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myOtaku.com: kyokyofanclubpres

Thursday, September 29, 2005

   TT . TT so confused its not funny(well it is but ya know)

HOLY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi^^!was up everyone?how r ya...ya sorry for the whole thing up there*points up at the holy god thing*well anyways,why i did that was cuz im just very confused at school...i get told that he doesnt want to go out with me anymore the next he's kissing me...yes thats right...KISSING ME!!!lol..well ya he did that..and Blane..yes he was the one that did it..T.T....ya now im realy confused....so ya today i went to school it was picture day and stuff..so i wore this nice shirt that i havent realy worn in awhile..so-it sorta comes down low too...-so then he sat there and looked at me..so then we go to recess and he says i can see ur bra(not like u all realy need to know that-lol-)and everyone said(like Lacey and Alina)WHY R YA LOKKIN DOWN THERE!!and so i was glad they supported it^^.so then he was buggin me all day..and sayin stuff about my shirt and things that should not be mentioned!!-lol-and so then we took our pics and while we were waiting for our turn Gryison dared Blane to grab Lacey's butt....and she totaly spazed and was pissed!!it was funny yet sad..so then everyone was givin eachother "corndogs"(if u dont know what it is pm me and ill tell u,i dont realy feel like tellin it on meh post)and so...yesterday Blane did it to me and i triped and riped the front of my pants..i was so mad!!it was my fave pair too!!TT . TT...oh well..OH!!AND IM SO HAPPY!!Garyison was telling Lacey that she sould dump Micheal and stuff cuz he wont even say hi to her!!oh not even HI!!and i was tellin her the same thing,but one thing that everyone is telling her,but it was funny cuz it came out of Garyison,he said"OH DUMP HIM!!HE DOESNT EVEN SAY HI TO U OR HUG U(and plus the fact that BLane was tryin to kiss me sorta brung up his deal)GO OUT WITH ME!!ill hug u,say hi,and even kiss you!!" and i thought that was so cute >w ~Chi

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