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Member Since
Seventh Hokage, captain of the 14th Division in Soul Society
Real Name
Chris (#461)
i can kick ass in (most)video games and yu-gi-oh, becoming the seventh Hokage & convincing everyone in Soul society to start a 14th Division, & making me captain!
Anime Fan Since
my parents showed me pokemon(1996, or was it '97?)
Favorite Anime
Naruto, BLEACH, Death Note, s-CRY-Ed, FLCL, Evangelion, Trinity Blood, FMA, DBZ, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Pokemon, Digimon, Zatch Bell, Bo^7, Ghost in the Shell, Samurai Champloo, Eureka seveN, Trigun, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Samurai 7, and more
to make something out of myself, to be the best at yu-gi-oh(yeah, i'm a nerd), to be a graphics designer(video games), and, other things
watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, hangin' out, scaring people, playing yu-gi-oh cards, calming down & taming wild genins, listening to various J-Rock bands. Yep, all in a day's work!
lying(that includes some degree of acting, though i DONT do plays), memorizing random anime facts, being a disturbance to society, my awesome ninjutsu skills!!!
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Monday, October 30, 2006
heh, whatever happens, happens (reposted from Sunday, cuz i felt like it fools!!)
Damn right, Shikamaru. Damn right. so, i was at the mall on Saturday with John and Keith, and as we walked out of the Vans store, i realized that a familiar face just walked right past me. Her name's Jaclyn, or just Jackie. and, well, she's, pretty much, the girl i like. really like. really like. w/e. Keith kept telling me to walk past her & get her to notice me, but i objected. out of nowhere, John brings up a moment from our 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C., when Keith commented that Jackie was "short". She kinda heard him, and when she asked me what he sed about her, i told her, and Keith punched me. When John brought it up, Keith punched me again. anyways, Keith began to push me so she could "notice" me, but as soon as i got next to her, she made a right turn into the store rite there. heh, as much as i dont mind...w/e. she was with her family anyway, not my kind of situation.
w/e. i decided to cheer myself up by going to Hot Topic, since we were going there anyway. See, John has plans for us on Halloween, for a semi-cosplay sort of thing. he wants us to spray our hair red and paint the Love kanji on our foreheads, to be Gaara. we found eyeliner, and John's sis, who came with us to make sure we were buying "the good stuff". anywho, we didnt find the hair spray, but we got the eyeliner-wait, i already said that part. ok, so, while i was there, i picked up sum accessories of my own. i bought me a Bleach wristband, black with the Skull-&-Blue fire symbol, along with some Naruto Hidden Sand village gloves. their black, with holes for the fingers to stick out, and have silver Sand village plates on the back. i also saw a cool Bleach tee, but i didnt have enough money to buy it.
Now, my new games. for ultimate ninja, all i need to unlock next is Kyuubi Naruto, then i have all the characters. but to do that, i have to do every mission up to A-rank, and i need to finish one annoying C-rank mission to get to B-rank, then i can get Kyuubi Naruto.
Kingdom Hearts 2, which im borrowing from my friend Mike-Level 17, searching for the missing pages of "Winnie the Pooh". already completed Beast's Castle and The Land of Dragons. i still have an uber-long way to go...
so, my weekend in a nutshell. i'll try to visit sites, get to PMs, yeah. so, later.
Comments (4) |
Sunday, October 29, 2006
heh, whatever happens, happens
Damn right, Shikamaru. Damn right. so, i was at the mall yesterday with John and Keith, and as we walked out of the Vans store, i realized that a familiar face just walked right past me. Her name's Jaclyn, or just Jackie. and, well, she's, pretty much, the girl i like. really like. really like. w/e. Keith kept telling me to walk past her & get her to notice me, but i oblected. out of nowhere, John brings up a moment from our 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C., when Keith commented that Jackie was "short". She kinda heard him, and when she asked me what he sed about her, i told her, and Keith punched me. When John brought it up, Keith punched me again. anyways, Keith began to push me so she could "notice" me, but as soon as i got next to her, she made a right turn into the store rite there. heh, as much as i dont mind...w/e. she was with her family anyway, not my kind of situation.
w/e. i decided to cheer myself up by going to Hot Topic, since we were going there anyway. See, John has plans for us on Halloween, for a semi-cosplay sort of thing. he wants us to spray our hair red and paint the Love kanji on our foreheads, to be Gaara. we found eyeliner, and John's sis, who came with us to make sure we were buying "the good stuff". anywho, we didnt find the hair spray, but we got the eyeliner-wait, i already said that part. ok, so, while i was there, i picked up sum accessories of my own. i bought me a Bleach wristband, black with the Skull-&-Blue fire symbol, along with some Naruto Hidden Sand village gloves. their black, with holes for the fingers to stick out, and have silver Sand village plates on the back. i also saw a cool Bleach tee, but i didnt have enough money to buy it.
Now, my new games. for ultimate ninja, all i need to unlock next is Kyuubi Naruto, then i have all the characters. but to do that, i have to do every mission up to A-rank, and i need to finish one annoying C-rank mission to get to B-rank, then i can get Kyuubi Naruto.
Kingdom Hearts 2, which im borrowing from my friend Mike-Level 17, searching for the missing pages of "Winnie the Pooh". already completed Beast's Castle and The Land of Dragons. i still have an uber-long way to go...
so, my weekend in a nutshell. i'll try to visit sites, get to PMs, yeah. so, later.
Comments (2) |
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Day off, wooooot!!!!!!
And those are the games i got for my PS2!!!!!! I love them soooo much!!! Dont you?? OR YOU'RE A BOOGER HEAD!!!-nah, im just playin!! SO, this is how it all worked out. Ya see, on my birthday(last Saturday, for those who dont know), i woke up at 7:00 for those damn PSATs i was supposed to take in about an hour. So, i was trying to get my pop tarts open, when my mom and brother just burst outta nowhere and thrust the PS2 box into my chest! I was in shock, as well as in a little pain, but it was all good, cuz, well, i got me a PS2!!! And, you all know the games i got for it!!!
However, i only get 2 now. why? it was like this. At first, my mom only got me the console, an extra controller, and a memory card(the 8MB one, the good one), but no games yet. so, she asked me to make a list of PS2 games that i wanted, in order of preference. so, i made a list, having 8 games on it. This was because Toys R' Us was having their "Buy 2, get 1 FREE" sale, which they have every year on this week, the 3rd week in October(Just in time for MY b-day, hellz yeah!!!), to get ready for holiday shopping. So, just like last year, my mom would get 3 games, give me one now, and the other 2 for Christmas. So, i got Samurai Champloo, Dirge of Cerberus, and Naruto. After we paid for them, mom asked my bro if he wanted anything, so he sed he wanted Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Mystery Team for his DS. she sed ok, but then she sed that she might as well get another free game while she was at it, so she let my bro get one more game, and i can get one more game. so, i picked One Piece: Grand Adventure, and Jake(my bro) picked Spongebob: Creature from the Krusty Krab. I walked out with 4 games, and my brother got 2, including his first PS2 game! I chose Naruto and Dirge now, and i'll get One Piece and Samurai Champloo later. I'm also borrowing Kingdom Hearts 2 from my friend mike, so, yeah, im good!!!
Oh, and rememeber when i told you guys about those $20 i was going to spend with my friends? I didnt think it would leave suchan impact on the readers!! Well, 5 of those $20 went towards the place John and Keith took me to-my first Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament!!! WOOT!!!! It was awesome!!! I met so many new people who love the game, and the show, as much as i did, and these were people i would have never guessed played the game just by looking at them!!! i was pretty amazed!so, the whole thing worked like this- first off, there was a prelims round, where everyone got to face three people in matches (a "match" is a best 2 outta 3 duels.). After everyone gets their matches in, those with the better scores will move on to the top 16. all in all, there will be 4 winners. 1st place gets 7 free packs of cards, 2nd gets 5, 3rd and 4th get 2 each. sadly, neither me, John, Keith or Ryan(who came later) made the top 16. what really sucked, was that Keith ended up facing Ryan in one of his matches, and lost miserably. that was funny!!
As for me, well, i lost all three of my matches. that kinda made me pretty sad. But, c'mon!!!! HOW THE HELL does a person bring out fuckin' Exodia the Forbidden One* twice?!?! HOW did i end up facing somebody whose job is as an official Yu-Gi-Oh tournament judge?! people who KNOW the game inside out?!?! man, i got unlucky w/ opponents, thats for sure...
the other $15 went towards packs of cards, and i got sum pretty damn good cards too!!!
Anyone ever heard that song "#1 in Heaven" by Nemesis??? I mean, i like the song, it's pretty addicting, but the guys who sing it....i think they're gay. literally homo. i duno, there's just something about them, the way their portrayed in the video for the song. usually, when i first see a new artist, its their first music video that gives me a first impression of that artist. and as much as i like the song, im sorry, but i dont like those guys. their style just doesnt match mine. there's no one to blame here, but, still...
huh, yeah, everything's going good so far. School's good, seeing as all we ever do is play Halo in Visual Basic class. If you're wondering how we even have Halo on the computers at my school, just ask, and i'll tell. I recently learned how to find it, and now, when we have free time, we just log on to the LAN game, and there!!!! 16-man multiplayer action!!! Slayer mode has never been the same...neither has CTF(Capture The Flag)!!!
How to make a Chris |
1 part friendliness
3 parts silliness
3 parts leadership |
Method: Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little lustfulness if desired! |
Personality cocktailFrom
damn, this is pretty accurate!! yep, it's so true...
haha, yeah, well, i think this is long enough, so, see ya later!!!
Comments (9) |
Monday, October 23, 2006
...did anybody miss me???
More of my friends are disappearing from my friends' list. its IRRITATING!!!
I GOT MY PS2!!!!!!! AND 4 GAMES!!!!!!
bet ya wanna know what they are, huh?????
....tell me who ya love!!!!! then i might talk....
Comments (6) |
Monday, October 16, 2006
it's late, im playing my game, got no time to post, so i'll make it quick
so, i was out all weekend. i bet i was missed...
......ok, maybe no one really cared after all. but still!!! i had a pretty kick-ass weekend!! So, lets see, no one's gonna read this, so i might as well not say anything......or, just type it now, and then re-post it some other day.
...decisions, decisions...and i still hafta make up for a lost Fanfic chapter. and a Spanish project due this Friday, which i havent started yet. AND a Science project which i hafta start working on. ...wait, my weekend!
So, saturday, i didnt see the Marine, although i wanted to. we all wanted to, but John had other plans. He called me up and told me to bring $10. i brought $20.
what i did with that $20...i'll tell you tomorrow, cuz im going to sleep. later.
Comments (3) |
Friday, October 13, 2006
problems & old newcomings, w/ a movie on the side
HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th!!!!!!!!
ok, the weirdest things are happening to me rite now, and i hope they have nothing to do with the fact that it's Friday the 13th. So, i just logged on, rite? well, it turns out that i have one less guestbook signing, which is kinda sad because i dont like to lose friends, ya know? but, still, b/c i have so many gb signings, i have no clue as to who it was that disappeared, ya know? im kinda scared. ALSO, i got a PM today, so i read it, and replied to it, but the problems is, that everytime i come back, it keeps saying that i have 1 unread PM in my inbox. i keep going back, and there arent any!! so, i go back to the backroom, and it still sez that! I'm getting really pissed off right now, so i go to my inbox and delete the message. seeing as i already replied to it, it doesnt matter. anyways, it looks as if its deleted, when i go to the backroom, and it STILL sez i have 1 unread message. i go, and that message that i just supposedly deleted is back!!! WTF?! SO, i read the message, then click the delete button right there, but then it comes back to the BR and sez "You have insufficient credentials to access this option." ...INSUFFICIENT WHAT?!?! ok, this is pissing me off a lot!!! after that, i decided to tell my pointless complaints to you guys by writing this post. and thats what happened in the past 4 minutes.
Some older friends of mine might remember that i was in my school's chorus class last year, meaning i was part of the choir. Well, i didnt take that class again, obviously, but today, i met up with a friend of mine, named Adam. He was with me in chorus last year, and it struck me odd to just see him all of a sudden. so, it turns out the my teacher, Mr. Hank Machuga( He was the guy that was out for the remaning 3 months of the year, due to health issues), was back, and trying to start a new chorus. The meeting was today, after school, and Adam asked me to come with him to join back up. i decided to check it out, and when i did, i could say that i'm officially back on the team. Hank was glad to see me too, since according to him, i was the only good male vocalist last year, but thats cuz our class only had three guys, while the after-school group, meaning those who didnt take the class but were still a part, where actually just as good, if not better, than me. I always thought that they were way better than me, but Hank sed that i was just as good, so, maybe thats what made me join up again. he kinda encouraged me to do this thing, and plus, he's a really funny guy!!! SO, i'n kinda glad im back!!
So, i told you guys before, that i got PSATs coming up, and its on my birthday, next saturday. The last time my b-day fell on a saturday, it was the season premiere of Pokemon: The Johto Journeys. This time, i hafta take a test to decide whether or not i have the potential to go to college!!! Man, life sucks...
SO, tomorrow, I'm going to the movies again with John and Keith, and maybe my other friend Paul, to see The Marine. I intially didnt wanna see it, but a lot of my friends say its a good movie, so, i figure i'll go. i mean hey, its a movie! might as well!!!
So, yeah, thats pretty much it. I got nothing else, so i'll see ya.
Comments (4) |
Thursday, October 12, 2006
About the old days that have previously passed back then a while ago last week
Yeah, i remember i was telling you guys about my awesome Saturday with my friends, John and Keith, right? yeah, i was. so, where'd i leave off?? uh, oh yeah!! We went to see Employee of the Month!! So, below are some posters that i found...somewhere. anyways, yeah, Dane Cook, Dax Shephard, Jessica Simpson, Andy Dick, it's all good! So, after the movie, we didnt know what to do, since John's mom wasnt gonna come for a while(she didnt know when to come, so she waited until John would call her, which wasnt for a long time.) There was a Toys R' Us rite next to the theater, so, we walked there. After half an hour just looking at games and cards, we left the store, and had no idea what to do next. Since the movies were right on the parkway, we just sit by the side of the parkway and watch stupid people drive. On several occasions, i became a total retard and began to annoy the drivers, whether it was by attempting to hitch a ride, or just doing rude things on the side of the road. I did everything i could think of, from the Thumb thing, to flashing my legs, i even flashed my chest!!! it wasnt until i was about to moon the drivers that John started dragging me away.
And there rised the next problem- we were hungry. We stood there and looked around for a place to eat, when we found a McDonalds! However, it was on the other side of the parkway, and even I knew better than to try to cross the Pkwy! So, we sat there and thought about eating, when we looked over to our left and saw a walkway that takes you over the road, and across the street. We dont know why we didnt see it sooner, since we usually go to this theater in the first place. So, we needed to find a a way that would lead us to the staircase up the thing. Keith took the lead, and we followed him as we walked around a huge shopping complex and an office building, when we unknowingly made a wrong turn. on the way, there was a divide in the road, and we went right. Later, we began walking on a bridge that had no sidewalk, so we were pretty much hugging the road, and the cars on it! we decided, since we were still connected to the lower ground, which was the parking lot of that office complex, to slide down thru the dirt and trees while we still could. We did, but John's shirt got stuck on a tree, and i had to free him, while Keith ditched us and went ahead. the bastard! John got cut, and i hate getting cut on a tree branch, they sting! oh, and remember when i sed sumthing about a wrong turn? well, we went right, when left led straight to the walkway, whereas we were going around the building, and wayyyyyy past the walkway!! Then Keith admits that he led us there on PURPOSE! why??? "so we could get some exercise"! I dont need exercise!!! I'm freakishly skinny as it is!!! unlike John, but thats not the point. So, we finally made it to McDonalds, and we finally had lunch, i had a chicken sandwich, so did John, and Keith had chicken nuggets, he wasnt too hungry. after lunch, we went back to Toy's R Us, and John got Pokemon Fire Red version, while Keith bought...some XBox game, i forgot the title. They had Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2!! but i couldnt buy it...they also had CoN 1, which was Player's Choice!!!! After that, John's mom came and took us home. and that was that, a pretty damn fun Saturday!
SO, this week, nothing much. I had a test on Monday in math that i totally forgot about, and failed it miserably. Although the lowest grade in the class was a 35(our teacher wouldnt tell us who got it), i got a 51, so that made me feel a little better.
Today, in Visual Basics class, the Vice Principal came in the class to call someone down, when he saw me on the computer. Unfortunately, i was on freakin Myspace at the time, and he called me out too!!! He sed when he saw me "I dont know his name, but the kid in the black shirt, come with me!" i look around, and see him looking at me. "do you mean me?" "yeah, now get over here!" he starts interrogating me about why i was on that site in the first place, but lets me off. He sed he didnt know my name, and im glad he didnt ask for it, or else i wouldve been screwed!
I'm sure you high schoolers/older folk know what the PSAT is, rite? well, its coming up soon for me, really soon. so soon, that...
It's on my freakin BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
How does that happen?! My b-day's on a Saturday, and also the first of many big tests in my life!!! some way to spend my 16th b-day. the school better give me extra credit or sumthing as a present lol!
Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. Grudge 2, and The Marine are coming out. I'm going to see The Marine on Saturday with John, Keith, and my other good friend Paul. other than that...are you ready? i mean, no better month to have a Friday the 13th than in October, right?


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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
...the weirdest shit is happening to me. we all know my friend wolf of sorrow, right? well, it turns out that she's, well, dissapearing from my friends list. she's on the list, then, all of a sudden, she aint there. her name just vanishes from my backroom. i know it cant be someone else getting into my site, cuz my password is impossible to figure out...i think, but who, how, or why would ANYONE want to get into my backroom, ya know?...ok, thats kind of a stupid question.
still, it makes me wonder...
Comments (2) |
Monday, October 9, 2006
Life doesnt suck when you're Employee of the Month
SO, yeah, sorry i wasnt here for so long!!! As u know, i was (and still am) grounded, until tuesday. Actually, i'm in school rite now, so this'll be a quick post, i think.
So, i had a pretty eventful Saturday!! I went with my pals Keith and John to the movies to see Employee of the Month!!!! I gotta tell you, it was freakin' awesome!!!! ok, i hafta edit this post later, since my class is about to end, so, i might just re-post this tomorrow, with more info on my Saturday adventure!! see ya!!