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lala land with big poofy flowers and flying water where preps go achoo
Member Since
village idiot
Real Name
purple cheese on a stick
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
nobody knows...
to sell purple cheese on a stick
marshmallow volcano making
blowing things up with big booms and smobic

Yay for me as I have an account again! Me is very sorry for submitting the thing that I didn't mean to...*sniffle* Anyway I am back now and I also have something to do besides read yaoi and call people perverted nose-pickers. So doom to you all and have a nice day. ^____^

Ps watch out for fang. he wants your blood
Sephi too

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
more quizzes.....that's all I do anymore it seems....
 KICK ASS! You fight! You don't want to let someone make you afraid! So you laugh at the fear and fight it! It's probbably a bit careless and dangerous but better than do nothing, because than you'll loose anyway! Go you!
How do you react when you are afraid? ( ...with pics... ) brought to you by Quizilla
Liei, does this answer what happened to poor Henshu when he bit meh arm? Ehehehe....sorry Henshu ^^;
 You're a Carnation!
Flower of sadness.
Calm and thoughtfull.
You are sad and sometimes depressed. But you are also a good listener and very understandingful, we like you anyway!
What flower are you? brought to you by Quizilla
d00m likeses carnations.
 Your Inner Eye color is special!
What's your Inner Eye color ? (new pics ^^v) brought to you by Quizilla
 Hestia!Images by KOCH Media
Which is your greek Protectiongod ? brought to you by Quizilla
WOOO! A decently decent one! XD
 Nothing! Well, now I have to ask you: What the fuck have you clicked in this quiz? It is nearly impossible to get this result, or have you cheated? If not... Try to live your life and stop your indifferent attitude. There are people on this planet which respect you, I'm sure, come on! You can do it!
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
eep....let's take this again *waiting for bluekat to smite me*
 Intellect! Brainy you ^^. You are hight intelligent. You love riddles and to solve them. You think logic and you have a great creativity.
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
in-....intle-.....intlec? in-tell-ect....intellect! yay I ish more smarterer than you! XD
 Green blood! Angry and mean. You enjoy piss off people. You have a lot of hate inside you and you have no chance to let it out. You often feel alone because no one understands you. You have the blood of the devil, poor you...
What is your true blood color? brought to you by Quizilla
I BLEED GREEN! *cuts self open to see greenness and dies*
 Hot and dangerous you are Yoko Kurama you can beat anyone with your death tree
Which Kurama are you brought to you by Quizilla
hehe...*pets death tree* X3
Are you a game freak, a punk,a prep,or a nerd (for girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
never saw that comeing....
 loner*wow you are creepy but so awesome....if you tried you might make alot of friends
what kind of anime girl are you???*lovely anime pictures* brought to you by Quizilla
I HAVE FRIENDS! A whopping 4 of them. 3 live in oklahoma. I live in oregon. damn.
 You don't need a guy.........oh well you rock anyways!!!!!!!!
What kinda guy do you need???*girls only*Anime pics brought to you by Quizilla
I have but one thing to say to you all! No sex till youre married, no getting married till youre 80, no living past 50.
src="" border="0" alt="Darkness"> Dark...evil...powerful and a loner
what is your element will it be water,fire,wind,earth,light,dark,or spirit??*girls only**Beautiful Anime pictures* brought to you by Quizilla
Liei! Meh picci has impractical torn stockings again! ;_;
 You're Joey Wheeler. You're probably my most fav character. It's mean that people tease you/me about being a dog. (he's mine cause girls are always fighting over Kurama but I like Kurama alot too)
Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
great! src="" alt="Image hosted by">
Yay!! You know a lot about Final Fantasy X!! I'm so proud of you!
How much do you know about Final Fantasy X ? (read memo) brought to you by Quizilla
I hope so 0-o
 Broken Promises and Sad Goodbyes
The promises you made to me still remain,
I stare past my window to the falling rain.
You held my hand and said that you were here to stay,
Why did you have to go away?
You left me here all alone, nothing will ever be fine,
The sun in my life will never shine.
Just like some piece of trash, you dumped me to the side,
You forgot me, just like that, Was there something to hide?
All those years I believed all your lies,
Now Im filled with regretful sighs.
I trusted you with my whole heart,
But when you left me, you tore me apart.
When we met I was just an innocent soul,
You were so sweet and kind, how was I supposed to know?
You made me believe that you loved me,
But after that you made me see,
How love can truly be.
I still remember the day you walked out the door,
I swear you made me feel like I was something more.
The lies, and broken promises fill my head,
I try to erase the memories of the things you said.
Tears trickle down my red cheeks,
I cant believe I was so weak.
Broken Promises and Sad Goodbyes,
My life cant be any worse, I wish I could just die.
* By Black Heart16 "Tomi"
You are the type of person who isn't particularly happy with their life. A few things may have gone totally wrong, and you've probably lost hope. But you'll find what you're looking for, and if you don't give up, you'll find the happiness you truly deserve.
What Kind of Poem Are You? \\ Has Anime Pictures .n_n.\\ brought to you by Quizilla
*bawling* (me a sap for poetry)
 Hatred and Anger. Ever since you were born, your belief is that nothing matters in this world. You dispise everyone and everything around you. You feel that life isn't worth living and it's just all a waste of time. You were pretty much on your own since you were and young. You learned to rely on yourself. You are angry at the world for many reasons, you can't even begin to explain.
What feeling resides deep in your heart? >> pics included<< brought to you by Quizilla

Your Inner-child is a dreamer. He/she loves to think about what they want, and tend to have a short attention span. He/she loves to watch the sky and always thinks about flying above the clouds. All that matters for him/her is to find what they're purpose is and what they're truly looking for.
Color : Lilac/Purple
Element : Water
Season : Winter
What Is Your Inner-Child Like? >> Pita Ten Pics!! << brought to you by Quizilla
gameboy! cocoa puffs! game boy! cocoa puffs! ACK! 7th GRADE RETURNS FOR MY SOUL! *attacks Brian Brooky and his army of odd followers that called me goth-chick*
 Your eyes are RED. You have the color of evil and love. On the outside you seem like the type of person who doesn't care about anything in the world but yourself. Some people see you as the "bad" guy, and that they should stay clear of you. Although you may look evil, this isn't neccessarily the case. You can be nice if tried, and no matter how much evil is in your heart, there's always that one special place for someone special.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Japanese name should be'Amaya' which means "night rain".
You're a dark person, a bit of a loner, and probably even depressed. You feel better at night than at day. Rain makes you think of yourself, how it seems you're falling over and over again...
Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!] brought to you by Quizilla
Guess what is ttime to make another chara! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
 ............. HALF BREED....... You are a half breed anime girl, poeple think tht u r freak and judges u by ur appearance, they probably fear or mostly hit u cause u r different from everyone else, they r just mean ppl tht think their better thn everyone else! your saying:" U laugh because im different, I laugh because ur all the same"
What kind of anime girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
*still humming coconut songs*
Take this one Liei. You are commanded/
 I LIKE YOU YOUR JUST LIKE ME!HAVE A TWIZLER! *gives twizler* YAY! ^^ Take my other quizzes, rate high, message me, or Ill kill you by poking you with this spork!
La de la de da!!!!!!!!!!!! RANDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^TAKE IT!!!!!!!!! Or death will be upon you! brought to you by Quizilla
Sproks are still nicer than teddy bears with spoons.
Well woo...I sould really stop. COMMENT DAMN YOU!
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Monday, October 10, 2005
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Not dead.just damn close to piccis for you sadly....I draw better now, really. I just least I have a functional computer for awhile...alas this shall now be deticated to QUIZZES! XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
What is the color of your soul? REALLY KOOL PICS!!! BTW: THE PICS ARE ALL GIRLS BUT GUYS U DON'T MIND!!! brought to you by Quizilla
w00000000000t XP me likey pink floyd
You A very Beautiful Song called "Great Gig In The Sky" You are a very layed back a psychedelic person and you are no scared of dying.
Which Pink Floyd Song are you???? (Dark Side Of The Moon Edition) brought to you by Quizilla
 You will die by committing suicide. Not to be offensive, but your outlook on life is murky and unsatisfied. One day you'll be tired of the life and kill yourself. But you're too creative to go down like all the others do. You'll be creative and kill yourself in an interesting way, like babysitting a bunch moronic children until you have an aneurism!
How will YOU die? brought to you by Quizilla
 You definitely don't need to die...there need to be more cool people like you...Stab some stupid stuck up bastard who thinks they're better than you to celebrate...
Do You Need To Die? brought to you by Quizilla
S'okay angel chick *pats*
 Your Angel is in deep heart ake. Comeing close to being a dark Angel. She trusted some one and they broke her heart. be careful or your once Loving Angel will be a Evil Angel.WING TIPE= almost gone but still white from when she was a loving Angel ELEMENT=the shadows ANIMAL=spider COLOR=black NAME=Jessica
What kind of Angel is inside of your heart ( awesome pics)changed and a new angel!!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
Well...I like kitties but otherwise sure
 Nihilist Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Me wanna lookith like that...
 Girl Name: Czarina Batty
Guy Name:Father Vlad *You have a heart of solid coal* You wish that you could change your ways, even though you have done nearly everything right. You try to hard to be accepted by others.
What Is Your Goth Name? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh and meh theme sone in BoBD by Green Day. w00t
 People see nothing in your eyes. You seem to either be indifferent about everything or are trying to cover up a lot of pain. Your eyes have a cold stare that can make people shiver. Try to show a little more caring, because your hard exterior most likely drives people away. ...stop looking at me like that...stoppit!
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!)) brought to you by Quizilla
it's a sign... *sighs depressedly*
 Your soul angel is...broken.
you've been hurt to many times to count and have been shattered to pieces. The pain you feel is unbearable but you still wear your angel wings with pride, maybe one day you'll learn to trust day...
Quote:"My heart is nothing but dust, due to the many times it has been broken"
What is your Soul-Angel? (girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
okay..belldandy scares me but that's not the point. so yay.
 You have Magic inside of your soul! You love to make up stories and dream. You wish the world was more like your fantasies and are always looking for adventure in life. Try taking your head out of the clouds once in awhile. You may be surprised on what you find!
Quote - Fly On Angel Wings Away To The Heavens Where Anything Can Happen If Only You Believe...
Color - Blue
Animal - Unicorn
What's In Your Soul? (Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
woogles moogles poogles googles snicker doodles. mwaha
 You are a Sorcerer/Sorceress - Sorcerers create magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talet honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories--just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers usually have striking good looks. They know fewer spells than wizards do and aquire more powerful spells more slowly, but they can cast spells more often and have no need to select and prepare thier spells.
What Dungeons and Dragons class are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Darcia. You have a stern nature, but are caring to a point of flaw, you attatch yourself to specific things and will stop at nothing to protect them. When your loved ones are threatened you become almost ruthless to insure their safety or well being.
Which Wolf's Rain Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your an human with unusual powers
What species are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho
He is cool calm and collected. You are the exact opposite. He loves you for your boldness and your independant spirit. You are a question that cannot be answered and that attracts him to you. You most likely enjoy fighting and have a love for power. He loves you as much as his icy cold heart can love.
How he shows he loves you: He would tell you in a moment when the two of you are alone, most likely after returning from a battle.
{Which Anime Guy is Your Soul Mate?} brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
I'm alive!?
Wow! holy jumping cow monkeys I live! XD XD XD XD
woo....well first of all I'm very sorry for not informing you of my state of being sooner. Ya see we moved from OK to a little town out in the thick of trees in OR and we can't get high speed out ther for awhile so I had givin up on being online at all. Currently however I am in CA on meh sis's computer and thankfully she has high speed and a scanner (though a crappy one but I'm not complaining)so you'll be seeing a few more pics from me up (be sure to vote ^_^) but not a ton as I'm not really the scanner happy type and will probably wait on posting my better ones for meh old scanner at the house of no high speed internet. In the mean time let me know what ya think of what I do post aite? (more up tomorrow)
Well c ya later I guess. ^_^
But first you must stare at the cutenesses. XD
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Friday, January 7, 2005
Ello people!
Hi! Sorry I haven't been in so long...I know I know...poo apon me. But yay as I update now! XD
So how ya been? I bet you all are soooooo 'happy' school has started back up! =P Hey at least you aren't stuck with the drama teacher the counciling office dumped Lieiavalon2044 and I with...She's bloody scary! I mean gawed she has these tight leather pants that I think she washes as soon as she gets home every day so she can wear them AGAIN! And today she lectured us on useing both of your hands to write and draw and such because it helps prevent alzheimers and helps with creativity....what does alzheimers have to do with drama? O_o
Slightly more interesting though she made us write a discription of a cube in a desert, then today told us that the cube represents ourselves and then proceded to use a weird psychological book with our cube descriptions to tell us our 'true personality' . Heh. Apparently I'm creative, original, indecisive and transparent, yet distant and moody....she got that from a rainbow glass cube melting but then unmelting itself ect....yea wierd huh? Kinda fits though ^_^;
But yay as my speech and debate teacher (though she is a little scary) actually knows what a manga is and appriciates wierd anthros (and yes someday as soon an I get around to finishing it, there will be one on here ^_^).
Oh well I suppose I should go and clean my room before Mum bites meh head off. C ya'll later ^_^
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Featured Quiz Result:
...we both r hated by most teachers...we both only put enuff effort N2 things 2 get the job done...and we dun giva shit about what ppl think of us...
Yes! It fits so perfectly! I always wanted my name 2 B Bill Gates! & 4 the world 2 know the plot & ening of every movie! But I didn't get Taiwan...poo
 You are James Potter,father of the boy who lived. You are kind and would do anything for your friends and most likely your friends would do anything for you
Which of the marauders are you? brought to you by Quizilla