence into the dirt where they were still working on the school..then when he threw it his braclet,thing,came off and i picked it up and Gave it to Jabvalin and then like 5 min later she threw it over the fence as well...then he started to chace her around the school....-lol-it was pretty funny^^..and i saw Nick at open house....i was going to shoot him he was being so annoying..then we started like chacing eachother and poking eachother,then(cuz he is KL88's friend cuz her friend is his sister(she's meh friend too(April is her name^^)))he was like letts be friends,in a smirky way and i was like ya,lets be the best of friends*twitch*-lol-it was all good^^.well thats about it^^.well laterz everyone^_-
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