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Monday, February 26, 2007
Profile #8 - The Gordonien
eyes: rings of darck green, light green, and gold.
Hair: Azure ,down to ankels.
skin: fair.
Wepon: Akatasin, the pendant of life.
race: ? unkown, litteral embodiment / manifestation of life.
sub race: dragon
wings: 3 sets, 1 featherd , 1 leathery , one lacey and see-though. - all silver.
Tail: 6 - azure (think fox).
Motto: "the greatest glory is not in never falling down but in getting up each and every time you fall"
favorite color: green
favorite food: any type of fruit realy.
Likes: life, things that grow, peaceful and calm things, stars, resting, being with friends family and loved ones, not having to hide.
disslikes: death (ironicly enough), imprisonment, loud noisey and disruptive things, the dessert, not being with friends family and loved ones, having to hide.
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
profile #7 - Nagira Igora
eyes: black
hair: black
skin: black
wepon: spear , the bow and arow.
Proffeshion: Igora defender
favorite food: papiya
favorite color: sand yellow
Hobbies: star gazing, reading, being with his fellows.
Motto: "to live without honor is to not live at all"
likes: Honor, Lyda Tanore, his comrads in arms, the nights sky, peace and quiet.
Disslikes: those with out honnor or moral, Denaga, those who would question Lyda Tanore, troublemakers.
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Monday, February 19, 2007
Profile #6 - Netherien watersyth
Eyes: slender - golden
Hair: short - brown (proffeshinal looking)
Wings: midnight blue (when out)
race: Racdon (masqurading as human)
Wepon: - run like hell.
Favorite food: Carmel.
Favorite color: Blue.
Proffeshion: counsil member. (Norda's secret Lover)
Likes: Norda, sleeping, Hyute, his friends, being profeshional.
Dislikes: being over-active, being away from Norda, HEDROON, waking up eairly, not being around his friends.
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
lol, I got this from a random site I went to. ^_^
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Profile # 5 - Letheria
Eyes: red and black - sharp.
Hair: long-down to ankles - black.
skin: extreamly pale.(but you don't get to see any of this - black clothing and robes)
Wings: Black and bloody - one set dragon - one bird.
Tail: two - black -think long pershian.
Race: Unkown - new breed...Literal emodiment/ manifestaion of death in it's purest form.
Subrace: dragon
Age: ?????
Wepon: Akatasin / dark tear.
Favorite food: your soul.
Favorite color: Black.
Likes: nothing - not evan self.
Dislikes: everything - including self.
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valintines day everyone. ^_^ today I was bad and evan though I am sepoused to be on a diet I ate one of those gigantic Hershy kisses that my mom gave me this morning, and my dad gave me and my mom matching plusshie puppies. ^_^ my moms is mostly white with red spots and hearts on it and mine is mostly red with White spots/hearts on it, they are soooooo CUUUUUUTTTTEEEE!!!! ^_^ *hugs the plushie dog*...
...*shifty eyes*...
...GROUP HUG!!!!*hugs everyone around me with all the much and love valintine's day should have been made for*
Hyute: LET GO OF ME!!! need air...must..get..away! *strugles*...
...(Hyute) ah what the hey. *hugs everyone back.*
IT BURNS!!!!!IT BURNS!!!! (Me) it's not that bad. ^_^.lol.
well any way I hope you all enjoy your'selfs in this corpiatly made holliday to sepousedly celebrate love but realy made just as an excuse to sell a ridiculous amount of product. ^_^lol TTyl! ~Lady Catra~.^
(P.S. for those of you who have not seen it the LAST chapter of Twisted Fate and Imortal Legend is down bellow and it has very special anouncments at the bottem and top in the 'me talking to you as a normal post' areas. ^_^ thank you~)
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
Profile #4 - Norda Igora
Eyes: purple
Hair: Long neon red (braided)(two realy long bangs)
skin: golden/brown (slightly tan0
Race: racdon
subrace: dragon.
age: ????????
Favorite food: Apples.
Favorite color: red
Motto: "carfully think things though before deciding on a course of action"
Proffeshion: High counsil member (looking affter his baby sister).
Hobies: gardening, knitting, reading, sewing, watching and observing.
Likes: (all hobies listed above), loved ones, being in a position of power, Netherien (wink, wink, nudge, nudge ^.~), seeing others smiling.
Dislikes: Hedroon (REALY dislikes this guy), any sort of dark magic, quian, people who frown alot (wich ironicly enough he does), crazed fan girls.
(oh and for those of you who are wondering I will be posting the next and last chapter/ part of this siries tomorow thank you. ^_^)
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Friday, February 9, 2007
Profile # 3 - E-bane purplehair
Eyes: Large- brown
Hair: Black - short ponytail at base of skull (has bangs)
race: Racdon (posing as human)
Age: ???????
Favorit food: fruit
Motto: "true love is only once, so go affter it with more then everything you've got"
Proffeshion: Warrior/deffender/ husband? (what the hey?)
Hobies: Chasing after his fiance, training with Yitasin (his wepon), sleeping.
Likes: His fiance (hubba, hubba, hubba ^.~), clear blue skys, any kind of fruit, friends, peacfull things, rlaxing, not having to worry.
Dislikes: his fiance's job/duty, the rain, storms, potaoes and vinager, his enemys, roudy things, being tense, worrying (wich sadly he spends most of his time doing).
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Monday, February 5, 2007
BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I do not know what to put here!!!!! (-is being evil and not posting a story of profile-) sorry dudes but I am out of time for today. ^^; check out the story below! lol (if you havent already. ) ^^; well see yo all later! ^^.
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
 Create your own Friend Quiz here
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