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Friday, October 12, 2007
Haunting Past and a New Start - part# 63
Helloooooooo, anybody out there? ^_^ lol anyway I just wanted to say that I am sorry for not posting for so incredibly long, but I don't put up the next part unless I have at least two comments ^^; and unfortunatly nither me, nor my web page can read your minds and tel me you have been (be darn funny if it could though!!! ^_^ lol) anyway, enough about this - new lets get on to whet your realy here for...the story!!! ^_^ lol
Hyute's heart beat faster with exitment as her feet touched down on the soft grass out side of the palace, she remembered this spot well. It was the first place she had opend a portal, it had sent her to another worl from with she did not know how to escape and scarred her. Remembering this she laughed quietly to her-self and moved forwards, fluffy azure tails behind her.
Hyute thinking: I wonder who else lives here now?
The castle, although small was a beutifful one, lush gardens where kept around it, delicate vines full of flowers climbed up the soft stone walls on woden laders. The air was fresh and clean, it smelt of rosses and sweet fruits. Taking in a deep breath of the wonderfully scented air she walked up to the Magnificent white castle doors, she pushed them aside and walked in, her heart now paunding in her throat
Hyute thinking: I haven't been just over five hundred years in earth time, that's a thousand here...
she walked down a long well, lit corridor into a giant dining hall, many maids worked busily to set the table, the delicious smell of freshly baked apple pie waffted in from the kitchens filling the entire dining room with it's tantilizing aroma. Hyute took in another deep breath and let it out with a sigh.
Hyute thinking: I had...forgoten this smell.
one of the maids walked over to her.
Maid: perdon me ma'am, may I help you?
Hyute smiled at her
Hyute: why yes thank you, could you possibly tell me where the Lord E-bane is?
Maid: ah yes, Lord E-bane is in his quarters I bellive, I should warn you he does not like to be desturbed.
Hyute: thank you, and don't worry, I'm sure he won't mind. *smile* ^_^
Maid: very well then, would you like me to show you the way?
Hyute: that will not be neccisary, I know the way. thank you.
it was true, She knew her way around this castle like the back of her hand having grown up here. She walked down a sieres of twisting halways and passages, engoying the view and the sun-light pouring in though the windows, finialy she came to a long ascending stair case, climbing up it with a big gofy grin on her face. - just like old times. Finialy reaching the top she knoked on the only door.
voice on the other side of door: One moment!
various things crashed and thuded about on the other side, clearly no expecting company. The door opened, a handsom young man stoodinthe frame, he had black hair pulled back in a stuby pony tail, big brown eyes, and slightly taned skin. He blinkd at her, and then registering who she was fell backwards with suprise. Hyute laughed light-heartedly at him.
Hyute: still a clutz I see. *smile*
Young man: w-what are you doing here?!
Hyute: paying you a visit silly! ^_^
Hr looked rather baffled.
Hyute: what: arn't I alowed to drop in on my husdand once in a while? ^_^
Re-gaining his composure E-bane stood up.
E-bane: *smile*: of course you are ^_^ *kiss*
The two of them walked over and sat down on his brown-sheeted bed. His room was a small one, it had a set of giant glass doors leading out to a porch, the walls where covered in a calming earthy brown tone, a giant painting hung on the wall of a little girl, she had long black un-tamed hair, beautifull blue eyes and the cutest little smile - she was adorable.
E-bane: yha I like that painting too - our litte little Akina.
He leand on her a content smile on his face.
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