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myOtaku.com: kyoskitten14

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Hey everyone! Welcome to my site! Please my only request is that you SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! Oh and none of the drawings on here were created by me so I give full credit to the artist. Enjoy ^^

Brothers - Vic Mignogna
Precious Diary

Ugh, Im soooo tired!!!!!!!!!!!!! You wanna no why? Well, because of someone's icon *cough*shuichi2cute*cough*, i decided to play DDR for about an hour....ugh....and because of my lack of excercise over the Christmas holidays....well, let's just say, it didnt go well towards the end....., but its ok, shui- uh, i mean, anonymous person, I forgive you *hugs*

Ugh! I gotta get back in shape (ha! like I was ever in shape in the first place) No more chocolate for me! No way!!!! Not gonna eat it! Wont catch me with any! Nope.....*runs and sneaks a little chocolate* Starting tomorrow....lol....

I cant believe, what I did earlier....i feel stupid.....Earlier I got the soundtrack to "Phantom of the Opera" and I decided to put it on my phone (it has an MP3 player on it) but I did it the wrong way, so now all my songs have been deleted on there, so I am going to have to go back and add every single one back on there.....and I am not just talking about 20 something songs, I had like 200 and something songs on there....ugh....I think ill just do it tomorrow....its already 1:23 A.M. here.....oh and if your wondering, these little pauses like this........are me dozing off, just to let you know.....that's why it has taken me like an hour and something minutes to get this done.....ugh...Im gonna go to bed cuz I dont want to sleep at the computer desk.....it kinda hurts in the morning if you do (and yes, I have done it) See you around!

quote of the day:
Is it good if a vacuum really sucks? (that one took me a couple of minutes)

icon of the day:
Elmo is evil I tell you and I have a great example in the pic of the day!

pic of the day:
See?! I told you! He reeks of evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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