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Royalty of the Underworld
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Pssessed Child
Took control of the Underworld
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Monday, July 11, 2005
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Friday, July 8, 2005
 you are death... a reaper. which ever you would prefer. you control death, darkness and the evil in every human soul. you can command any army of the dead with a snap of your pale fingers.And you will enjoy your power forever, since you are immortal.
What anime creature are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
 You are the darkness of evil. You embody everything most people think of when they think of darkness: you hate everything, wish destruction on the world, and love death and torture. There is little you haven't done, and less that you wouldn't do. You probably wish everyone around you would either bow down to your will or just die (preferably by your own hand).
What Type of Darkness Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, July 4, 2005
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
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Samurai Champloo

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 You are an ice princess. You are cold and indifferent much of the time. You are completely impossible to get close to, even those who do never see the real you. You are fearless and immeasurably strong - not much can crack through your defences. Many people are stunned by your absolute cruelty and inability to feel anything. If something in your life turns out wrongly you will kill whomever you feel is responsible. If anyone can break through your icy exterior, they are to be feared because you will never display any emotion in any situation. You cannot bear to be bettered by anyone and this makes you exceptionally determined. You abuse your royal power using it to any advantage you can. After all no one can pin the blame on a member of the royal family now can they?
Which proud princess are you? (Dazzling pics and detailed results!) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You're a wild one, and wont be tamed for anyone!
Your emotions run very high at times, some would say your emotions run you.
When it comes to the "Queen of Mean" you win hands down.
You give the wicked witch of the west a run for her money!
You know how to have fun and love to release your self from reality as much as you can.
You are wise beyond your years and you tend to be very headstrong, yet..
people can't seem to stop loving and looking up to you in some way- No matter how much of a bitch you are.
You live by the saying:
"Lifes a bitch, and then you die."
Elizabeth Bathory is born into one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Transylvania.
When Elizabeth turn 40 years old she grew increasingly vain and feared the thought of aging as she may lose her beauty. One day a servant girl accidentally pulled her hair while combing it. Elizabeth slapped the girl's hand so hard she drew blood. The girls blood fell into Elizabeths hand and she immediately thought that her skin took on the freshness of her young maid.
Elizabeth striped the maid and then cut her open and drained her blood into a huge vat. Elizabeth bathed in it to beautify her entire body.
Elizabeth's henchmen continued to provided Elizabeth with new girls for the blood-draining ritual and her blood baths. Elizabeth went out of her way to see to it that the dead girls were given proper Christian burials by the local Protestant pastor, at least initially. As the body count rose, the pastor refused to perform his duties in this respect, because there were too many girls coming to him from Elizabeth who had died.
^i^-<3--What Ancient Woman Are You?--- [With pics!] brought to you by Quizilla
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