Do you like my new theme? I personally think i did a good job! yay me! I already have my next theme picked out! that's weird huh? Im going to make it naruto theme, except this time it wont be so sad ^^'
Well my relatives finally came a couple of hours ago. They brought their baby ^^ Yay! He's so adorable >_< I just could squeeze him!
I finally got something for my dad! Yay! I gots him some pajamas lol. I also got him this card at hallmark that said, "Today is all about you, dad." And on the inside it said, "So enjoy it, because tommorrow it goes back to being all about me!" lol i found it so true ^^ Since im an only child, i like to joke about stuff like that, cause i wont have to worry about some brother or sister saying, "What about me?!"
Grrrrr....I cant type "about" today! I keep typing "obaut" or "aoutb" or something totally different. lol
Wow this is getting longer than expected! Ill let you go do whatever you were doing before you showed up here-cough- like drugs -cough- lol j/k Im not like that and i know your not either ^^ Say no to drugs! lol sorry, im really hyper ^^ Hey....wasnt i supposed to end this......hmmmmm...oh well....bye bye!
quote of the day:
My father carries around the picture of the kid who came with his wallet. (Rodney Dangerfield)
Im really liking him this week ^^
pics of the day: