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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Haunting Past and a New Start - part #8
Storm clouds foarmed over-head in an ominous fashion, rain pured down from the now black skyes, lightning struck the ground, and dranzer laughed madly trough all of it.
Dask: ^^:
Dranzer: can you feel it dask? can you feel the waking chaos? - of course you can.
The strange carving infront of the begain to crack - the stone pices fell to the ground to reveal a living creature, she had pale white skin, short jet-black hiar, an atractive body ... and cold piricing black eyes the seemed to see though your very soul. she smiled.
Girl (Rnodca): ah, are you the ones who awoke me?
Her voice was cold and un-feeling - just like those freakish eyes.
Dranzer: yes, we are.
Girl (rnodca): I do not understand that language.
Dranzer (Rnodca): ah, my appologies Marussa - yes we are the ones who freed you.
Marussa's large and unushual amalgimated wings stood out among the sublte stone and trees around them.
Dask thinking: she seems ... framiliar.
Marussa shruged.
Marussa (rnodca): very well then, I will comply with you for now but I will only stay so long as your heart matches or excedes the taint in mine - those are my rules. So what is your name?
Dranzer (rnodca): I accept your terms Marussa. ^_^ I am Dranzer Lensherr, and the boy behind me is Dask Igora.
Marussa reaied and eyebrow at this.
Marussa: Igora? - I've yet to have a good expiriance with one.
it was now Dranzers time to be confused.
Dranzer: there wher Igora in your time?
Marussa smiled.
Marussa: yes, just four.
Dask could hear but could not understand the conversation being had, so he simply sat there listing to the uncomprihensible sounds being made.
Dranzer: just four?
Marussa: yes, the first was Zalfrus Igora he was once a marvel, truly a shooting star as he led the great attak on Raegoth but during my time and to this day he is kept in a state of living-death. The second was Nirion Igora - a great stratigist of the age she did not have the brawn of a warrior - but with an army of that size at her dispozal she diden't need it. The fouth was Norda Igora, now he was during my time, what made him so dangorous was not the fact that he was an Igora but rather the fact the he was very smart, and by turning into a Fire dragon had the power to back it up...
Marussa paused.
Dranzer (rnodca): what of the last one?
Marussa (rnoda): the last one was non other then Lyda Carta Igora - The Gordonien...and the one who seal me here. Back then there was nothing she coulden't do - the word "inpossible" did not exist for her, in her light form as the Gordonien she could heal and bring back to life an entire planet within a the blink of an eyes, but conversly in her dark form as Letheria she could Devisate the planet the same proficency. -she was realy something else.
Dranzer (rnodca): facinating! - but if what you say is true then The Gordonien and Letheria are infact one and the same?!
Marussa smiled that creepy twisted smile again.
Marussa (rnodca): that's right, life becomes death, death becomes life...
Dranzer (rnodca): hum...hat makes sense.
Dask yawned broodly now being boared with not understanding the conversation. Marussa looked at him.
Marussa (rnodca): hummm...hello there handsome, I forgot you where sitting there.
Dask: ?
Marussa walked over to him and bent over in a seuductive maner to as to show off her well-shaped body and cleavage. she grabed his chin gently and smiled into his darck green eyes behind the glasses.
Marussa (rnodca): I love a strong silent man.
Dranzewr bacame rather red in the faqce at this desplay.
Dranzer: umm..Marussa? ^^: he doen't understand your language. ^^: only I do.
ok that's it for today - I hope you enjoyed this one. ^_^ see you all tomorow. ^_^ ~Lady Catra~.^
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