Lady Frost Dragon
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Frost Update
So yeah been gone for some time. Working, chilling with Valek and that's about it. Wow once again I realize I spend way too much time with Valek I need a life. So during my time with him he has made me human. How horrible we beared our souls to each other, sang to each other, and played video games and drank jamba juice. so yeah the other day he messed up his hand pretty bad, he almost broke it actually. too make a long story short I bandaged it for him. He thanked me for helping him.
Yesterday I played guitar hero 3 with my cousin Angie I got the hang of it and played a couple songs I liked. AFI miss murder and Muse Knights of Cydonia. It was pretty tight yo, be even tighter if I can play Rammstein, but I know it's not possible, maybe nine inch nails. of course we beat the game on easy though, but it doesn't matter cause we don't have a memory card to save the progress. So we'll try the feat again on medium today. I got to say the hardest song to play is Santana Black Magic Woman, that was trully something. Like Angie and I are doing perfect you know and then towards the middle heading towards the end of it we screw up. We played this song on easy and medium it didn't really matter. We finally nailed it on easy after 4 tries. I say it truly suck yo, but it's the challenge. So today I'm going to school, buying a memeory card and heading out to Rancho to play.
As for Tainted News, absinthe is going well got a name for the guy and the supporting characters.
Draven: Main dude
Priscilla: Draven's girlfriend
Kaleb also know as Kay: Draven's best friend Chris: Priscilla's sister/ Draven's good friend Catyella: Chris' best friend/Draven's true friend
Nya: comes in later but main chick, shares same spiritual disturbance as Draven
So with Absinthe there's the teenage drama with the supporting characters and for the mains who try to live a life are being tormented by spiritual beings. I've written quite the story with them such trechery to be revealed until next time
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I'm little iffy about showing Valek Tainted Cycle. I told him about some of characters and he said he seems a bit interested in it, but I'm not sure.
Anyway yesterday I went to Hucrane's house to see how he was doing since Wednesday last week. He said he was a little shaken about what me and Ralph did in his room. *which was nothing, Rafa and I pretend to be kissing to see what Hucrane would say if he were to walk in on us* I told him nothing happen but he begs to differ. He then got over it saying I just said that to see what you guys will think if I told. Anyway he invited some people over Ralph, Irving and his girl Gabby and Christy for a little kick back. Before the others came Ralph and I were with Hucrane for an hour. So we beagn to mess around. I was texting a message to Jennifer while Ralph reached across the island to stroke my cheek. I jumped like crazy and he began to laugh. "What's wrong Aries, you don't like when people touch your face." I told him I don't like when people touch me period. The two of them looked at each other and began smiling. Which can only mean disaster. They were going to poke and startle me cause I'm so jumpy. After a while Ralph grabs me and hugs me while stroking my hair saying "It's okay Aries we'll never hurt you." I begin laughing then Hucrane was washing his hands and then dryed them and set them ontop of my head. I immediately palm strike on the cheek placing my fingers on his nose getting ready rake his face before I realized what I was about to do. "Oh krad I almost bloody palmed you, but it wasn't a real one though" "it still hurted though" ralph laughed saying "Damn watch Aries is going to snap one day and kick all of our asses."Take that Valek, you too Sateen, I hate you Hucrane." We all laughed as hucrane got the the door letter the masses in. It was a pretty chill evening. I'll probably comic the earlier event. Well that's all. Oh and I hope you guys are enjoying the Straight to Video song by Mindless Self Indulgence. Cause after all there's nothing wrong with a little Mindless Self Indulgence.
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Tainted update
So yes Absinthe is comming along well, but still no name for the guy, but at least I got some sketches of him going. Anyway I'm still working on Tainted Cycle which is also comming out very well. The rewrite of the second season is so much better but I'm also writing future episode too so don't fret. As for the drawings well haven't done any since the Shadow/Joulin pic. It's not easy drawing in 15 minute break intervals at work so I usually just read. I'm reading The Vampire Lestat, book two of the vampire chronicles. When I finish the vampire chronicles I'll go read Vampire Hunter D: Journey to the North Sea part II.
Enough about that now. So I've been working and I'm thinking of requesting to do full time cause I want more money. These past two days I've been working for eight hours and I don't really mind it. In fact I perfer it more that the fours hours. Plus the least I want to work is like 20 hours anyway cause 12 hours ain't going to cut it if I'm expecting to save up for college you know. In other news I bought a 14 karat gold light green jade bracelet and matching earings. They look positively smashing on me. I also bought a Pirates of the Caribbean tote bag for myself but I'm going to return it cause I don't like the feel of it when it's on my arm. It pissed me off when I tried it today cause I fought so hard to get it from a customer yesterday, but it's cool I'll get over it cause I'm buying 14 karat white gold jade earings in its place. Sorry Johnny but Frost loves jewelery instead.
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
New to Tainted Reaction
Alright I'm adding a new series to the tainted family. It's name Absinthe. It's going to be about a guy who messes around with the occult and becomes haunted by spirits. along the way he meets a girl who doesn't quite fancy the occult but indeed knows a lot. She tells him about trafficing with spirits and the danger. She also prepares him a glass of absinthe to aid him in ridding them. In their journey the meet up with spirits and entity as well as nonexistent creatures that hide within the night. With darkening experiences they end up becomming close to one another. well that's about it. The story line is comming out great I'm writing the first chapter of it and doing reaserch on the occult to help aid to the atmosphere. Valek has a great deal of the occult in his library and I still have that Dark Muse book Hucrane lent me with bits of occult history and philosophy, I'll try to explore them within the story. other than that I just need names for the charatcers. I think I'll use Ania for the girl but I still got nothing for the guy. Maybe Trent. Well I'm off to ponder some more.
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Payday and time with Valek
heh today is my first payday. *well actually second, cause my first was for 32 dollars* So as soon the guy finishes with fixing the leak in the water pipes and turns the water back on I'm going to go get ready and pick up my check. Go to Valek's house straighten his hair, then go with my sister and open up a bank account. Buy some jewelery and go to work.
On the anime note Valek and I went to Barnes and Nobles Wednesday. he bought me Vampire Hunter D Volume 8 Journey Across the Northren Sea Part II. I found out they won't have the Vampire Hunter D manga out until the last week of November. From there we left to Borders to get him Lovelss Volume 7 but they didn't have it so he settle for some yaoi manga. *I seriously don't understand his obsession for shounen ai.* After that we went to Jamba Juice and got some power sized acai super antioxidents, strolled around Victoria Gardens for a bit and laugh at things we saw and took pics, then headed back to his pad. Along the way I seriously had too pee and was holding it cause we were going to meet Ralph at his house. *apparently I stole Valek from Ralph that day* We arrived at Valek's pad I was trying to park the car evenly to the curb when Ralph stood in front of my car with a knife in his hand looking rather derranged. We yelled at him telling him to move the fuck out our way cause we had to pee. We then got out the car and I threw my keys at Ralph cause he wanted to see my phone. Went to the restroom then went met up in Valek's room. We chatted exchanged pics played video games and what not. I also found out that the knife Ralph had was real. I always thought it was fake. Ralph was kind of sad too cause we went to Jamba Juice without him.
So yeah that's all for now in the mean time I'll watch Doctor Who. There's a marathon on sci fi right now.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Assimilation: New Cell
So yeah went to Sprint yesterday and got a new cell. It's the upstage. It's no pebl but I guess I can't complain. so yeah I have now assimilated myself to two years of horrid service for my mutter, but hey I got a nice phone though. See.

As for art still working on Tainted Cycle. I think I'm going to draw a couple of cells for an episode and maybe some pics to put up soon. That's about it.
so yeah going to spend sometime on learning about this phone

Hmm, I wonder if i can get Rammstein "Amour"as a ringtone?
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Monday, October 29, 2007
work and stuff.
So yeah went to work Friday it was horrid. I found out I was the only one in my department who spoke spanish so I had to deal with so many customers. I thought I was going to mess up or something but I soon got irratated by the little bastards (children with no manners, that parents should put on a leash) and with that irratation came flawless Spanish. I didn't get a chance to open any new accounts but that was cool most of my customers ended up paying with mervyns card and a few debit. After my workday was over, by the way I entered the store with a skeleton hoodie, I headed to the dojo to train, only to find out that there was no class. I talked with Skittles a bit but then Adam's mutter arrived with some chick and Skittles had to teach a lesson. When through he talked with Adam's mutter and her friend, I sort of just faded into the background and was ignored. As time passed and I was forgotten I decided to leave. I had wanted to talk to Skittles about something important but knew that I should forget about it. He noticed I started acting strange when I bid him farewell. My answers where timid, unsure, and stressed as to whether I'll be in the next day. Truly I wonder why I feel this way towards him. Skittles is the one person that I ever met and wanted to get to know and be friends with, but for some reason I see barriers that tell me it's not going to happen. I feel he views me as a child even though he's only 4 years older than me. Damn these bloody barriers. I just want to know the guy. It's not like I'm looking for a relationship with him, I just want to be friends with him, like I'm friends with Valek and Hucrane. Is that too much to ask? *sigh* I remember this one night where we were talking, and he told Laura and I how he is able to read people. He read Laura like a book, as for me he got nothing yet, all he told me I had some qualities like his bro Fabian, but he can't quite tell who I was yet. I wonder if he's found more and if so is that why there's a barrier between us. *sigh* I don't know why I feel this way, I miss Danny I need him. Well going to see Valek tomorrow.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pissed but it should pass
Got in a fight with my brother last night. The fucker got in my face. My mutter had to push him back. I started trembling and felt sick. I yelled back at him and actually cursed in front of my mutter. I can't believe I yelled back. I didn't say much I knew it was a waste, but I didn't appreciate the bastard talking down upon me. He kept pushing me to hit him. I wanted too, but knew it was wrong I started trembling in anger and fell to my knees vomitting on the floor. My mutter got him to go to the other room then left. I couldn't stop shaking. I wanted to leave but couldn't since my car was still in the repair shop. My brother has such a bad attitude I hate dealing with it at times. I think I'm looking forward to my leave in February. I might stay with my cousin Jimmy for a bit till I get money to afford a place, but I may just stay with a friend so I won't have to deal with my family's krad. Anyway he spoke to me after the ordeal trying to smooth things over by offering me a soda. I remained on the ground cleaning up my vomit ignoring him. This bastard fucked up my day, I'm unsure if I can face Valek or Nick today, the only one I can talk to is Danny but he not around anymore. So anyways I'm heading out to the dojo later today going to train for tournament and practice broadsword, got to something to cool off. As for art I got something planned, probably going to work on some cover art for Valek's band At Last.
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
Frost Update
So yeah woke up today from a call from Nick. I didn't recognize he voice and he said something about a seiance. Since I didn't recognize his voice he told to call him later cause I was sleepy, but I wasn't anymore when I realized who he was. I was pissed. I hate when people wake me up and then don't want to talk to me. Anyway he requested a favor from me which I did, then asked if I would like to go out for lunch today. I declined since my car was back in the repair shop, which I need to go check on today cause I want some Jamba Juice. I didn't go to sleep till 5:00am this morning I got caught up in a drawing. I drew Kat and the Mushroom Man. I didn't like how the Mushroom Man came out though. I need to give him a new hair style. I then drew Shadow and Joulin. It was going to be Shadow and Arie but the profile I was drawing was too soft to be Arie's so I made it Joulin's and changed Shadow's hard expression into a kinder one since Joulin is his love. Joulin however looks a bit sad in the pic though, it's cause I left Arie's mouth expression there, which on Arie makes her look wicked. Anyway I like the pic though, I'm not all that good with profiles, unless it's Johnny Depp, and it came out well. I can't wait to post it up. So feeling in a good mood, I will continue to listen to London After Midnight and Neuroticfish and draw some more Tainted Cycle. I'm thinking Naturi and Hiei, Joulin by herself, and Joulin and Kwan~lin, heck I even might draw Arie and Jade. Well I'm out going to watch some Torchwood and get on with the pics, Alurra~chan should be proud.
~Shimo Chan 
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Hectic Moment
Alright now I just finish cooking pasta salad and it's incomplete. The purple cauliflower was spoiled and I have to buy another one and I need shreddered cheese, other than that it's ready to eat. I got two hours to get ready straighten my hair nad go buy clothes for my orientation at Mervyns. I'm flaburghasted, There's so much to do. My mutter expects me to clean the kitchen, clean the bathroom sweep and mop the floors then clean her room. I don't got time. I just finish cleaning my room, folding and putting away the laundry, and picked up my car from the repair shop. Although I know some may say I am wasting valuable time right now, it's giving me a breather for I will endure once I get off. *sigh* Let's see if I can get all this done within two hours. Wish me luck otakus.
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