Birthday 1991-03-09 Gender
Female Location The Land Of Cows Member Since 2007-05-06 Occupation ..........Novilist……..aspiring novelist………no job but wants to be a novelist?….. Real Name lindsey
Anime Fan Since umm........yeah that's a hard question........for a very long time....... Favorite Anime NANA/TSUBASA/HOST CLUB/VAMPIRE KNIGHT/FULL MOON/FURUBA/FLCL/& a lot more Goals TO BECOME A NOVELIST!!!! Hobbies Drawing, writting, reading, watching anime, Role Playing......eating and sleeping.......lots of random things Talents .........? the talent to recieve this look from all of my friends at least twice in one day: 0.o KZanonymous
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
My friend Bridee is coming to pick me up in about 20 minutes. We’re going to the fair and watching a truck show..not my thing but it’ll get me out of the house and plus at least Bridee’s there. I might go to another thing with my friend Miranda tomorrow, hide and seek in a big mall…..not much else to say….I won’t know a lot of the people she’s inviting but at least it’s better then the hogroast that I’ll be draged to instead if I don’t go.
So theblackERspot asked me what manga I got and they where: ultra maniac 3, fushigi yugi 11 & 12, and …..that’s completely sadening that I don’t even remember the name of the last manga I got……….Well, what I really really wanted to get above all else was the latest tsubasa volume(but it wasn’tpart of the sale because the publisher is Del Rei) and the latest Host Club (not there ;_;) and millennium snow(also not there) NAd to Elvesatemy ramen, yes, it was at woldenbooks ^_^. The have those sales all the time.
I am now eating homemade fresh peach pie from our local amish backery^_^ I in heaven.
p.s. theblackerspot if your still curious about what happened to the twins I’d be glad to pm you about it….it’s saddening ;_;
Try to get to some of your guy's sites that have updated before i go.^_^
Yeah I know it’s not v-day but I liked this filler, it’s from Alternate(my theme) The people are(inorder form left to right) Bailey,Skye and Xin. Skye’s just mad because hedidn’t get any chocolate. ^_^
^_^ I am back. Where was I you ask? Right here. I never left. I’ve just been busy lately. Got 4 new manga, mom bought them because it was a buy 3 get the 4th free deal. Also got the 7th Harry Potter, so Iwas reading that every afternoon non-stop for 2 days. -_- it was saddening.
I have nothing else going on except in 2 weeks, I think, my family and I are leaving on vacation to a cabin, it’s supposed to be around places where we can take tours of caves. We’re going with one of my Grandparents.(the ones that aren’t really my grandparents but I all them that anyway)
That’s it, nothing at all, except I’m changing my theme soon.^_^ I’ve come to really like this song and this girl’s voice:
So, I haven’t been on in awhile. That’s what you get for going away then having two friends over two nights in a row then going to a camp ground then going to a baton competition.(not for me my sis)
So I had fun the camp ground, we went for supper. At first I was all, ugh no body I like or know, FUN! Old people who scare me and younger people who drive me nuts and are self centered…..But then when we pulled in the drive I was all “ =3 AH! Timmy!!!!” Yeah! My cousin(I think he’s my cousin…?) was there, yeah the creepy one. Not creepy as in pervert guy, just……I scare little children and my Grandma called me the devil ealier kind of creepy……….0_0.…..I don’t think he’s that bad……Either way, I beat his butt in put put golf so, it’s all good.
I just got AIM, if anybody has it we should talk sometime. My name is synapticAIR.
Nothin else goin’ on. Just thought I’d update.
I made an emo,Andrew my coowt lil' baby emo^//^ I so proud of my baby!
I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!...........heheh reminds me of the poltogist....=_='
So, I’m back from my trip to the water park. ^__^ It was great! So fun! They had humongous tube and body slides and a really warm outdoor pool…. -.- a bit too warm…. But either way, I had a blast with Bridee (britzka16) Soooooo, I see people have been on Gaia a lot lately….mnakes me want to get on my old account. Also been seeing the Transformers epidemic….make me wanna watch the movie.
Not much else going on except my 2 friends Bridee and Miranda (WhiaBeacon - you should check out her site….she hasn’t done much yet though but still^_^) are coming over to spend the night and swim.
Time for UGLY SKETCHES of new characters for a story:
Cameron, a pretty OK colored scribble.
Chloe…..lost my skin colored pencil….-_-’
Billy….it was 12 a.m. I was tired but there was no turning back sooo….sloppy,
'ello, sorryfor disturbing post...but most of youare girls anyways
I hate my life!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I’m about to talk about the pecial time for girls every month..=_=‘ I’m sorry. BUT!! This weekend (as in tomorrow)we’re going to an indoor water park…..and the unhappy just started today…….this happens all the time. Either I have an unlucky life or my Mom’s planning skills suck…’s probably a mix of both.
But despite this I’m kinda happy today and was skribblin’ last night, drew Matt(a character from a story) and was like….hmmm….color time!! So here’s two pics of boredom for you:
I found it. ^____^ The notebook was right beside my bed under junk……-_-’ I had searched through at least 5-7 notebooks before relising were this one was. Soo today is stupid picture day!!! YEAH!!! And I warn you now some might not make sense but you asked for it. (also, if you noticed I changed my site a little)Get ready for a lot of sorat big pics:
Whia-chan’s weirdness(sometimes her handwriting is hard to read….sorry):
I have no clue
Whia had this thing about drawing people‘s hubands and mother-in-laws on the last few days of school soooo Here‘s Hachi(nana)’s mother in law:
It’s Whia and me.
It’s Whia smashed up against the window.
Has anyone seen the really long retarded stick figure flash that has kamikazi watermelons and Zeeky Boogy Doog bombs?….if not a lot ofher comics won’t make sense at all……like this one
The panel with the face like this >3<, yeah that’s goggles and a snorkel…..don’t feel bad I had to ask,too
Yeah, it’s Whia yelling and me making a monkey face then Whia saying YEAH!!!…^__^ we were making fun because she’s so easily amused-like a baby
Now It’s time for Lindsey’s weirdness,finally(my writing is much to be desired,too….and these aren’t my best(when it comes to wird) but Whia has the other notebook):
Short and sweet(yum cookie) reminds me of meet the Robinsons.
The name of our future movie:
The patrol man from Candian Fruit Scandal makes a Special appearance:
Again with the monkeys
It’s mah shark boy(old version, I’ll put up an updated one )
THE END!!!!….I am so sorry for this inconveience of pics and they probably make no sense but they brinf happiness to my heart………0_0...……an updated Salty!!!!(as in a drew this last night:
So, I was looking for my notebook with some of the weird comics in them and……….-_- I can’t find it. I’m sorry. So now I feel really bad but I promise I will find it, even though it’s not the greatest thing in the world and depending on what stupid things you’ve watched some things probably won’t even make sense .
Not muh going on babysitting, still looking for a job, ate supper last night, looked at cars last night, didn’t like a lot of the cars last night, doodled last night……played Disney Scene It ^___^ Which I one at twice in a row, yet again. BWAHAHAHHAHAAHAAAAA, yes I am a Disney girl. I love all my classic Disney movies. I also love Meet the Robinsons*______* Yeah, complete random and wonder, it’s exactly me and Whia-chan. We’r still saying “Bake Dem Cookies Lucille!!!!<3” =3 It’s oddly fulfilling…….yeah, I know that makes no sense.
Soooooooo, because I feel bad about not finding the notebook I will put up some sketches I did last night. I’ve started noticing that all I do is sketch anymore, I’ve been trying to finalize how I like drawing now, I guess?0_o…….I don’t know but here is a pen sketch of Seth and Alectrona(ignore the weird mass of pen sqriggles on the top of Alec‘s head….this is why you shouldn‘t draw in pen):
And now it’s ME!!! YEAH!! It’s KZ…..seriously though, this is the closest to what I probably look like that I’ll ever draw(and it‘s in cartoon^^’):
Ok, so we didn’t make up any new one page comics, I’m sorry guys but that’s what happens when your bf brings over 6 new manga she bought from the store…..=_=‘ I couldn’t help my self. So her family is now gone and so is Whia-chan(or Miranda, 1 of my best friends) on their yearly family trip and I probably shouldn’t say this but it’s because…HOLY CRAP HER GRANDMA IS RICH!!!!!!!0__0 So she takes the WHOLE FAMILY(and holy crap is there A LOT of them) on a trip every year. Last year it was a Cruise to Alaska0__0.…..It was actually kind of funny because on Whia’s birthday party this last Saturday when the Grandma called to wish her Happy B-day, Whia’s mom was wispering ‘make sure to thank her and maybe this year she’ll take us to Jamaca’ it made me laugh alittle. She was of course kidding…..or was she?0_o……
So, Ican upload some of the completely ridiculous comics on a post like maybe tomorrow(although probably not) if you guys really want to see them. But the comic thing dies pretty fast and turns to random stupidness on a page.-_-’ ANd I’m sorry but I don’t have the Canadian Fruit Scandal, Whia does and she just left the state.
I feel like sharing this story, I comented this on blue eyes’s post earlier and felt like sharing it because…..well I can :
‘I don't know why but your post justmade me remember about the time when my 2 friends bid on a fish for there church...yeah later when they won they found out the really hot guy holding up the fish came along with it.^__^ Aparently they could do what ever the wanted with his hair or something like that. And he was extremely excited saying things like 'rainbow colored mohawk' but they were 12 and completely afraid of hot 17 year old guy so....they just took the fish, poor him.I got the feeling thatthat was supposed to be his ultimate excuse for getting away with a rainbow colored mohawk at home or something.^__^’
My bf is spending the night tonight!! YEAH!!! This means we’ll work on stories and draw mindless doodles together,!^__^ It’s fun, we usually make up one page comics that are completely ridiculous and make no sense, like the one I made about ‘The Canadian fruit scandal’. That was a good one. Welp, not much else going on.I've been looking for a summer job....a fruitless search. It seems all the jobs have been snatched away, except maybe for the one in the gas station down the road from my house.... I’ll try and make rounds but it’s been raining off and on lately and last night it got bad so we had to shut down the computer. Hopefully I’ll make it around to sites before that.^__^ c’ya
A doodle of boredom, while waiting for computer to load up, just for you:
Yeah, remember inmy last post I was talking about my friend’s b-day card and how it was hopefully okay because she hasn’t gotten on since the day she made her account, which was 2 months ago. Well, I call her up and she tells me that she was going to get on today but didn’t have enough time……’s that for ironic. So I had to tell her to not get on! And she said she wouldn’t and I trust her. ^_^ She’s the truthful one.
So I finished her b-day present….I think….She gets 10 dollars because, well, I love my mommy^_^. And I made her a really crappy b-day card. I’m not joking usually I’ll make some pretty nice homemade cards if I do say so myself. But this time: white computer paper,folded hamburger style. Black perminant marker.Me. Yeah, it even says ‘Now time for a crappy b-day card’ on the front then’insert witty birthday salutation here’ with a small picture of cake.(which I thought was pretty good since I COKPLETELY freehanded it all in the sharpie marker-no pencil. Then I have her finished picture. Which, thank goodness, looks better in real life then what my scanner did to it-__-’ but at least you’ll get the idea of what it would look like….only a few resolutions below it’s actual quality…..hope you have a good day.