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Monday, April 2, 2007
Haunting Past and a New start - part# 7
Unasi and Cernta hung decorations on all of the houses and strings that had been raised around the village. Hyute listed to them out side, and could clearly hear Isancoi's conteint snooring now that he was full, her hands passed over a glass plate with a wet cloth as to clean it. Then as though somthing had struck her from behind her hand unwillingly droped the plate, shattering it on the floor bellow. Slowly with a steady pain in her chest she raised her hand to feel it was shaking uncontrolably.
Hyute thinking: what?! I..I can't move?! ...but that means...but who?!
affter a few minutes she regianed control over her body and carfully cleaned up the broken glass.
a woman in strange black leather clothing and her male conpanion came apon a large stone wall covered in vines an fungi, she grinned meicingly again.
Dranzer: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! at long last.... Dask, help me remove these vines.
Dask looked over his glasses at the stone wall sligtly puzzled, his brown hair grazing his light forhead.
Dask: very well.
The two of them worked quickly to remove vines and moss that had grown in the crked stone away from it to reveal a perfectly carved 3-dimentonail in the wall of a woman with soft gentle features, sort hair, and one set of huge strange amalgimated wings that looked like a dragons on the bottem but about half way up beccame feathers.
Dranzer: beautifull, I love looking into the face of desctoctun and chaos. *twisted grinns* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Dask: Destuction and chaos?
Dranzer (in an evil tone): yes Dask, Destruction and chaos you see - this is no ordinary carving, as a-matter-of-fact it's not truly a carving at all, now hand me the tome.
Dask took a dark green bag of from his back that was identical to the one Hyute had - right down to the last encryption on the mouth, sticking his hand in Dask retrived an old worn tome with a chain on the out side - he handed her the tome.
Dranzer: thank you Dask.
Dranzer greedlily riped the chain off of the tome breacking the latch, then madly fliping it open she skimed the pages until she found on about a third of the way though with red lettering. The words were not in the common tounge of the people of tghis land but in fact belonged to the anchient racdon race that had long since been forgoten and lost in time.
Dranzer: da naahmmumu ahmrutivu tusiki rurigikiai rido tusiahmtu gidanasi giahmzu zukiahmmukika - da DRANZER LENSHERR kari oohdaka sharivu aikituvuairn, rarigi - AIDAZUKI MARUSSA! ahvukikira rido kakizutuaivunatudarira!!!
Hyute's head swam in circiles as the pain in her body relentessly grew worse untill she was forced to sit on the ground
Hyute thinking: No! my sea-
Hyute passed out and fell over from the pain and the unkown force at work beffore the tough could be finished, luckily she was not all that far from the ground when it happend.
Unasi and the others remained compleatly and happily oblivious to the happinings in side.
alright everyone, thank you all for reading and comenting. ^_^ - I hope you enjoyed reading this part as much as I enjoyed writeing it for you. ^_^ - see you tomorow! ~Lady Catra~.^
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