Lady Frost Dragon
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
more on that night
In the words of Clear about her night at Hucrane's
this is a story about me and Rodolfo. If you new me in high school will no about me and rodolfo. He called me a poser and i got mad he always just looked at me so I thought he hated me. Well that has been going on almost 4 years now. Well one night me and nickky went to rodofo's house (I wanted to see my friend Arie ther) Before we got ther nickky asked if i was gonna be ok and i said yea. we got to the door Rodolfo asnwer it he huged nickky and said hi to me, i said hi back. well as the hour past by me and rodolfo started to talk FINALLY LOL. we were talking about horror movie and such. By the end of night I slept over at his house LOL IN HIS BED LOL. It was me nickky rodolfo and me rodolfo was in the middle. we feel a slept I woke up in the middle of the night and i forgot where i was and on top of that I for got rodofo was sleeping next me and his arm was on me I was like OMFG. than i fell back a sleep LOL. that morning we all woke up but me and rodolfo fell back asleep and i slept on his chest LOL. a few hours past we woke back up. Nickky left somewhere and left us alone. Rodolfo and me I guess was spooning whatever its call. nickky came in looked at us and just laughed ^_^ a hour past and that spoon turn in a almost raped between me and rodolfo LOL......I will not say anymore about that day and I did leave alot of things out of my little short story but who would of guess me and rodolfo would flrit with one another LOL
Indeed who would have thought.
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Monday, January 21, 2008
Clear and Hucrane
Ha it has finally happened. Yesterday I was at Hucrane's house with mi cousin Marla, Clear and Nicki showed up. It's been three years since Clear and I hunged out we've ran into each other a couple of times but never really chatted, cause of hucrane. See there was this little misunderstanding between them three years ago about him calling her a poseur. She never liked him since and would always talked krad about him. I told her he's not bad and that she should get to know him but she refused, so my friendship with Hucrane grew while Clear and I began to fade away. well the misunderstanding was cleared and she came over and now they are friends. yay. Heck she even spent a night at his house. Ha yes yesterday was fun as we took pics witrh each other and chilled. I saw Rafa he straighten his hair and look so adorable, he reminded me of a warewolf even more. I played with his hair for a bit, he liked it. (I think I'm going to start hanging around Rafa more and get to know Tati.) I also saw Valek and James, things feel kind of weird between us right now. we aren't talking much, Valek is always with James and I'm off alone. I feel like this huge distance. Marla made fun of me and says I'm acting as if we had gone out and now our relationship is at it's end. In a sense the feeling is kind of like that, but I trurly think I'm bored of him, I need a month or something ort maybe it's cause Rafa is not there. Anyway talked with Lindy yesterday. She's doing good. I miss her. She said she'll come down to Cali in feb and that we must lollicup it. I look forward to that.
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Friday, January 11, 2008
This whole week I've sick, yay thanks to Valek! lol haven't seen him since Monday haven't talked to him since Tuesday. It's now Friday, he probably thinks I'm mad at him or something or he knows that I'm bored of him. Oh well anyways going to Hucrane's house today with Nicki and make some cupcakes. Until then going to look for a job somewhere. I think I'll try pizza delivery in Rancho Cucamonga or Alta Loma, don't want to deliver anywhere that's ghetto you know. I'm still need a job, my cell phone bill came in yesterday 73 dollars, krad I hate sprint. So yeah my 200 hasn't come in this week but i'm still waiting on it.
For my art I think I'm going to try to paint today, like coy fish in a water with a lotus flower or iris still unsure on the flower though. Also I'll try to come up with some use for this golden leaf frame Laura gave me. It's perfect for something but I don't know what yet. Well that's it.
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Monday, January 7, 2008
Otaku now.
Heheheh well now just looked at my pics in my portfolio and see that it's over runned with portraits and lots of black and white images. The last anime pic there is Jesse but with the way he turned out I'm sure lots of you think he's real not anime. Well he's anime but I probably gave to much of a human touch. It seems to dispaly in all my work. Another thing I've noticed is that I'm obsolete. I'm no longer able to draw the new anime that is out just like I don't know the new anime that's out. I'm pretty out of the cycle the only thing I'm current on is Vampire Hunter D, I got all the books except the latest one and I got the manga, which I loved. Yes I'm aware of a few like deathnote, host club, model, and saiyuki, but right now the current trend is on Naruto and Bleach *2 books behind on that*, I mean if I put up a Sesshomaru pic it'll only get attention by those who love the fluff, if I put up a naruto pic everyone will see it. If I post up an original pic only a few, unless it's an orignial that fit's with the current trend. So right now I'm going to put of serious of incomplete pics to see what attention it gets. One thing is I'll continue on working on my own anime Tainted Cycle will get out there, I'm going to put more time into it. Also I've decided to team up with Valek, he wants to make yaoi manga, as much as I hate yaoi, I've decided I need the drawing practice and decicde to lend my skills as his illustrator, Also I'm going to co~write a manga with him, he wants the title Absinthe, but currently I'm using that so we will see what we can get. Well enjoy the read I'm out.
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Thursday, January 3, 2008
Frost's Resolutions.
The year has come to an end and I feel I have died a bit inside. Actually I know I have. Valek made that perfectly clear. I've spent more time with friends found new things to fancy and become a bit open minded. I still view everything in my twisted way of thinking but I'm able to understand a bit more of how others percieve things and I how I come off to the others. So as this new year approaches I have my goals set and am going to be straightforward about it. I'm going to get my pharmacuetical certificate, study oriental medicine at Berkely and enroll at Chaffey to get a degree to be a pharmacy tech. Cause after all I just got fired from mi job today.

~time to make something of myself,
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Last Night
Last night Valek and I went down to Brenda's house to chill. Rafa stop by to visit too. He was a bit sick and had a pounding headache. He then passed out on the couch. Valek and I headed out to the back to smoke a cig. As I walked by I looked at Rafa on the couch. He looked so adorable asleep. He reminded me of a warewolf. I said he looked so cute asleep and Valek told me Rafa open his eyes when I said that. I then said I take it back and he's horrid. Rafa began to whine about his head. When we came back inside we decided to make some tea so Rafa will feel better. Brenda and I made tea and fixed a snack to go along with it. Smoked fish on toasted mini baguettes with shredded cheese. We were very english yo. Next time we will eat egg salad sandwiches with our tea. Anyway our tea selection was morrocan mint, earl gray with double bergamont, and white tea. Brenda and I were talking about the teas and how we enjoyed it and I left her a wonder selection of the stash I had. I told her it's really hard to find someone my age who enjoys tea. With Teens our age it's all about coffee, or more like frappichinos at starbucks. We laughed. We then began to chat about our friends, how we all met, how well we know each other and our futures. We all hope to leave the country and take trips around the world. Valek, Brenda, and I hope to visit Ireland one day and go to a pub. As for Rafa he got a bit better and headed home. Valek and I bid Brenda farewell and headed back to his house were we began to talk about life and it's twist and turns while playing the new Dragon Ball Z game. As always I enjoy our talks together and each time we reveal a bit of our past. It's funny how similar we are but we have our distinct differences. He told me I feel things with my mind and not my heart, which made me laugh cause Kaleb said the same thing to me before. I told him yes and you my fellow mortal let yourself be enslaved by your emotions, then let your mind guide you. Indeed do we differ. I then left and headed home to sleep.
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Random Krad
haha yes yes I know I meant to post up my new pics on the otaku yesterday but it was so cold last night. The wind blow everthing everywhere and my car was parked out in the street where I couldn't keep a good eye on my house if I were to go outside to get my sketch book. So I'll probably post it tomorrow. Anyway went into work today at 4:00am, it was actually a pretty chilled day at work. Got a call from Rafa during my lunch. He wanted to know why I didn't answer my phone yesterday. He and Valek were going to take me to go see Sweeney Todd. *my phone was surged man* So yeah we talked about stuff and I asked him if he wanted to chill later on, turns out he couldn't cause he was going to Lake Elsenor with his girl. So we schedule for tomorrow to chill. went to go see Hucrane today and Gabriel was back. I just had to say hi to him plus took some pics. I also saw Allie, James, Leanna, and Valek. Valek told me that I ditched him for some days, turns out to be five,almost a week. He was very disappointed. I told him I was sorry but I was working except yesterday, I was just lonely. Anyway we headed down to the park and then to Leanna's house where she threw a kickback. We had a bonfire and I saw Joshua Martinez. It was weird cause I was just talking about him to Hucrane and he shows up. Small world you know anyway Rachel fell out of her chair hit her head on the bonfire and knock her knee out of the socket. It was so weird to see it. We just couldn't believe she broke her leg cause she fell out of her chair. We got her to a hospital and eneded the evening. I went back to Hucrane's house and chilled with Gabriel a bit then headed home. That was my day .
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
frost got her camera
Ha got my digital camera yesterday. I went by my sister's house yesterday to pick it up and she almost gave it to my cousin Ariana by accident. I'm like "Fool how can you get us mixed up not only do I go by Arie, but i'm Arianna with two n's." she tells me "I know but she goes by Arie too and I wrote both of your names the same way." Well I gave my sister Vanessa her bithrday present which was a black pearl braclet with a 14 karat gold clasp. She was taken aback by it and wondered how much I spent. I told her not to worry it was only a hundred dollars. lol well that's it dollar worth, thank you jtv. So been messing around with the camera and just realize I can update my otaku account. Hazahh! So check my portfolio for the new pics yo.
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Sunday, December 23, 2007
Frost update
haha uh yeah life is horrid yet great. As always I spend to much time with Valek. I told him that and said maybe I'll leave him alone for a week and he told me no. He said he hates when i do that, he feels lonely and thinks I'm mad at him for something. He recalls the month of not seeing my prescence and how miserable he was. I was shocked I didn't know he felt like that. He told me he recalled one day when we were talking and I told him how people bore me and I would distant myself from them, see them and repeat the process twice and never speak with them again. (which is why I didn't really have friends) I then told him how he was different or I just haven't got tired of him yet. After hearing this I told him I just feel like I'm always here you know I see you like two to maybe three times a week and feel that I annoy you. He tells me it's time well spent when we do things together.
Anyway this week I went with Rafa and Valek to a school concert thingy. I told Rafa that if they sing Christmas songs I'm going to mess him up. Things were going well for him till it happened and I began bitting my lip. Valek fell asleep on my shoulder. Rafa felt so bad by each song that came on cause my anger was rising by the minute. Intermission finally came and I got up and went to the restroom. As I came out Rafa was there to apologize but I stopped him to apologize for my actions though. I was being rude and acting improper torwards him. He wanted me to come as a guest to make his girlfriend happy, and here I am being rude. He was quite taken aback by it but also apologize too. His girlfriend then rushed into his arms. I bowed my head to him and walked with Valek outside to smoke a cig. I told him I was serious about the apology to rafa but i don't Rafa believes me though. He said Rafa does, he's just shocked by how you did it. Rafa them joined us for a cig he still apologize to me. We then bid everyone fare well and got some Jamba Juice and went Valek's pad.
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Fourth Year anniversary on the Otaku
Ha and still not much accomplished. Too much realism. Anyway as days get shorter I've sent in my request for my birthday gift which is a digital camera. That means I can take pics of my art for the otaku if I get it. So my birthday is in a week I'll be 19 on the 19th. My last teenage year. So yeah I got nothing else planned that day, maybe I'll go see Valek or something, not sure. I did plan on going to a sushi resturant by myself but I loaned my bro 60 dollars so that's not going to happen. Other than that I got nothing so ta ta kitties
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