Sorry i didnt get to everyone's sites....every wed. i have to go to the church after school...well i dont have to, i choose to. We just hangout for a couple hours before church. I mostly play halo with a guy named marcus, of course, im the newbie at it and lose every time....^^'
Wow!!! Is it already thurs.!!!!!! This week has zipped past!!!!! I didnt even see it coming. Maybe its because next week is my last week of school. Ooh i cant wait, of course we have exams on the last and second to last day. That really sucks!!!! You have no clue the torture!!! Well maybe you do! The last few days are meant for us to relax, watch movies, and just do nothing!!!! Im going on major strike!!!!!!! Hm...actually....maybe not...because they did make Friday a 60% day.....
Oh well...i gots to go bye bye!!
Girls are like phones. We love to be held, talked too but if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected!
pics of the day: