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myOtaku.com: kyokyofanclubpres

Thursday, February 9, 2006

WH00T!!OMG TODAY WAS SO MUCH FUNN!!!XD!!ALL OF U SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!ME AND ALL MY FRIENDS WERE AT THE DANCE AND WE WERE ALL DANCING AND THEN WE STARTED A FREAK DANCING CHAIN!!IT WAS S MUCH FUN!!!i also danced with my friend Pedro.eh..it was weird.i was weirded out cuz Blayne kept staring at me and Nick was talking to me alot,but me and Nick r on this off and on friend thing,its freaky/but funneh at the same time^-^...everyone says that he likes me..OO...freaky hu?WELL WE HAD FUN!!!...and then my friend Hunter kept saying that me and Christain should go out and im like...OO...wtf?!?!-lol-but its weird!me and Chris r only friends...so yea.well i had fun!hope u liked the post^-^!!!byez!

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