Well...i guess this is movie mania weekend...i have gone to the movies two days in a row! Ugh...my aching head...i have a huge headache! I need a motrin but i cant seem to find one *searches around computer desk but gives up after a few minutes*...sigh...
So..i saw Shrek 3...i kinda embarrassed myself on the way to the movies....someone asked me how to spell Shrek and i started it off with an "r"....yeah...that was bad...ugh i dont feel so good...too much popcorn in two days....ugh...i think im going to barf....ugh that makes me want to barf more! I guess i just need to go nighty night....hmmm..Zzzzzzzzzzzz....hm..oh right! the post! Ill just let you go...Zzzzzzzzzz
quote of the day: