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lala land with big poofy flowers and flying water where preps go achoo
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village idiot
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purple cheese on a stick
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blowing things up with big booms and smobic
Saturday, November 20, 2004
I understand if you die before they end. But for those of you who fell like taking quizzes there ya go. Also check my archives and especially quiz results. I have more! XD
 Your are a theif.
You fight dirty, you don't care about anyone. You'll hire assasins to make "jobs" easier. You are stealthy, you are not trustworthy. You'll switch sides if you start losing. Money is worth more then your friends.
What type of Swordsman are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Vamp! You can call me femme-fatale.Woho, you're a dangerous lady. You're dark and full of riddles. Men can't resist that. Sometimes you're moody and you can freak out very easy but in general you are gentle... Fact: You're the most mysterious girl ever!
What's your female appeal? ( with pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a black dragon! Master of the shadows and nightmares. People claim you to be evil but you're just misunderstood. You just want to be alone.
Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a dark Unicorn and you know it. Dark unicorns are outcasts, and are filled with greif and sadness, though few see it. Dark Unicorns horns aare blood red, but humans cannot see it, so they are often mistaken for a black horse. Dark Unicorns love to see others suffer and destroy things because of their anger. They are loners, and like it that way, and like to steal, kill, and other terrible things to show their ravage. Dark Unicorns are blood-thirst, very powerful creatures and should not be tempered with. But, they are known to show pity and mercy for children....
What kind of Unicorn are you? (With beautiful pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Getting sick of em yet? i understand if ya r but i iz bored @_@
*running from rabid squirrel*
who wants to shoot me now and put me outta my misery? Anybody? going once...twice...
Well fine! Nobody loves me ;-;
Anyway three times...gone! Sorry! You have to look at more quizzes now! XD
 You're a bad friend...well, in fact you may not even be a friend at all...You curse, you kill or destroy the person who even thinks about geting close to you! You HATE people and...may I ask why did you take this test?!
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
I have friends...and a small gang...we all nutz...yup. And i took the quizz cuz of pretty pictures...oooh shiny o.O
 Kiss?! You'll kill the one who even thinks of kissing you! The only physical contact you have is when you're beating someone up!
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
*pointing 45 magnum at passersby*
Well I bored with being bored. A new pic is up. Vote on it or I will kill you. Simple enuff. YAY! LET'S GO MAKE FOOD! XD
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