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Seventh Hokage, captain of the 14th Division in Soul Society
Real Name
Chris (#461)
i can kick ass in (most)video games and yu-gi-oh, becoming the seventh Hokage & convincing everyone in Soul society to start a 14th Division, & making me captain!
Anime Fan Since
my parents showed me pokemon(1996, or was it '97?)
Favorite Anime
Naruto, BLEACH, Death Note, s-CRY-Ed, FLCL, Evangelion, Trinity Blood, FMA, DBZ, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Pokemon, Digimon, Zatch Bell, Bo^7, Ghost in the Shell, Samurai Champloo, Eureka seveN, Trigun, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Samurai 7, and more
to make something out of myself, to be the best at yu-gi-oh(yeah, i'm a nerd), to be a graphics designer(video games), and, other things
watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, hangin' out, scaring people, playing yu-gi-oh cards, calming down & taming wild genins, listening to various J-Rock bands. Yep, all in a day's work!
lying(that includes some degree of acting, though i DONT do plays), memorizing random anime facts, being a disturbance to society, my awesome ninjutsu skills!!!
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
(insert title here)
Cheez-Its are good!!!
Ishida: ...uh....
Well, they are!! my friend Sean just gave me a free small bag the other day, and i ate them, and they're good!! What can i say?
Ishida: Well, you could've just kept your mouth shut...
Ichigo: DAMN! Crash and BURN, Bitch!!!
Sasuke: WHOA!! Sky Blue? SKY BLUE?! Why couldn't I get sky blue?! I WANT SKY BLUE!!!
Ishida: It's cuz it's MY color, fool. You had ur chance, but you sided with a pedophile.
Jiraiya: Oh, come on!!! Enough with that word already!!!! I dont like it!!!
Yeah, same way Ishida doesn't like the word "haphazard"!!!
Ishida: ARGH! Dont say that word!! I just hate how it sounds!! Please dont!
Kon: Ah, dont be such a wuss, Uryu!! When he sez that word, just start thinking about something else to get ur mnd off it! Like hot women in swimsuits!! Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!!!
Sasuke: Whoa, brown?? I couldnt get brown either?! What, no other color fits me except purple?!?! Come on!!!
Ishida: On the contrary, Sasuke. I think Brown actually is a good color for you!
Sasuke: Why thank you Uryu!!
Ishida: After all, brown is the perfect color for a little shithead like yourself!
Sasuke: WHAT?!???!?! *goes Curse Mark level 2* So, you wanna pick a fight with me?!?! Is that it?! *Starts growing the first wing* Bring it!!! Chidori!!! *charges for Ishida*
Ishida: heh!
*before Sasuke could do anything, Ishida fires an arrow straight through his wing.*
Sasuke: AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SHOT ME IN THE FUCKING WING WITH A FUCKING ARROW!!! *writhing on the ground in pain* AHHHH, WTF, that fucking hurts like a mother fucker!!!! AHHH, Why'd ya hafta do that, huh?! Jesus CHRIST, couldnt you have just punched me or something?!?! Ya didnt hafta friggin' SHOOT ME!!! AHHH, it's bleeding like crazy!!! How'd ya like it if I Shot YOU in the wing with an arrow, huh? How'd ya feel then!??!
Ishida: I dont have wings! Besides, you brought it upon yourself! That's all i'm saying.
Sasuke: Oh, yeah?! Well, *grows second wing* we'll see about that!!
*Sasuke lunges for Isida again, only to receive the same result as last time...*
Ishida: You wanna know the truth!? Alrite, fine!! it's cuz....ur LV.2 Curse Mark looks like you're wearing lipstick.
Kon: What kind of schtick is that?! DONT GIMME NO LIP!!!
Naruto: ...Maybe he's born with it?
Kakashi: Maybe it's Maybelline!
Neji: *Using Byakugaan* Hmmmm, yeah, well, it doesnt look that bad. they kinda look like big floppy things!
Naruto: Neji's Byakugaan can see through everything!
Ichigo: But can he see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch??
Neji: it destiny?
Ishida: NO! There's loads of cinnamon swirls in every bite!!
uh....well, caould you guys stop yelling for a little bit, cuz, well, i kinda came down with a cold, so, ya know...
Kon: huh, seriously?! damn, sorry. did it start with a sore throat??
Yes, it did!! You've had it too??
Kon: of course! I hate that!!! So, um, what else happened this week. it HAS been a week since you posted. any news for your adoring fans?
Ishida: Yeah, and watch, like, nobody comes to comment on this post!!
Naruto: Yeah, i know, right?!
Well, i have yet another Spanish project to do, due this Wednesday. So, almost all this week, i was at the library after school, trying to work on it with my buddy James, but, like last time, we kept getting distracted, by random shit. So, even after all that, AND going to his house last night, we STILL havent finished the project!!! So, what we're gonna do is this- We're gonna chat on AIM, try to get the project done there(the information, and w/e.), then we'll meet up some day before the due date, and put it all together. i hope that works...
Ishida: It's never gonna work.
Gee, thanks!!!!
Naruto: Well, uh, there was another pep rally at Chris's school. And I gotta say, it was way more exciting than the last one!!
Neji: yeah, i mean, just when you thought Emo kids dont jump around when they go to shows...
Thats because the shows that they would normally go to, dont have as much...uh....hmm, how should i put this, uh...
Kakashi: They dont have as much ass as his pep rally.
*I launch a brick at Kakashi's head*
Kakashi: OW!!! OW OWOWOW OW OW OW OW!!!!! WHAT was that for?!
You didnt have to put it that way!!(even though it's true!)
Kon: Yeah, you bet I had a good time there, WOOO, YEAH!!!!!!
Alright, but, onto more pressing matters, Shisu-Dono and Elena The Turk, you both rule!!!! Congrats one being visitors #999 and #1000, WOOT!!!!! You two helped me out with my goal- reach 1,000 hits before the one year anniversary of my joining this site(which will be March 20, 2007)!!
Gaara: Yea, and having over 1,000 hits is Ballin'!!!
Which bring's us to today's song!! Its "We Fly High" by Jim Jones!!
Everyone: BALLIN'!!!!!
Naruto: We fly high, no lie, you know this
Kakashi: Ballin'!!!
Ishida: Forign rides, outside, it's like showbiz!
Ichigo: BALLIN'!!! Oh, hellz, yeah!! We in da buildin' with this!!
Yeah, in fact, i took it upon myself to butcher some famous Naruto quotes by adding "Ballin'" to them!!
Gaara: ...Why???
cuz i can, fool!!!
Kakashi: Those who don't follow the rules are scum. but those wh betrsy their friends....are Ballin'!!!!
Neji: There's no point in trying to fight destiny. It's useless to resist...cuz Destiny is Ballin'!!!!
Choji: I'M NOT FAT!!!! I'M JUST BALLIN'!!!!!
STOP QUESTIONING MY METHODS!!! *Bricks Kon in the head, knocking the soul pill out of him.*
Ichigo: *picks up the pill* I thikn i'll hold onto this for now...*puts pill in pocket*. There, that's a lot better!! So, what else is new??
Well, i made $100 today!
Naruto: How?
Well, remember last week? When i watched my bro at my cousin's house? Well, my mom's paying me $20 for that. Tonight, they have another party to go to. In fact, they're there right now!! Anyways, i'm getting paid another $20 for tonight. And my grandma from NYC sent me $60 in the mail for Christmas, so that $100!!
Ishida: Well, that's quite the payload! But i bet you cant wait 'til you get a job, right? You know you want more cant get enough of it...
Sasuke: You want more...more money, more...POWER!!!!
Hey, Naruto's on right now!!! But, it's only last week's episode. i wanna watch this week's episode!!! I also...missed Eureka seveN last Saturday(fell asleep before it came on). I need to know what happened!!! I wish i saw it. it looked good in the preview...
Well, i just hope something can aome along to cheer me up...
Naruto: Hey!! At least you have your friend Stephen's game to cheer you up!!
That's right!! Now, how awesome is this- my friend Stephen (narutouchiha, see the link above), went to Chinatown in New York, and he bought two games for his PSP- BLEACH: Heat the Soul 3 and Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Portable, BOTH of which are not available here!! he actually found them in a store!! And, we(me and Bater[Sasuke Uzumaki, see the other link above]) get to play them!!!! and they're AWESOME!!!!
huh, what, well, let's see, i have a cold, import games, Ballin', uh, OH, Yeah!! Sasuke, how's your wing feeling?
Sasuke: Oh, it's pretty good thanks!! uh, maybe you should end the post right about now. You have to do ur project, and get something to eat, and watch your brother while your parents are gone...
Alright, i got it, i got it!! Anyways, i'll catch you guys around!! Dont worry, I'll be here all week!! See ya!!
Comments (4) |
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Thursday, a day that will forever live in infamy
Well, i'm sure you all knew what Thursday was. the 65th anniversary of the Pearly Harbor attacks by Japan. It just kinda hurts, thinking that we actually fought with Japan so long ago. they did something devastating to us, and we did something just as bad in return. Sometimes, i wonder why there's so much war and death in this world. Why there has to be so much fighting, and torment. why must we suffer?
and yet, it's these hardships that make people realize the better things in life, and brings us all closer. So, if there wasnt any wars or fighting, would we all be as close as we are now? Sometimes, i'm just not sure what kind of world we live in. i can only just sit back and take everything as it comes to me. then, i wish it didnt have to be just that way. just like the 9/11 attacks. i envy my little brother(7 years old), because he doesnt have to remember what he saw that day, like i did. he can only be told what happened, read about it, or watch it on YouTube. But, thats nothing compared to seeing it as it happened. and we live so close to New York(New jersey's my homestate, for those who dont know), that it had more of an impact on us than it normally would have. in fact, my Aunt was in er office building in Lyndhurst, at work. Lyndhurst is pretty close to NYC, and she saw the attacks right from her office window. she even saw the towers as they fell. that has to be quite a horrifying thing to watch...
song- Tip Taps Tip, by HALCALI. It's from Eureka seveN, its the current ending theme song. i really liked it, so i downloaded the full version. It's really nice and upbeat, and it kinda makes me forget everything i just brought up before and relax...
Ichigo: hey, isnt that the one with the video that shows all the female characters doing random stuff?
Actually, yes, thats the one. Let's see, uh, Talho is writing in her diary and giving herself a haircut. Anemone is just plain depressed over smething, and so is Eureka. But Eireka is just standing in the shower.
Jiraiya: WHAT?! whosedwhatabouteurekaintheshowernakedwhat?????
No, you PERV! She has clothes on, she's just standing under the water.
Jiraiya: Man, that's a load of bull!! i wanted to finally see her like that!!!
God, you're such a pedophile.
Jiraiya: Aw, you dont have to go and use that word!! besides, you're a pervert yourself too, ya know!!
Yeah, but i dont prey after girls that are less than half my age!!! cuz that would be 8 and younger, and thats just wrong!!!!
Ichigo: Yeah, besides, there are more important matters to talk about. Like how this Wednesday was the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show!!!!!!!!!!!! You know you love it when that comes on!!!
Oh, damn straight i do Ichi-nii-san!!! i mean, dude!! It's freaking Victoria's Secret!!! How can any guy not love Victoria's Secret?!?!
Jiraiya: Oh, you bet ur ass I love that stuff, definitely!!!! speaking of which, isnt there a girl at your school named Victoria?
Yeah, thats right. and whats interesting about her is that many of her secrets have long been revealed to the student body.
Ichigo: Just what kind of secrets are you talking about here?
um, well, ya know!...uh, secret secrets. um, you know what, i'll just tell you staight up- it's pretty much a known fact that she's lost her virginity LONG ago. since then, she's done it with plenty of guys. plenty of lucky little bastards.
Ichigo: Why are they so lucky?
Jiraiya: have you seen this girl, man?! She's totally bangin' i'm telling you!!
Jiraiya: STOP THAT!!!!!
well, yes, i taped the fashion show, and i really look forward to watching it on tape!
Jiraiya: Yes, on tape, over and over again. over and over again...
yeah, over and over and over again...
Ichigo: So, anything else you wanna mention before you go?
Go to sleep, bitch! Die, muther fucker, DIE!- huh?? oh, yeah!!! today, i'll be gone all day. its my, uh, um.... ok, first question!!!
1)um, what would you call your cousin's daughter? is that another cousin? or ur niece???
Well, anyway, her name's Jade, and today is the party for her...2nd or 3rd birthday, i dont know!! anyways, she and my brother get long really well(possibly cuz they're the closest together in age in the family), and my brother wanted to sleep over at her house tonight. Meanwhile, my parents are going to Christmas party hosted by the bank where my dad works, so where do you think I'M going to end up?! AT FREAKIN' JADE'S HOUSE, SPENDING THE NIGHT!!! damn it to fuckin' hell.
and they live in Edison, which is about an hour or so away from here. so, wish me luck!!
oh, and i have 998 hits right now!! 2 more until 1,000!!!! WOOT!!!! So, those first two comments are going to deepest gratitude!!!!
Jiraiya: ...what? thats it?? thats all they get?! cant you do something nice to them for once?!?!
I would if i could!!! but i cant exactly make anything for them!!! I dont have anything to edit pictures like Photoshop, and AMVs are really time-consuming, so im sorry!!!
Well, can somebody tell me when exactly when .Hack//Roots premiered on Cartoon Network?! Cuz, i just found it on the info(i'll be taping it, since it's at friggin' 5 in the morning), and i forgot that it was premiering in november. when exactly did it premiere??
well, thats all i got for now!! I gotta get ready to leave, so see ya!!!
Ichigo: See ya around!!
Jiraiya: Later!!
Comments (9) |
Monday, December 4, 2006
book report done, BLEACH manga, and......stuff???
Sasuke: yes, stuff. and i STILL hate purple!!!
deal with it. at least i finished my book report. also, my teacher actually accepted it!!! and get this- she originally said that if you hand it in one day late, you get 25 points off. after that, you fail. BUT, she still only took 25 points off, after a week!!! that fucking rules!!
Lee: Yes, he's finally finished!!! and now, he can get to work on more important things!! like his AMV dedicated to me!!!!
Kabuto: And his song about me!!!
Naruto: And his fanfic about me!!!!
Ichigo: Yeah, about me too!!!
Sasuke: Wait, what's he doing here?! and why couldnt I get orange?!?!
huh? oh, that! Well, Ichigo's stopping by today cuz i'm just glad about something i did today!
Naruto: Whats that?
well, most times, when you try to download episodes, of Naruto, Bleach, etc., you get the versions with subtitles. Those are great and all, but not the best for AMVs and such. but, i finally found a place to find and download RAW Bleach episodes, for future Bleach AMV projects!! Awesomeness!!!
Ichigo: yep!! So, when he makes his Bleach AMV, it wont have those pesky subs!! now, if we only had the same luck for Naruto episodes though...
Kakashi: Speaking of which, somebody asked you what song you were going to use for your Project U.N.A.M.V.. um, i forgot what the song was though...or who asked the question as well...
Well, im clueless as well, as to who asked that, cuz i dont remember who it was! but, to answer your question, the song, will be Land of Confusion, by Disturbed!!
Sasuke: Oh, i know that song!!! isnt that that anti-war song, which is actually a cover of the original "Land of Confusion" song by Genisis?
You got it!! i think this will be an awesome song to make a Naruto AMV with. I have some other pretty goodones planned out, but its just a metter of whether i can make them a reality or not...cuz honestly, Windows Movie Maker kinda sucks. I wanna get iMovie, which i hear is way better, but i dont know if that works on PCs, since it's an Apple product.
Ichigo: Which makes for Chris's first question of the day!!
1)Do you have a Mac? a PC? would you happen to know whether iMovie works on PC or not?
Ok, that was three questions, but you get it!!
well, aside from that, there's some big happenings at my school. remember when i told you guys that we used to play Halo in my computer class cuz it was on our servers? well....
Naruto: Somebody who wasnt supposed to find it, found it, and they...they...
Lee: THEY DELETED IT!!!!!!! WHY?!?!??!???!?!?!
I couldnt believe it either, but when i saw that it wasnt there, i knew something was wrong!!!! i'm just so terribly distraught right now, its not funny!!!
Jiraiya: Actually, seeing you like this is kinda funny!! but, im really sorry, really i am. ...whic brings us to our next question!!!
2)Do you like Yuri? Do you even know what Yuri is?? If you decided to watch it, do you think you'd like it???
Ok, that was another three questions, but who cares?!
Jiraiya, what the FUCK kind of question was that?!
That had nothing to do with my going-without-Halo in school problem!!!
Jiraiya: yeah, well, i needed to know!! Yuri is sady and surely being overcome by the popularity of yaoi, that i had to make sure Yuri was still alive out there!!!
Ichigo: He's got a point there. After hanging with Orihime so much, and meeting Rangiku, i started feeling the same way as this guy, of course, that's probably just puberty speaking to me....
you guys are fucked up crack-whores, i swear.
well, i hafta hurry off. big math test tomorrow, and if i fail, its gonna look bad. this is honors, cant make myself look stupid in front of the others. im there to prove that i havent slipped over the years!!!
Ichigo: AMEN to that! show those bastards who's the real smart-ass!!
Comments (8) |
Saturday, December 2, 2006
more issues, with time, friends, a 4-day overdue book report. one hell of a hectic week for an otaku. this sucks!
So, you read the title. Yes, i am having quite the week here!! On top of that, im not able to visit your sites as often as i should, due to ongoing problems with this damn site, and the problems i'm having in my life. As well, as the fact that Sasuke wont shut the fuck up.
Sasuke: Man, shut up! Its not my fault you're gonna be 4 days late with your damn book report!
SHUT UP! no one needs to know about that!
Sasuke: Faggot! You already told them about it anyway!
ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH Knock it off!!! I'm really goign through a lot here, and ur not helping!!
Sasuke: So, this is what I get for trying to be a good friend?!?! FINE!! See if I ever try to help you out again!!
Good LORD, knock it off!! YOU WORK FOR A TRANSEXUAL! just...God, im too tired for this.
Naruto: Relax, man, just take a deep breath. Calm down.
Kabuto: Tension and stressing out will only make things worse. Relax.
*deep breath* hmm, alrite, im fine now. relaxed, calm, cool, and collected. it actually worked!
still, it wont help me with all the problems i'm having right now, with work from school, no time to visit you guys, no time to do my second OR third AMV, almost no time to write my new song...
Kabuto: A song?! You didnt tell me about that!! Whats it about!! tell me!!!...unless its some gay emo song.
Why, are you emo?
Kabuto: No, you are!!! i know you like that!! Im in your head! So, tell me, whats it about??, well. its,
Kabuto: You wrote song about me?! You shouldnt have!! Whats it called?!
and thats the tough part. ya see, its called....
... do i say this guys?
Naruto: Dude, just tell him. Even though i dont know what it is either.
Sasuke: Just get it off ur chest man!!
Ok. its called..."White & Nerdy" the remix.
Kabuto: ...what?
im sorry, man. its just that, well...
Orochimaru: He's telling you that you resemble the song too much, Kabuto-kun.
Kabuto: well, yeah, thats true. but it funny? like, haha-funny, not "im-a-big-nerd-named-Kabuto funny"??
the first one. it's not meant to dis you. um...wait, yeah, it kinda is, sorry!!
Kabuto: Ya know what? I really dont mind! i think its cool that i inspired you to write an actual song, even though its nothing more than a parody of a parody. Thats cool! So, are ya finished with it yet?
not yet. im still trying to fix up a few lines, so they can all match up together, as well as make sense, ya know?
Sasuke: Hmm, well, i dont think it'll be so great. ur AMV wasnt so great.
Shut up! i tried hard on that thing!! and im trying just as hard on my current project!! i just need a few more episodes to download, and im all set!
Naruto: You always need a few more episodes to download!!
Sasuke: Thats because there arent that may episodes with Lee. He cant exactly remember the exact episodes he needs anyway, as in the number episode.
Lee: Yes, sad but true. It's a little difficult to get my good episodes.
Sasuke: HEY! He stole my font color!!! THIEF!!!!
chillax, man! ya know what, i think green suits Lee better than it does you. you need a new color.
Sasuke: WHAT?!!? what color will i have now?!
well, you'll hafta get purple for now, with Orochimaru. sorry buddy!
Sasuke: this sucks!!! i liked green, too!!
back to our original point, yes, im trying very hard on my Lee project! After thats over, i can get started on "Project: U.N.A.M.V."
Sasuke: "Project: U.N.A.M.V."? What the hell is that?!
Video. My will-be greatest production yet!!! I got the whole thing perfectly planned out in my head!!! now, if i only knew how to do those amazing speciall effects, like in all those other awesome AMVs we watched. Man, i envy those people, for having so much skill with that...
Kakashi: Yeah, they're good. compared to them, you fuckin suck.
Kabuto: Calm down!!! Forget him, just relax! please, we dont want another episode...hey, what about my song?
oh, the new remix! Yeah, a few more lines fixed, and i'll be done. its just a few lines in the middle of the song. after im done with it, i'll put it up so you all can read it. if i could, i'd just make a youtube vid with me actually rapping, but its too much work. i wrote the song, why should i hafta do anything else?!
おお、新しいリミックス! はい、 少数 私が で る より多くのラインが決めて、 される. その 歌の真ん中のたった数個のライン. それでされたimの後私はそれを上げる、それで、 なたの全てがそれを読むことができる. もしそうすることができれば、私が単に私でビデオを作る 実際、しゃべった を除いて その 働きすぎる. 私が歌を書いた 私が他のものをする 持つ なぜ べきで る?!
Naruto: Um...what the fuck is that?
Its that whole last paragraph before it, just in Japanese.
Orochimaru: How the hell did you do that?!
i went to this website, copied that paragraph, and translated it! just go to, and you can translate to all kinds of languages!!!! It's fun!!! ...i think it's kinda pathetic, that Naruto ere can't even read his own native language, a know?
Lee: Yes, Naruto has a lot oftraining ahead of him.
Naruto: HEY!!!!
*24-hour hiatus*
woo!!! yes, peoples, its been a whole 24 hours since i started this post!!! See, i left my computer on Hibernate mode, so it will turn off,but still save whatever work i was currently doing. SO, after a whole day, im back to finish this bitch-of-a-post!!
Kabuto: Amen to that!!!...however...
*another 24-hour break*
Sasuke: Damn! you took two days to type this little mofo!!! What the hell is wrong with you!!! That title makes no sense anymore!!
He's right. that title sez a "four-day overdue book report." Its going to be 7 days now, since im gonna hand it in on Monday.
Naruto: Damn, Chris, u suck.
Shut up!! I'll finish the report today, so i can have the rest of my weekend to myself. i still hafta watch all the shows i taped from last week Saturday, then i gotta set the tape for tonight! I can play more Ultimate Ninja then, so i can finish those damn S-Rank missions. i have yet to complete all of them. I'm currently doing the Hokage-level mission, "Collect 9,999,999 Ryo(money)". So far, i've just hit the 2 million Ryo mark, and im a litle above that, so just 6 million-something Ryo left!
Lee: Man, that sounds really tough! A challenge worthy of somebody of your skill with the game!!!
Aww, thanks Lee!! At least somebody has faith in me!!!
Kakashi: So, when are ya gonna talk about life? ya know the random shit that happens in it?
uh, well, there's really not much thats happened. lets see, uh, well, my friend Sasuke Uzumaki got himself a new phone. he got it yesterday, and-
Naruto: Fool!! Kakashi-sensei meant your life!!
well, ya see, thats the thing, not much has happened this past more-than-a-week-since-i-last-posted. so, i got nothing until tomorrow, or the next day. So, i guess this ends this post. i'll try to make them more interesting-
Sasuke: And more frequent!!
And more frequent!!! so, yeah, later. i gotta finish that damn report.
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
this site has issues(and so does Sasuke)
Sasuke: ...wait, WHAT?!
bitch, you heard me!!!
Sasuke: man, thats a load of BULL!!!!
ah, whatever. anyways, um, bad thing happened just now.
Sasuke: Chris here was just writing a post-an UBER-Long post-when, all of a sudden, the internet window just dissappeared, and his long post, was gone!!!
ITS HORRIBLE!!!!!! and right before my Thanksgiving vacation, which started today!!! that sucks!!! but, still, i cant wait for tomorrow! FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sasuke: Yeah, sounds good, but, what about that post?
well, i guess i'll just hafta recreate it from memory. this sucks. now, where did i leave off??
Sasuke: so sorry...
well, the last time i checked, we went into a discussion about video games, so...yeah, um, well, on Sunday, the 19th, the Nintendo Wii came out!!!! HELLZ YEAH!!!!!!
Naruto: Aww, Yeah, baby!!!!!
Kakashi: Awesome!!!!
Kiba: YA-HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Akamaru: ruff!!!
Orochimaru & Jiraiya: Sweeeeeet!!!!
Sasuke: rrrrggghhhhhh...screw you. screw you all!!!!
So, yeah, and with the release of the greatest video game console of all time, the 7th Generation of Video Games has officially begun!!!! *heavy-metal scream*YEEEEAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naruto: Hey, tell them the story of your friend, who actually camped out for a PS3!!!
Oh, yeah!! I hafta tell you guys about Luis, and his adventures in front of a store!!
Sasuke: YES! a truly hardcore Sony supporter!!!
Kakashi: Yes, i'd like to hear that story again! its just so funny!!!
Jiraiya: Ok, why don't I start it off? Well, you all know that PS3 came out on the 17th, on Friday. Well, Luis, Chris's friend, went to camp out at a Best Buy, about ten minutes from here. He arrived 3 days beforehand, and was one of the first people to arrive on line.
Sasuke: And THAT is the sign of a true PS3 fan!!!
Naruto: However, the police wouldnt allow anyone to camp out right by the entrance, so people were forced to scatter all over the parking lot. There's a mall right by, but these people weren't allowed to stay inside the mall. Luis had to sleep at the bus stop on the first night!!!!
Kakashi: No one cares. Anyway, he did meet some very friendly people at that parking lot. He met this one older man, who let Luis stay in his car when the weather got a little mild(Luis's dad was with him, so it was ok). This man supposedly had a tv in his car, and they watched tv, and i think they played some video games while they waited too!
Orochimaru: And those 3 days were a pretty good wait, even though Luis missed three days of school. Personally, i didnt think it was worth it- a knowledge seeker like myself knows how important studying and working is. After all, i didnt achieve the rank of Sannin for nothing. Now, back to the story, when the day finally came, when Best buy opened its doors...well,, just...*cries*
Sasuke:'s ok. you can tell them...
Orochimaru: ...Well, at those moments, all hell broke loose, and....and...I WASNT THE ONE WHO CAUSED IT!!!!!!*cries*
Everyone else: -_______-.....
Anyways, where were we, oh yeah! Well, by "all hell broke loose", we mean that "PS3 Frenzy" had been unleashed. People were running to those doors like madmen. People were getting trampled on!!! Ambulances were called over to take those injured to the hospital. And when someone actually obtained their PS3, the poice had to escort them out of the building and out of the lot, so they wouldnt get jumped. they were armed cops, too!!!
Kiba: much like the incident in NYC, where somebody got shot on line, for a PS3!!! That was some crazy shit!!
Akamaru: ruff-ruufffff!!!!
Sasuke: Yeah, well.....
Jiraiya: Well, at least nobody got shot or trampled when the Wii came out!! That's because the Wii's all about peace, love, and quality gaming!!!!
Amen to that, brother!!!! Wii fucking pwns PS3's ASS!!!!!!
Kakashi: Hey, dont some of your friends already have the Wii??? You hafta go over their house to play!!!!!
Thats right, thanks Kakashi!!! Well, you heard the man- 2 of my friends already have the Wii, and according to one of them, its fucking awesome!!!!!!!
Sasuke: What about the other kid??
Well, that kid, Justin, got his Wii, but it's a Christmas present, so he's not getting it till then. As for my other friend, Angel, he and his brother Andy already opened and played their Wii, and they LOVE IT!!!!
Naruto: Damn straight!!!!
Kakashi: Of course!!!
Jiraiya & Orochimaru: What more can you expect!!!!!
Kiba: Awesomeness!!!!!
Akamaru: ruufffff!!!
...*sighs*Fine! i know when to give in!!! I'm clearly outnumbered here, sheesh!!
yes, yes you are. now, onto recent events. On Saturday, i went to my Church for the Thanksgiving service/dinner they serve each year around this time of year. And, like each year, I always enjoy it all!!!!
Naruto: Praise the Big Man above for food!!!
Everyone else: AMEN!!!!
And today, i had a half-day today at school, since tomorrow starts my Thanksgiving vacation, WOOT!!!!!! I'll be going to my Aunt's house for the dinner, which is good, b/c chances are, more of my family will be there, and that's always good on Thanksgiving!!!!
Kakashi: It's good that you'll be spending some time with those family members!
Sasuke: Yeah, it sure is!! orochimaru may seem evil, but at least i feel warm and welcome at his house!! and, Kabuto sure can cook!!
heh, i'm sure he can! well, i was able to see that play, Figments, at my schol, that same Sat. night. It was really good!!! i liked the plot- This playwright has trouble writing his newest play, a murder mystery. he apparently "talks" to the characters in this play, as Figments of his imagination. He also has problems in his life as well, such as the struggle with his feelings for a friend who lives nearby, and her tough boyfriend, whom she's clearly having some problems with. There's also his mother, who's very protective, and accuses any girl her son goes out with to be a "floozy", or a whore. it was really interesting, and most of my friens were in it, and they did a very good job!! it was touching, but mostly comical, and i liked it a lot!! The ending was pretty joyous too, and even funnier!!!
Now, for the title of this post, I've been having some ore problems with myOtaku, again! I have a friend who goes by the name "beyblader". Well, her name has suddenly dissappeared from my friends list. So, when i added her name aagain, it sed "This friend has already been added". and her name was on the list twice!!!!!!!! After a while, both of them disappeared again!!!
Sasuke: That's pretty fucked up.
yeah, i know!!! Oh, and more of today, since we had a half-day, we did Schedule B, which was extended versions of periods 1,2,3, and 8. Pd.2 is my Visual Basic class, and we had free time obviously, so.....HALO TIME!!!!!!! Over an hour of non-stop 16-player Halo Action Frenzy!!!!!!!!! WOOT-WOOT!!!!!
Kiba: Now that sounds freakin' sweet!!!!
it was man!!! i was pwning peoples like crazy, yo!!! Gimme a Pistol, and i'll shoot 'em all down!!! A sniper rifle works even better for me!!!!!
Sasuke: Yeah, total annhilation, bitch!!!!!
And my day was uber-fun today. but, this post has to end now, so, see y'all peoples later!!!
Sasuke: Catch ya around yo!!
Naruto: See ya!!!
Kakashi: bye!!!
Kiba: Later!!!
Akamaru: Ruff!!
orochimaru & Jiraiya: Peace!!!!!
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
So cool!!!!...yet, not so cool...yet, SO AWESOME!!!!!....but, so not awesome...
Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
 Heroic Courage: You are a very brave person who puts others before yourself, believes in helping those in need. People would consider you noble and caring, and someone to always count on. Take this quiz!

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yeah, this quiz pretty much sums me up!!! but, it doesnt explain my 6 day absence. i mean, damn, i gotta stop doing this!!!!
But, really its been a very busy week(sorry for not going to anyone's sites!!! its all Sasuke's fault!!!)
Sasuke: WTF?! Yo, why me?!
cuz, ur emo.
Sasuke: Wat?! Man, so are you!!!!!
Sasuke: AHHHHH!
but, other than that, my week started off like crap. ya kno why?
Sasuke: Who cares? ur emo.
SHADDUP!! Well, over here in Jersey(idk if this happens everywhere else), we got a little sumthin goin' on called "American Education Week", where YOUR parents get to come visit the class and watch the class!!! the whole period, maybe THE WHOLE DAY, if ur that unlucky!!!!
Sasuke: That sucks ass, man!!
I know!!!! Even though they only came on Monday, they still saw most of my classes. It was really stressful!!!
Sasuke: yeah, especially when you SUCK in school!!
Ignoring that......But, my dad is gonna come in AGAIN tomorrow, but only for 1 class *phew*
Sasuke: Yeah, but its history. And history sucks.
i know it does!! he would've been able to see spanish class too, but tomorrow, during 8th period(Spanish), we have an assembly, a preview of thr high school's fall drama, "Figments". I have no clue what it is, maybe the preview will clear it all up.
Sasuke: "Figments"?? You mean like those chewy snack bars from Nabisco???
...No, those are Fig Newtons, you Artard(MY WORD!! you cant use it!!!!)
Sasuke: Fine, w/e!! Naruto's still a dick anyway
WHAT does this hafta do with him?!
Sasuke: Hell if I know! he's still a dick!!
Ur the dick here!!!
Sasuke: nuh-uh!!
*pissed off* Moving on with my week, Monday was also my big NJ State Driving Written Exam. For this, i needed an 80 or higher to pass!! WTF! well, it dont matter no mo', cuz i passed with an 86, woot!!!!! IM off to driving skool, bitches!!!!
Sasuke: Yeah, those poor pedestrians...
Man, FUCK the pedestrians!!! Its their fault if they get in my way!!! I'll just use everything i learned from watching Megas XLR!!(anyone remember that show???)
Sasuke: Yeah, that show was awesome!!! I wish it were back on the air...
Yeah, but its on ToonamiJetstream.
Sasuke: Fuck that!!! Jetstream needs all these stupid plug-ins!! Put it on YouTube!!!!
Hellz yeah man!!!!
Naruto: Heh, yeah, that show was the shit!!! I was a HUGE fan!!!
Kakashi: Hmm, yes, i remember that show. Lucky Zabuza- It was him who played the voice of Jamie. And HE was funny!!
Oh, yeah, thats right!! Stephen Jay Blum!!! He also plays Vincent Valentine, Spike Spiegel, Mugen, Kazuma, Orochimaru, Cunningham Hume, Makoto Shishio...
Sasuke: OK, we get it!!!
So, onto music! um, well, what song is stuck in ur head??(readers, you can answer this question too, in ur comment)
Sasuke: "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance.
Naruto: "Breath" by Breaking Benjamin.
Kakashi: "The Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin as well.
...You just like anything that has ot do with books, dont you?
Jiraiya: Well, my song is "I Wanna Fuck You" by Akon Ft. Snoop Dogg!!!(or is it Snoop Dogg Ft. Akon?? hmmm....)
Everyone: O.O.........uh,......
Well, yeah, that song is kinda stuck in my head too.... and, sadly, so is "My Love" by Justin Timberlake....I DONT CARE if T.I's in the song, i HATE JT, and it sickens me, the song in my head!!!! I need Dir En Grey!!!! I need "RYOUJOKU NO AME"!!!!!!
Sasuke: But, thats already ur profile song on Myspace.
Naruto: Yeah, to match ur new uber-goth layout theme
Kakashi: Yeah, i think it was called "Joker Vampyre"?
yep, you got it.
Sasuke: NOW, onto Gaming news!!! PS3 IS COMING OUT TOMORROW!!!! IN LESS THAN AN HOUR!!!!!
Yeah, But Wii's coming out in 3 days!!!!!!
Sasuke: Fuck Wii!!!! Wii sucks!!!! WHOS WITH ME?!!?!?!?! PS3!!!!!!!!
everyone else: ............
Jiraiya: How about "Wii" are not with you!!! huh, huh? was that a good one? huh?
Jiraiya: Ah, i give up...
Well, thats all the time i have to post. see ya later!!!
Everyone else: BYE!!!!!!!!
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Friday, November 10, 2006
oh, what fun it is to kick ass
ok, in response to some comments to my last post, yes, i agree with some of you- what Paul said to that girl was stupid and disrespectful to that girl...however hot she was.
SO, yeah, my day today, was so freakin' fun!!! ...well, not so fun at first. today, i had a doctor's appointment. actually, it was my yearly check-up, so, yeah, had fun at that -_-. the worst part was...the urine sample. why? ...cuz, i couldnt pee. it took me ten minutes to get a quarter of the cup full. ...yeah. oh, and i got s hot today, yeah, a Tetanus shot. dont know what it does, but it sounded important, so i went ahead with it. it didnt hurt, but he sed that it would eventually give me a fever. man, i hate it already...
so, then, I went outside to meet up with Bater(Sasuke Uzumaki) and Stephen(narutouchiha), and we hung out for a little bit. Stephen left after a while, and then Bater came over my house, where we just played Naruto: Ultimate Ninja, to see who was truly better at it. and...well, what do you expect? I won of course!!!! We had a few battles(i lost count), and i won the majority of them. i seemed to really piss him off when i kept beating him with Gaara, no matter what character he picked! And, seeing as Gaara is so slow, he really took that as an insult!!
After that, we went outside again, with my brother, and we found that the ground was covered in leaves! so, we obviously jumped in them!! well, after we piled them up of course!! then, we started to just throw handfuls of leaves at each other, and man, that was fun!!!! Then, these two kids that live near us(we dont even know their names) decided to join us, so the five of us just threw leaves at each other!! after about 20 minutes, bater left, so then my bro and I just went inside, and now, im trying to watch Naruto AND Bleach at the same time, again!
oh, btw, i achieved the rank of Hokage in my Ultimate Ninja game, WOOT!!!!
So, did anyone try to watch the 24-hour Spongebob marathon on Nickelodeon??? Well, the Spongebob movie is just about done rite now, and i gotta say, the way Spongebob saved everyone, was a true ode to Classic Rock, all the way. Kudos to Spongebob, man. Kudos.
well, i guess im gonna go now. i gotta go take some medicine to counter my friggin shot. see ya.
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
4 day weekend, woot!!!!! ...oh god, when was the last time i posted?
i mean, jeez! i really gotta stop taking so long to make a friggin post, ya know? but, i cant help it, ya know? i'm just so busy with school, friends, movies, and all kinds of junk, ya know?
So, remember the PowderPuff Game i told you guys about in my last post? Well, it turns out that i actually got up late, so when i got there, it turns out that i missed half of the first half...which would be the first quarter. but, my friend Dave sed that i didnt miss much...then, i soon realized that i got there just in time! i mean, remember when i had prayed for sum good catfights on the field? well, they werent exactly catfights, but, well, lemme put it this way- what was planned to be Touch Football, kinda turned into Tackle football. Yeah, thats how good the game was!!! oh, and the guys didnt cheerlead after all. im not even sure where i heard that part, but im glad they didnt anyway. i dont wanna see guys cheerleading!! but, it turns out that the Underclassmen(my team, the 9th & 10th graders) had won, 7-2(they counted touchdowns by 1 point, not the usual 6). So, i felt good, knowing that we were capable of beating older chicks at football!! but, then i realized, that the 10th grade hotties on our team would be Upperclassmen in the next game. My friend Dave was in 11th grade, so next year, we'll be on the same team.
That was my Saturday. On Sunday, my dad decided to take me to the empty parking lot at the bank where he works. i was confused at first, but when he told me to "switch seats with him", i knew what was coming- he wanted to make me practice driving. So, for the next hour, i was practicing the basic crap i hafta know, y know? the usual stuff, like getting the feel of driving, parking in a parking space at, well, a praking lot, and the whole getting-the-hang-of-driving-in-reverse thing. I did that for an hour, and afterwards, i went over to John's house, where me, him, and Paul just hung out and played Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows for PS2. After we finally managed to beat the game, we headed out to go see The Marine, ya know, that movie with John Cena? Yeah, and lemme tell you, OMFG THAT MOVIE WAS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!!! There wsa just so much action in it, i cant describe it!!! Well, yeah, it was just awesome like that!!!
After the movie, we went to hang out at the parking garage across the street from the theater. We went to the 3rd(and last) floor, just to hang out up there. Anyways, when we were up there, i saw the cops driving on the road, and i was like "Oh look! It's the Police!" And we all just looked at the car, all three of us went "......Oh, SHIT!!!" We all thought the cops saw us, and we ran back downstairs as fast as we could, thinking they saw us and were headed up this way. we came back down and waited, but the cops werent going in the garage, and they actually came back the way they came. they drove past us, and i stupidly waved to them. just being stupid for a moment, ya know? well, we went back up later, and just hung out for a while. we also watched the people as they all left to go home. We would usually yell "Good Night!!", or "Hope ya liked the movie!" or sumthing to that idiotic effect. Until Paul spotted this one really hot girl, and lemme tell you, she was bangin'!!!! Paul asked us if we dared him to call her, so we did. Then, the idiot yelled out "Yeah, shake that ass, girl!!" The bad part was, she was with guys, which meant hell for us if they caught us. we ran right after he sed that, and we werent caught. im telling you, that was close!!! It got cold, but we didnt care, we just hung out!
Well, it turns out that I have a 4-day weekend, starting today!!! Why? well, all the teachers in New Jersey have a convention once in a while, and its in Atlantic City, about a 2-2&1/2 hour drive from my town. it lasts 4 days, i think, so i have me a four-day weekend!!! WOOT!!!!
Hey, can someone answer me this question- WHAT'S GOING ON WITH INUYASHA?!?!!?! I've missed out on it for so long, and people tell me that it's OVER!!! HOW can it be over?!?! Is the ENTIRE SERIES really over?!?!?!?! WHATS GOING ON!?
Im still reading my book for that dumb-as-hell report i hafta do, Fahrenheit 451. But still, it's a pretty good book, i have to admit. i still also have to copy the Foo Fighters's Cd on to my computer. ALSO, i have to work on my friggin AMV, which i've been working on for about 4 months now!!!! I've been so busy slacking off, i NEED to finish it, so that i can get started with the 3rd project i have in mind, which i actually have a clear image in my mind as to how its going to be. i have the exact video all planned out in my head, but i need to finish this one first b4 i work on this next one. man, what a drag. i have all this work, and no time to make the damn thing! whatever, i'm gonna go try to work on it, so, see ya!!
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Saturday, November 4, 2006
I sued Panasonic, they never told me i shouldnt use their microwave to dry up my cat!!
Yeah, So,where was i? oh yeah!!! John went to Paul's house, while i went with Keith and Justin to go trick-or-trattin'(thats our gangsta talk). Justin was being an annoying little bitch by going to everyone's houses. we decided to take a path that would slowly but surely lead to Paul's house, cuz we wanted to go, but we couldnt just ditch Justin, so the three of us walked for 40 minutes(thats how long our path was, and how long Justin took) until we got to Paul's house. i stayed, however, Keith had to stick with Justin, so they went off towards more houses. i stayed at Paul's house with John for about 4 hours, just meeting his family and helping him pack up his broken XBox 360 to ship it off to Texas. After that, we went up to his room where he revealed to us that he actually got to play the Nintendo Wii before us, at the Nintendo Fusion Tour. He played while hearing Hawthorne Heights and Plain White Tees play live on stage. I nearly choked him for being so frickin lucky!! then we just chilled out and listened to music, mainly Weird Al's "Straight Outta Lynnwood". Paul let me borrow it, and the title of this post, as well as the last one, is a quote from his song "I'll Sue Ya".
So, anyways, at Paul's house, his cousin(and friend of mine since kindergarten) Angela came over, with 4 friends and her brother, who i met for the first time that day. we just went downstairs to see them(names were Amanda, Allysa, Paul, and Jimmy). we just sat, talked, and ate candy. it was pretty fun, just being together and w/e. Angie's bro, Nick, is really cool, and we have a lot in common, so yeah, he's cool! i left at about 10, and that was my, uh, yeah, Halloween, however Jacked up it was.
my week was pretty good, nothing bad happened. After all, it was Demon Dog KIBA's BIRTHDAY!!, even though that news is about 3 days late.
uh, well, its midnight now, so, today, im going to this thing my school's having called a "Powder Puff game" its where the girls play the football, and the guys cheerlead. 9th & 10th grades vs. 11th & 12th, cant wait!!! it would be soooo funny if there was a catfight in the middle of the field! that would be awesome!!!! i hope the underclassmen win though, since i'm on that side.
i have a book report to do, but my english teacher is fuckin retarded. She gave us the book list, but she never told us what she wants in the report, or when its even due!! so, i got my book, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. it seems like a really good book, so i picked it. plus, its not so long, either, only 190 pages. so, it's a win-win for me. plus, i also borrowed "In Your Honor", the latest album by Foo Fighters. yeah, they'rea really good band. i gotta copy the CD onto my comp later.
So, yeah, new theme song for English Naruto, huh? yeah, Haruka Kanata by Asian Kung-Fu Generation!!! my favorite Naruto theme song!! ya know, aside from several others. im just glad the people at Viz finally decided to use a Japanese theme song, like most anime do. and they picked the good one too, im proud of those guys!!!
wow, this is getting to be a pretty long post, huh? aside from chatting on AIM with D.D.KIBA, im pretty wiped trying to post! so, i think i'll end it here. good night people!!!
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
I sued Delta Airlines, cuz they sold me a ticket to New Jersey- I went there, & it sucked
Weird Al rocks. 'nuff said.
So, Halloween didnt go exactly as planned for me. Turns out that John couldnt find the Red hair spray, so we didnt do the "True Sand Siblings" thing we planned. Instead, they dyed my hair partially blue, and i traded gloves with John temporarily(Sand gloves for Sound gloves) and tried to pose as Sasuke, but, that didnt work. oh, and Keith put the red marks on his face to look like Kiba. So, John went to Paul's house, while I went with Keith and Justin(who came later, impressively dressed up as the puppet dude from Saw.
i have no time to finish this post, so i'll repost this tomorrow w/ more stuff. see ya.
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