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myOtaku.com: lady-Ayumi903

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Monday, January 30, 2006

well once again i'd like to apologize about the fanfics cuz i haven't gotten them out yet but noone ever visits my site so i have no clue who i'm typing this for but as soon as i find my journal i'll get them out so later
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Monday, January 23, 2006

once again i'm bored beyond all recognition and it's only getting worst cuz finals are in a few months and instead of teaching us through out the year our teachers decide to cram the last couple of months so absolutely nothing sticks :(
oh well i've been watching the nana trailers and i'm wondering if they're even going to bring it to the states like they did tokyo godfathers but i don't know i hope they do ... they better or else i'll start throwing anything not nailed to the floor ^-^ oh well i must be patient and for now my manga will have to do so later mi friends and foes...

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Saturday, January 21, 2006

   awesome site with lots of pictures of angelz
i'm so bored but i've been spending most of my time on youtube.com watching yyh episodes that show rox and i'm still waiting for cartoon network's adult swim to start showing inuyasha on saturdays again but so far nothing's come up maybe tonight it'll come on but my lux not that good awell i'm going to hot topic tomorow to get a long ring (ya know the one's that cover your whole finger) i want one with the venus sign on it cuz well that's my planet the planet of love speaking of love it's almost valentines day and i have to work a stupid booth at my school dance so i can't really go with anyone not that i would my last relationship lasted two years and then we were on the phone planning a date and he just popped up with "i don't want a girlfriend anymore" f.ing jack ass huh well that wuz almost two years ago and i've been single since cuz "i don't want a boyfriend" ^-^ does anyone here get shojo beat i love it it gives me something to read when i'm bored i have the first 8 magazines so far (which is all they've come out with so that's all i have i'll be changing my layout again soon i think anyone have some sugestions(sp) to what my theme should be?
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   awesome site with lots of pictures of angelz
i'm so bored but i've been spending most of my time on youtube.com watching yyh episodes that show rox and i'm still waiting for cartoon network's adult swim to start showing inuyasha on saturdays again but so far nothing's come up maybe tonight it'll come on but my lux not that good awell i'm going to hot topic tomorow to get a long ring (ya know the one's that cover your whole finger) i want one with the venus sign on it cuz well that's my planet the planet of love speaking of love it's almost valentines day and i have to work a stupid booth at my school dance so i can't really go with anyone not that i would my last relationship lasted two years and then we were on the phone planning a date and he just popped up with "i don't want a girlfriend anymore" f.ing jack ass huh well that wuz almost two years ago and i've been single since cuz "i don't want a boyfriend" ^-^ does anyone here get shojo beat i love it it gives me something to read when i'm bored i have the first 8 magazines so far (which is all they've come out with so that's all i have i'll be changing my layout again soon i think anyone have some sugestions(sp) to what my theme should be?
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awesome site with lots of pictures of angelz
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Sunday, January 15, 2006

R.I.P. really interesting post
hey everyone i just got back from town cuz i wuz playing volley-ball
with my friend christy and fixing the graveyard next to the park where we were playing we saw my friend's grand father's grave and it was kinda sad we said a couple prayers then went home

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Saturday, January 14, 2006

A lily in the water
A lonely rose
a running stream
the sun hits the water
and sends off a gleam
two lovers walk
side by side
they're not embarrassed
for there's nothing to hide
their love is forbidden
but they're not afraid
they've no reason to worry
because their love has not strayed
their wild passion
can not be tamed
a lily in the water
they're not ashamed
a lonely rose
thats been there forever
they sneek away
and lay down together

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Sunday, January 8, 2006

patients is a vertue (sp)
hey everone i'll get the fanfics out asap so all those who read them thanx and remember i teach you to be patient ^-^
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Monday, January 2, 2006

you know what if no one else is gonna subscribe then i'm gonna stop asking i don't understand it doesnt cost money and it makes me feel special so why not... oh well i have 5 people so here i'd like to thank
maiden of life
mikamoto and
thankyou all for subscribing

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Thursday, December 29, 2005

i posted the first chapter of my fanfics so i could get more people to subscribe i only have 3 people i would really like more so all you have to do is get ahold of me to subscribe it's an ayumi sesshomaru fanfic and yes ayumi is a made up character if you want to see fanart of her go to rayneofpayne's otaku and fanart
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