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Monday, April 9, 2007
Haunting Past and a New Start - part #11
Fertonon walked behind Elko in a relaxed manner who was following the others into a clearing in the forest. He then froze in his tracks as something sharp and painful seemed to penetrate his heart, Nagira and May halted at the same time. Elko walked into the halted May.
Elko:? What’s everyone stopped for?
Nagira turned around to face Fertonon and Elko, a rare serious look on his face. Nagiras eyes narowed as to examine Fertonon more closely.
Nagira: you feelt it too Fertonon?
Fertonon: yha - what was it?
May steped forwards and looked Fertonon straight in the eyes with his own Icy cold blue ones.
May in a toneless voice: It was a desturbance in the great balance of things for the worse. judging by the intensity of the inital feeling this is ... bad for us.
Nagira had now begun to inspect the near - by woods with a troubles air about him, and Elko having not felt anything, was simply confused and not liking it.
Elko: What are you nut-jobs yammering on about?! I didn't feel anything.
May: This is normal. Average entities are un-able to feel the "flow of the balance". Igora are trained from birth to feel this balance, it is part of what gives us our stength.
Elko: alright, so you Igora can feel this "balace" what about Fertonon? he's sort-of "Normal".
Fertonon: gargs, I hate to say it but he's right why can I feel this..."thing"?
Fertonon said the last word as though it where somthing desgusting that you don't even want to touch.
May: that is rather obvious, as you have clearly not trained your-self to feel it or been trained, somewhere along your travles you have made very close contact an forged some sort of bond bettewn you and an entity that has seen the after life. - possibly even more then one.
Fertonon now looked sick to his stomach.
Fertonon: The...
Sudenly out of the blue the reality infront of him faded out as if his eyes now refused to work, an image of am unconshouis and no-longer blind foloed Hyute entered his mind, he wateched as her body sweated a twisted look on her face, then out of nowhere he heared her voice enter his mind as it cryed out in pain.
voice: damnit, MOVE!!!!
The image then faded and Fertonon was once again able to see his group as the looked at him with strange looks on thier faces - the moon casting an eirie light over them.
Elko: wha'ts up Fertonon?
Feretonon: Hyute...
Nagira: What?
Fertonon: it's Hyute! she just contacted me - she's in pain!
Everyone seemd rather suprised by this suden chancge of events.
May thinking: to have that kind of conection unheard of even for one of us.
Elko looked at the moon.
Elko: but you hate Hyute. - everyone knows that.
Fertonon: yes, but I love my wife and Unasi cares for Hyute deeply for some reason that is beyond me.
Elko: alright, so whould we go back?
May: that is out of the question - especialy now it could be a trap. we should finish our patrol around the village to make shure it's safe beffore we do anything.
Elko / Fertonon: A trap?
May: inorder to beable to tell us acruatley what you just did you would have to have a very storn conection with her that goes far beyond the pysical being. THis conection is unheared of enev for the Igora, and it is absaloutly impossible to have with some one who you dislike and do not regared at the very least a friend. - thier for chances are those images are being planted into your mind by another party that would use it as a tool against us.
Fertonon / Elko: !
Feertonon: this thouhgt...had not occured to me. very well we will set up cam here for the night and worry about this more in the morning.
Nagira now back to being him-slef, punched the air energeticley.
Nagira: To work then men!
Unasi had just put Cernta to bed and Isancoi had filay fallen asleap in his crib, Uasi knelt beside Hyute's bed dabing a wet cloth to her forehead, Hyute screwd her face up in an agonizing look of torture, as blue marking begain to apear on her skin two on her cheeks and jaw line that looked like siloueted demon dagers, her hands had elabotie flaming hearts on them.
Unasi: !
Unasi then noticed blood creeping throguh her clothing on the right side.
Unasi thingking: her old battle wond!
Alright, sorry but that's all I can conjoure up for today. ^^: so hope you enjoyed this part and now for something new! ^_^ lol
1) how was your easter weekend?
2) did anything interesting hapen and if so - what?
Bye and see you all tomorw! ^_^ ~lady Catra~.^
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