so i didnt have a better day yesterday. I even had a worst day..... Everything was going great until 5th block. Thats social studies for me. Well we took this quiz. I thought i did good. Then we had to check each others. The teacher called out the answers, and ,me rememering my answers, discovered that i had missed only 1/2 of a question, and three bonus (there were five bonuses). Oh and about the bonuses, 2 of them were football questions. And I know nothing about football! NOTHING!!!! Well when he called out the answers to those questions, the guy checking my answers yells out what i put and the whole class is lauging. It was so embarrassing!! Oh and thats not all!!!!!! When the people were calling out what the person had made, the person checking my answer said, "She missed 5 at the top and 3 at the bottom." Everybody's like, "WHAT!" You see, i make really good grades i have too! So our teacher was really shocked and looked very disappointed. Which is like......surprising.....cause me, court666, and a guy named Jezel (sp) are like really favored in that class. Then the guy checking my paper goes, " Oh i mean she missed half of one on the top, taking of 5 points." Now everybody's like, "Oh..." That was pretty embarrassing. also in the block after that, i started having this pain go through my ear, and it hasnt stopped this. I think i busted my ear drum, cause it feels that way....
well i pray that you have a better day than i had.
pics of the day:
saying of the day (im gonna start doing this to show my mood)
"What worries you masters you." by Haddon W. Robinson