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myOtaku.com: kyoshiro elric

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

   Truly Random
I love the manga Samurai Deepre Kyo (the anime sucks so badly yet I'm getting the perfect box set of it^^)the thing with SDK is THAT THERE'S A LOT OF INCEST IN IT!!!!!!! Yeah I'm about to do a manga spoiler so for those who do read SDK or SFK in Japanese *Samurai Fukaku Kyo des* just skip this part. Ok the Devils in White: Saisei and Saishi I thought were twins and Saisei was in love with Shinrei which is their cousin but it turns out that Saisei was a zombie and no relation at all. Still Shinrei was in love with the Seer Sakuya which IS his cousin but so is Kyo and Kyoshiro (also in love with Sakuya) and all four of them are cousins! Hotaru is Shinrei's half brother (go figure) and speaking of Hotaru we cosplayed yesterday and I went as Hotaru minus the height and blonde hair. Boku wa chibi da yo! It was fun and I bought a 'I Heart Kyo' wristband which was meant for Kyo of the manga Fruit Baskets yet I'm using it for Kyo of Dir en Grey. That wristband fits me very much and here's why: my name is Kyoshiro or Kyo for short (I'm called Kyo) so 'I Heart Kyo': I love myself. I can use it for when I go see Dir en Grey in concert 'I Heart Kyo'. There used to be an Incubus that haunted me...I can still feel his prescence at times but not as strongly as I used to....I named him Kyo (I name everything Kyo^^). Samurai Deepr Kyo the two main characters: Kyoshiro and Kyo. Alot of Kyo's in my life. (laughs)

OMG there are two marks on my left knuckles that looks like I was bitten by a vampire and I have the same marks on both of my legs and the marks I got on my legs I got on Halloween and they're still there! Fade away little marks! Oh well two years ago I woke up with blood all over my right arm and there was no cuts or scratches on my arm so I took it as my subconscience was trying to kill me but maybe that was my first encounter with Kyo the Incubus. Surprisingly I'm happy right now......(shrugs) Oh yeah Jrock may be getting mainstream where I live thanks to me. I went to the mall where I live and went to the music store FYE and requested that they sell jrock, the guy told me to give him some bands and he'll try. Here are the bands that I gave him:
Dir en Grey
Alice 9
Malice Mizer
Plastic Tree
T.M. Revolution
Porno Graffitti
Asian Kung Fu Generation
L'Arc en Ciel
The Trax (they're Korean rock)

still I forgot some other bands like Rentrer en Soi, Nightmare, Hikaru Utada, Retina, Phantasmagoria and more I am so sorry! I couldn't think of them then! Gomen gomen gomen!
Oh well at least I got the really good bands or at least really well known anyway. Well gotta end this, damn it was long.

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