Hey everyone ^^ I feeling alot better than I was yesterday, thanks for worrying about me ^^ I appreciate it ¢¾
Guess what i just saw. I saw white noise 2! I know what your thinking. I know that the first one wasnt the best movie in the whole wide world, but you have got to give the second one a chance. It is pretty good ^^ I squeeked a couple of time during it XP
Court666 is over right now. What have we been doing today. What else but goof off ^^ You all know that's what I do best XD
I wanna get hyper! I have barely anything sweet here, though...oh well, so much for that idea....
Wow i have a whole bunch of short little paragraphs. They are so tiny lol. They are like little chibi paragraphs ^^
Im going to go ahead and go so ill see all of you around the O ^^
quote of the day:
"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world." that my friends, is a complete fact ^^
icon of the day:
pic of the day: