Hey everyone! Welcome to my site! Please my only request is that you SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! Oh and none of the drawings on here were created by me so I give full credit to the artist. Enjoy ^^
I hope u all had a great day yesterday!!! I did! I went bowling with my mom and dad. It was fun i came in second, my dad came in first of course, and my mom came in third. I felt bad for my mom cause her score board looked like a dotted line. If you have ever bowled you know what i mean.
I have to take a break from myotaku, cause i have to go on youthrally for my church. I wont be back till saturday night. So i wont be on for 4 days! I will miss you all!!!! Hugs all around *hugs everyone*!!!!!
Well i hope everyone has a great four days while im gone!!
pics of today, thursday, friday, and saturday (wow thats 12 pics!):