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being a vegetarian for 10 months straight.
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fifth grade, well actually since Sailor Moon, I was like 4 then.
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writting, drawing, and karate
| Lady Frost Dragon
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Saturday School

Hello otakus, I'm back from Satruday school. I did my powerpoint presentation on How the Other Half Lives and oral presentaion on Raiders of the Lost Ark and Stephen Foster. I git an A, yay! Mr Fitz said, "Wow Arie I'm proud of you, I didn't expect you to do the assignment." He was referring to the fact that he had assigned it to me this week, since I was absent on the day he assigned it, and he didn't tell me about it when I came back. The whole class had a month to do it and I a week. I responded, "I know if I didn't do it I would have been excuseed from the assignment. I did it just to get a grade." He just laughed at me. The presentations were so cool. I enjoyed the ones one of the simpsons and Jimmy Hendrix. Purple Haze everywhere. It even had Simpsons sound effects, like the guy that says, "YEESS" as well as Mr. Burns' "Excellent", not to mention the occassional "Doh." Well anyways the point of the assignment was to explain the influence these things had on pop culture. Well after it was all over we had Chinese food, pass me the chow mien, but instead someone handed me a fortune cookie. I opened it and it said "Your plans now will be disrupted." Just then I get a call from my mother telling me to meet her in the parking lot now, cause she's taking me home. I leave the class, hungry walking over to her. I woke up today at 6:30am to get ready and be there at school by 8:00am, not eating anything and it's now 1:00pm and I still haven't eaten. So yeah that's my day and I want some chow mein, but I'll have to settle with some tea.
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Friday Night
Hello dear otakus, it is I, Arianna (Lady Frost Dragon), well no shit of course it's me. Well anyways yeah didn't school today probably have clear all worried about and stuff, I had to miss AP class today, man am I pissed, that's like the worse class to miss since it's the hardest. I also didn't get the chance to pay for my Ap exam and today was the last day, but maybe they'll give me another day since I was sick, then again I have class tomarrow anyways. That's right tomarrow as in Saturday. (yeah I was shock too when he told me that it was due Saturday, I thought he was joking, but Mr. Fitz was serious) I have an assignment due tomarrow, for AP, it's a presentation on How The Other Half Lives, as well as Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Stephen Foster, I wish I was guy that had to do a presentation on the Simpsons that would have been sweet, but yeah I'm like working on that right now, so I'll probably post the next episode of Tainted Cycle when I get out of school tomarrow or Sunday. Also I'm almost done with my new Tainted Cycle picture of The Great Jinns, it'll be up sometime this weekend or the next, I'm like also still working on that Leopold and Loeb paper. So yeah got to finish up, but before I leave I leave you guys with a picture of Tech N9ne.

Well yeah I like his music. ^_^
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
I'm locked out, I can't get in
Today I didn't get home till 11:00pm at night and I got out from school at 1:36pm. Why you may ask? Because I didn't have a key get inside my house. I had let my brother borrow my keys, the ones with the finger cuffs, and haven't got them back, but I had a spare key, the one on the Sobe chain, which my mom lost on Sunday. So this whole week I was able to get in because my dad picks me up, but when he told me that he had to go somewhere today and that I had to take the bus I completely forgot that I didn't have my keys. So basically I stayed outside my house the whole time drawing tainted cycle. I created another character, a guy, looks pretty hot. Read Saiyuki, before it got dark, and listen to my cd/ radio player when the sun went down till someone came home. Also had to walked to the fire station near the park just to go to the restroom. That's a long ass walk especially whne you need to go to the restroom. Oh and must I add I didn't eat anything today, all I had was my Sobe, and Cherry Coke. Damn, well tomarrow I'll remember to ask for the key, cause I have to take the bus home again.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Tainted Cycle: No elixir for you.
Arieon dismisses her two servants and has them to leave out the room. She sits there smiling at Suichi for sometime then finally approaches him. She tells him to follow her as she opens yet another door leading out of the room to a hallway. She begins to ask him questions.
Arieon: So where you from?
Suichi: Keria.
Arieon: Never heared of it. Is it a region?
Suichi: Yeah, beyond Here and Aleria.
Arieon: Here, hmm, that's where Min is from. Well then another territory that I must purchased to add to the Shindo Estate. Ok we're almost there, don't touch anything in this room.
Arieon opens a door to a room full of treasure. Suichi's glistened at the sight of the gleamming riches. Arieon stops in front of a door with an icy mist seeping through under the door. As she opens it a cold wind blows out from it. It dark like the night in there. She turn towards Suichi pulls up her gown all the way up near her thighs, if she were to bend down you can see her underwear. She held out her hand for Suichi to take as she guides him inside down the steps. she holds out her other hand illuminating a fire ball for light to see.
Suichi: So you're a fire elemental.
Arieon: Yeah, so why do you need this elixir?
Suichi: It's for my uncle.
Arieon: Your uncle is human, yet you are a full blooded youkai, meaning he's not you're uncle.
Suichi: How did you know?
Arieon: Scent.
Suichi: Well to me he is my uncle because he raised me, since I was a child.
Arieon: How sweet.
Suichi: Uh, Are we walking in water?
Arieon: Yeah, the elixir is guarded by a water dragon, hence the cold air and water.
Suichi: Oh okay.
Arieon: So you love him dearly?
Suichi: Yes and would do anything for him.
Arieon: I can understand. Hey is it me or did the water all of a sudden get thicker.
Suichi: It did, and bloods been split as well, a female, about your size, and dragon's blood as well.
Arieon: Oh no.
Arieon took off running towards their destination faster. It started getting lighter and lighter where she didn't need to use her flame to see. She made it to the dragon dragging Suichi behind her. Her eyes widen in horror as she see's the blue water dragon fall to the ground slained by a girl with medium long black curly wavy hair, dressed in guys clothing tailored to fit her body, with a bloody scythe in one hand and the elixir in the other. The girl looks up over to Arieon, Arieon looked back pissed off and shoots out a dark energy attack. The girl stands there removes a shard of the stone of light from her necklace places it on her scythe and hold it in front of the blast as protection. The shard absorbed the attack but shattered afterwards. She smiled then wave goodbye, tosses the dragone's elemental stone to Suichi and diasppears with the elixir.
Arieon: She's gone that bitch she's gone! She killed Zuya, dammit.
Suichi: Hey what about the elixir?
Arieon: What elixir, I don't even have it, because that bitch just stoled it, dammit.
Suichi: Ok then what about this (holds out dragon stone)
Arieon: Keep it, as a payment, on getting back that elixir!
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
Tainted Cycle: The Mysteriously Rare Elixir Part II ; Arieon Shindo
Suichi follows Arieon, who is dressed in dingy brown raggedy clothing, shoes and hat. She looks like a begger woman, a very ugly one at that, there was nothing attractive about her what so ever. Suichi saw no reason to why he should watch out, there's no way she could seduce him. "Blu was very wrong about her or has no taste in women", ("these" appear when character thinks) he thought. Suichi walks through a gate to a grand estate. He looks around and sees so many people greeting them. The people there were very attractive especially the women. Suichi looks towards Arieon thinking "It must really suck to be hideously ugly then all these people who serve you." Arieon leads him to the main house, where she opens the door take off her shoes walk in, beckoning Suichi to come forth.
Arieon: We're here now, take off your shoes and relax over there. My servants will tend to your every needs, while I go and freshen up. We'll discuss business when I'm back.
Suichi: Thank you miss.
Arieon: Please call me Arieon.
Arieon leaves the room while her servants entered. They were very attractive and nicely groomed, elaborately dressed, with long silky black hair.
Servant 1: Hello I am Min
Servant 2: and I am Ruri
Min and Ruri: and we are here to serve you. (knealts down to Suichi, with head bowed)
Min: (looks up at sucihi) May we ask what the young lord;s name is?
Suichi: Suichi, my name is Suichi and you may rise. I am not anyone special.
Ruri: (gets up and smiles mischeviously) Suichi, the young miss has extremely good taste in men.
Min: (gets up as well) Ruri, hold your tounge.
Ruri: Oh Min, you know he's cute.
Min: (blushes) Yes but this is Miss Shindo's man, we can't just take him no matter how attractive he may be. You know it's hard for the young miss to find a man.
Ruri: (rolls her eyes) That's because she's picky or they are unacceptable.
Suichi: Maybe she's unacceptable to them.
Ruri: Miss Arieon, oh no, she's very powerful, mostly all the men here are inferior to her.
Suichi:You take up for her very well.
Ruri: Of course. Even though I may be the first to speak against her, I do admire her beauty and strength.
Suichi: Beauty and strength? "What beauty? These servant girls are way hotter than her especially Ruri. Don't tell me they don't know what beauty is?"
Min: Yes every men in this land is quite fond of her.
Suichi: Is it really her or her statis?
Ruri: Her beauty, her strength is just an added bonus.
Suichi: I just don't see it.
Ruri: Just open your eyes.
Min: Times has passed and Yuri still isn't here yet.
Ruri: Yeah your'e right.
Just then the door opens and beautiful maiden with long wavy curly brown hair, with deep green eyes that have a bluish tent to them, wearing a lovely Jinn silk gown walks in. Suichi looks at her in awe as Ruri and Min bowed down to her.
Suichi: So you must be Yuri.
Ruri: No you fool, that's Miss Arieon Shindo.
Suichi: the same one that brought me here?!
Min: the very one.
Suichi: Whoa, she beautiful.
Ruri: told you.
Arieon: (smiles kindly) You may rise.
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Tainted Cycle: The Mysteriously Rare Elixir... continued
Suichi walks outside of the the shop and heads towards the back. The back area of the building was surrounded by trees and shrubs and leads down to a stream its pretty secluded. Blue stays in the front for a while and then heads towards the back and opens up a door and walks outside towards Suichi.
Blu: Alright then, as I told you before I won't be able to get a shipment for a couple of nights, but if you want the elixir now, the person who purchased it was Arieon Shindo (Arieon is pronounced like Air-ree-own)
Suichi: Arieon (begins to choke and gasps for air)
begger looking lady: Yes Arieon Shindo. So Blue, are you now selling information on your clients?
Blu: Nonsense, (gasping for air as well) this guy isn't around from here, he has never heard of the Shindo Family, so I thought I let him know.
Arieon: Oh really Blue (looks Blu in the eyes as he gasp for air)
Arieon continues squeezing the life out of Blu, but lets go of her control over Suichi. She grabs him and pulls him closer to her face and looks him deep in his eyes. Suichi just stared back in her deep green eyes wondering what she was going to do with him.
Arieon: Well then it seems Blu isn't lying. Tell me your name?
Suichi: Suichi.
Arieon: Well Suichi follow me. (she sets him down) As for you Blu, the next time I catch you selling information on me then it'll be your life. (squeezes her hand real tight)
Blu: (coughing up blood) I thank you for sparing me Miss Shindo. I'll be more obedient next time. Please take care of Suichi.
Arieon and Suichi turn around and walk away. Blu gets up and picks up Suichi's bag, slides a note inside, then run towards them.
Blu: Suichi you forgot your bag (Suichi walks towards and takes bag)
Suichi: Thank you Blu.
Blu: (whispers) Be careful around Arieon, just because she's pretty doesn't mean she's a very dangerous bitch. She's able to control dark energy, the energy that held your life. Head my words, Suichi.
Suichi: I will, thank you Blu.
Arieon: Suichi hurry up.
Suichi: Comming Miss (runs towards her)
Arieon: Good oh and Blu
Blu: Yes (turns towards her)
Arieon: I heard that.
Arieon opens her hand and an orb of dark energy appeared she fires it straight at Blu. It strikes him and he falls down on the ground as blood sprays out from his mouth. He lied on the ground limply.
Suichi: Bl..u..Blu!
Arieon: That'll teach him. (sees Suichi with why did you do that expression) What? It's not like he's dead, and I told him to stop talking about me.
Suichi: But he said he was sorry.
Arieon: Come on, he'll just be asleep for a little bit, look come with me if you want that elixir.
Suichi: Alright then.
Suichi and Arieon leave out of there. Blu's body layed on the groun d lifelessly there for a while. Blu sits ups and wipes the blood from his mouth, as he watch the two leaving, snickering.
Blu:Just remember Arieon that Shindo is just a fancy title. It doesn't mean shit to me, even if you can control dark energy. You're still no match for me. Good luck Suichi, just head my words.
Blu gets up from the ground completely healed only his clothes where damage. He walks back inside his shop and waits for his shipment.
Ok that's it for today. So what does Arieon have instore for Suichi. Can she really seduce a man into doing whatever she wants him to do. She looks like some ugly bagger lady and there is nothing sexy about that! And who is this Shindo family and why are they so great? find out in the next chapter. Lates
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
Tainted Cycle: The Mysteriously Rare Elixir
Suichi arrives at the shop mentioned in the letter from Sota. He walks inside the place up to the counter and looks around. All behind the counter was tons of elixirs in bottles, under the glass counter was more potions in wierd shape bottles as well as velvet bags with different color powders, as well as dragon claws, teeth, scales, and elementals stones of both dragon and demon. There was also jinn artifacts. The place was only lit by light from the sun, and somewhat dusty. On the other side of the counter was another counter to a resturaunt. There he saw people sitting and eating at the tables. Suichi then turns back towards the counter with items and sees a young attractive man like himself about his age with silvery blue hair and black eyes looking at him.
Guy:How may I help you?
Suichi:I'm looking for a guy name Blue?
Guy: Well you're looking at him.
Suichi: You're Blue! I was told he was 500 years old, you have to be at least 80 to 300! You show no sign of age!
Blue: I'm part Dragon, so it'll be a while till my age shows.
Suichi: Oh, sorry about that, I didn't know.
Blue: Yeah, so what do you want?
Suichi: Well I'm looking for an elixir, this elixir, (slides picture of it forward)
Blue: (looks down at it then up) That's an extremely rare elixir. I have a limited supply of it, but its reserve to the highest bidder.
Suichi: I have the money (sets bag with stone on the counter) Sota sent me.
Blue: Sota, huh, So you're Suichi?
Suichi: Yes, so you have it?
Blue: I hate to give bad news but I don't have it.
Suichi: What do you mean? Isn't it reserved to him.
Blue: It is and I did have it, in fact I had two, but I was robbed a couple of nights ago, and was left with one
Suichi:Where is it?
Blue: Let me finish, I sold it.
Suichi: but you said it was resevered.
Blue: Yes, but to the person ahead of him, Sota won't get his till I recieve the next shipment which is whenever.
Suichi: Who was ahead of him?
Blue:Sorry but I can't give out information on my clients, but I can give you and alternate elixir.
Suichi: No I want this elixir, a subsitute won't do. Do you know another place where I can find it?
Blue: Yeah but it's somewhat impossible. The elixir is made by a soulpiper who recieves the ingredients from Dred.
Suichi: Who's Dred?
Blue: The best guy you can get herbs for ingredients in potions better than jinns, it mixes well with anything better than jinn items.
Suichi: Where can i find dred?
Blue: You can't, he's here one place one minute then gone the next.
Suichi:What about a soulpiper?
Blue: Sorry they're hard to find too, a body soul snatcher maybe, but they both keep pretty low profiles.
Suichi: Dammit, what the hell am I going to do?
Blue: Well I don't know, (beckons suichi to come closer to him) <> meet me around the back door facing the north, ok.
Ok that's were I'll leave off today. Whenever I get the chance I'll post the next half. So what does Blue have instore for Suichi? Find out next time. On the artistic note, pics should be comming up pretty soon. I havent been able to draw lately, but if anything it's probably going to a Tainted Cycle pic. Well lates, I'm off to make my rounds and go to bed.
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Hi everybody! hi Dr. Nick!
Hello people. Yeah watched an episode of the simpsons. Dr. Nick Rivera rocks. It's like 2:40pm right now I'm like at school in 8th period watching a movie for my AP class, won't be going home till 4:00pm. We are watching a movie about Theodore Roosevelt, an american lion. Let'see what's been going on with me, read Saiyuki, Jing, kill me kiss me, and Getbackers. I'm tired stressed and will be moving soon. I'm working on a project for english, (poem project, I teach the class about it, my poem is Spirits of the Dead, by Edgar Allan Poe) still working on the Leopold and Loeb paper and such. So yeah. Ok my pics are comming up I'm almost finished with the Night and Satoshi pic, oh and I'm drawing Saiyuki pics of each guy, Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo and Hakkai. (Gojyo and Hakkai are like my favorite characters) Ok got to go back and watch the movie, now. Later Masterbaiters,
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
My day
Serioulsy today has not been a good day for me. Ok I wake up at 5:30am roll around till I fall down and get up to get ready for school. Ok I'm ready and have 30 minutes to spare. So I go to the kitchen to the fridge to get my breakfast out. (I like cooked it last night so I'll have something to eat in the morning.) It was a plate with chorizo, eggs and beans, with tortillas. Well as I look it's not there anymore, someone ate it all and didn't have time to make anymore because I had this project due. So I finish my project instead. I start to feel a little sick in the morning and threw up a bit, something I ate last night that didn't go well with me. So I go to school late. Security lets me pass without a pass but my teacher sends me out to get one, that now gives me 12 demerits, meaning I'm going to get suspended. So yeah I stay late in that class to finish this assignment and run to third period with my big heavy ass backpack, slide in before the gates were closed. Ok on to second period (yes I know the numbers don't match but that's how the schedules set up.) I'm walking up the steps carrying all these books and all of a sudden the bell rings and people begin to run out of no where pushing me out of the way I was able to keep my balance for a while but lost and fell back on my ass sliding down the steps till I hit the bottom with my head and my stuff laid to and fro. I just laid there for a while, because of the pain get up walk to class set my stuff down walk out and get a pass giving me over 12 demerits. Anyaway for that whole day. Jennifer played with my spray bottle and sponge. (chemistry class I had to bring sponge and spraybottle) She kept squirting Josh, Trisha, Tiffany and Josh and other random people, but mostly Josh(the one who has my kill me kiss me mangas). As for the other Josh (the one Trisha likes)(she was trying to get his white T shirt wet. For Trisha's sake, might I add. I'm like the only person besides Hethei that didn't get wet, but then Hethei doesn't count because he wasn't there all he saw me do was squirt Jen in the face afterschool. I like squirted Jennifer twice and gave people my sponge to protect themselves with. They're "I don't think this sponge going to protect me, maybe for you but not me." me "I'm the holder of the sponge and has not yet been wet."
Yeah aren't we dorks, well that's it lates,
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Well you guys as I am no longer behind in my work. Yeah, I've finally catched up in Ap class, as of today and am now doing the work in my others as of tommarow, meaning I shall turn everything in. Ok let's see oh in U.S History Ap class, my teacher assigned us a reserch paper, each with own indivdual topic, mines is the Leopold and Loeb Trial, (I wish I had the one about Bill Cliton and Monica Lewinsky scandal and affairs) about the role of the media had played in the 20th century. We have to examine the possible bias that various media outlets may have had and the effect the media had on public opinion and people invovled in the events. Basically explainig the cover time leading to the event, the event itself, and the aftermath, as well as the role of the media. It's worht 400 points, meaning 4 letter grades, 15 pages long and is a college level paper. Yeah! I think I'm going to die of exhaustion after I'm through with it. So things might get a little slow here on the otaku, but I'll try to update as possible. Well yeah oh and as of today I am retiring Akabane Kuroudo, it has now been a month and time put up some new stuff. On the artistic note, my Seto Kaiba pic that I've been talking about since last year is almost done, needs details and coloring. Oh I'm also still working on DN Angel pics of Satoshi and Night, and Burning Hearts desires (Dark, Daisuke, Riku, and Risa). So yeah let you know when I post.
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