Lady Frost Dragon
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
It's a known fact that people come and go but it's so hard to except when they are gone
By being so fleeting some ignore to make these connections just so they don't have to worry about letting go
But in the end they are alone,
until they can find that one person that makes it seem so.
Gojyo looks up to see Frost enter her room all depressed.
Arianna: He's leaving me, He can't leave, Why do you have to leave, you've been such a good friend, like Danny. I can't afford to lose people like you in my life because your so hard to find. Please don't go, find a way to still stay here. Good aura is hard to replace and you're the life of that aura. Everyone will miss you.
Gojyo: What's wrong with you? You're down and out.
Looks up with watery eyes that won't shed tears.
Arianna: Nick told me that this might be his last week at the dojo. I'm going to really miss him, he is so cool. We had the same musical interest you know. I'm really going to miss him.
Gojyo: Hey why don't you move that picture of me a little further so you can make him a present then, your pretty good at drawing, why not draw his favorite anime or something.
Arianna: Yeah I think I will, I'll put my Stirb Nicht Vor Mir project aside too and draw that picture before Friday with great details. Thanks Gojyo, your so kind. I'll make sure Kage won't ever throw you out a window. T_T
Gojyo: Your welcome and thank you.
Frost goes off to gather materials for art project.
Gojyo: Tainted Cycle will be on next post. So Good Night to you all.

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Friday, February 24, 2006
I want my herbal tea dammit
Had a busy week and herbal tea has been spilt all over me everyday. Well right now in 7th period I have a project where I am setting up a business on interior decorating, my partner doesn't seem to enjoy doing work so I'm going to do it all by myself yay. -_- I have this little art project I'm working on called "Don't Die before I Do" inspired by Rammstein's song Stirb nicht vor mir (Don't die before I do) I going to draw a series of pictures using these lines from the song:
He comes to me every night
No words are left to say
With his hands around my neck
I close my eyes and pass away
I don't know who he is
In my dreams he does exist
His passion is a kiss
And I can not resist
I'm thinking a nice vampire pic here, wouldn't you agree?^_^ When I get the chance I'll put up more Dr. Jackal pictures and Tainted Cycle, episodes as well and what not. Until then Adios Otakus,
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Monday, February 13, 2006
Picture update Dr. Jackal II
Arianna: alright the finally touches have been executed. *looks back to admire work* All his sexiness has been complete. Now to post it up.
Gojyo: So you finished that picture of me.
Arianna: No, I finished Akabane Koroudo
Gojyo: who?
Arianna: Dr. Jackal from Get Backers.
Gojyo: when are you going to draw me?
Arianna: When I have the time, I still need a couple of resources to capture the theme well to fill it with your aura that leaves the ladies in woe.
Gojyo: In that case then, take your time, I wouldn’t want to disappoint my adoring fans.
Arianna: *rolls eyes* Alright man (why do I like this conceited bastard?) Are you going out?
Gojyo: What so you can draw more pics of this Akabane guy, hell no I sleeping in here tonight.
Arianna: If it makes you feel better I’m drawing a picture of Hiei and his twin brother Shadow.
Gojyo: More men.
There’s a tap on the window. Arianna opens the window greeted by Dark.
Dark: Hey Frost.
Gojyo: Great now who’s this guy.
Dark: Who are you?
Arianna: this is the Great Phantom Thief Dark and that is Gojyo the pervy kappa. ^_^
Gojyo: Who you calling a pervy kappa Arie chan.
Arianna: I’m just messing around man. Dark is here on an errand.
Dark: Uh yeah so here’s Alurra’s response to your letter.
Arianna: Thanks but what took you so long?
Dark: I have to wait for a response you know, and that takes time.
Arianna: Yeah like ten minutes at the most. I should have sent Kage.
Dark: Oh please even Kage would have taken this long.
Gojyo: Great now who’s this guy. *see’s Kage in the window*
Kage: Nammm *Kage gives Dark a glare and hands Arie a note*
Dark: *shaking* Hey Kage, how are ya friend.
Arie: Thank you Kage. It only took Kage 10 minutes to deliver and return a message Dark, maybe you should take some pointer’s from him. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to do it.
Kage nods his head and takes Dark by the shoulder. He waves bye at both Gojyo and Arianna, and vanishes from view taking Dark with him.
Gojyo: Where is he taking him?
Arianna: He’s going to dump Dark in that huge puddle outside for dissing him.
Gojyo: Oh I take it these where the good times you where talking about except with a pond right.
Arianna: Yeah.
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Tainted Cycle: Smoked out Pt. II
Gojyo: Hey Arie did you post up another picture.
Arianna: Yeah why don't you go check it out.
Gojyo: It must be me then. *goes and checks*
Arianna: While he goes and do that how about a makeover and an episode of tainted.
Kyri thrust her sword into the creatures back as it yells out in pain releasing her from it’s tails grip. She lands quickly on her feet grabbing her bow and shoot out more arrows. The creature once again whips its tail she barely dodge its tail but was blown away by its pressure. She lands on the ground safely only to be met by another set of golden eyes.
Kyri: How the hell did it get over here I could have sworn it was right in front of me.
Kyri reaches for another arrow only to find none. The creature gives out another roar as it approaches her comming to join it's other commrade as they circle her around. Kyri stands up reaching for in her pockets for some daggers, but her to her dismay her they were all gone, only to find her whip chain. She begins to smile and attacks the creature but her chain redirects and attacks the one behind her. A shock of electricity is surges through causes lightning to strike blowing everyone away from each other. Meanwhile Jennifer is at the camp prepairing breakfast while her chicken runs about.
Jennifer: Whoa, did you feel that, Bob?
Chicken: Pacock.
Jennifer: I wonder where it came from? Oh well.
The chicken runs to Jennifer tugging on her robes for attention as she continues making food.
Jennifer: No Bob you got to wait until the food is done.
Chicken: Pacock, Pacock pock pock.
The chicken continues to tug on her robes for attention but she ignores it and instead gives it some bread. As she holds her hand out to feed the chicken, Bob bites her hand. Jen winces with pain
Jennifer: Ow you little whore what's your problem.
Chicken: Pacock Pacock.
Bob tugs on her robes and points it wing to a man in their camp walking around.
Jennifer: Oh shit.
Arianna: Well that's it. Next chapter will be about the fight and Jen's unexpected visitor.
There is a tap on the window. Arie goes to the window and opens it.
Arianna: Dark. Thanks for comming man. *notice Dark looking around* What's up with you?
Dark: Is Kage here?
Arianna: No he left a long time ago, don't tell me your still afraid of being tossed out the window again.
Dark: You knew.
Arianna: Yeah, it pretty funny though, good times good times.
Dark: You're messed up Frost.
Arianna: whatever hey can give this message to Alurra for me.
Dark: why? Why should I help you, you never helped me. *the door knobs turns as the creaks open*
Arianna: Look just deliver the letter before he does get here alright. *pushes Dark out of the window*
Dark: But arragh ow.
Gojyo: Who were you talking to?
Arianna: No one, so what do you think?
Gojyo: She's beautiful, is there a possibility I can meet her?
Arianna: Sorry she's dead.
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Thirst Preview
Arianna: Hey Gojyo san
Gojyo: Yeah
Arianna: I know I haven’t put that picture of you up yet but would you mind if I put up a picture of someone else.
Gojyo: Who?
Arianna: Oh you’ll see. ^_~. So while I go post that up go post this document up.
Gojyo: Alright then
Thirst: Kadsuki
He wakes up every morning as always and bathes himself clean from the night before. He brushes his teeth, washes his hair, and wears his clothes from the night before, clean cut with his hair combed as he walks out of his stay from the night before. He then takes one last look at the place, its walls were splattered with blood, while the sheets of the bed tinged with the blood of some midnight vixen whose body remains there with a look of satisfaction and clothes tattered in shreds. He smiles with pleasure while leaving upon his merry way whistling. He arrives at his domain and walks inside, a women is there to take his coat and follows him to his chamber.
Gojyo: Damn that must have been the worst one night stand ever. I mean I know I sleep around quite a bit but I don’t kill my mates in fact they are the ones who try to kill me. Yet no matter the situation I would never do such a thing.
Arianna: Don’t worry about it man, she’s a demon and was ever so capable of defending herself from him.
Gojyo: Look at the way he left her.
Arianna: He left her in satisfaction.
Gojyo: If someone were to leave you like that would you be satisfied.
Arianna: No, because I would never have been in such a situation in the first place.
Gojyo: Whatever, so who did you put up another guy.
Arianna: Yeah care to check him out.
Gojyo: Sure let me see what I'm up against *checks it out* A dog riding a pig.
Arianna: His name is Gir and his an alien robot dressed up in a dog suit.
Gojyo: okay then.
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Friday, January 27, 2006
Two great things
Arianna runs into the room just ever so happy statrling Gojyo.
Gojyo: what the hell is up with you, Frost?
Arianna: I thought I was merely halucinated but it was just ever so true.
Gojyo: What?
Arianna: Right before my very eyes Johnny Depp!^_^
Gojyo: You saw Johnny Depp.
Arianna: Ha, I wish, no I saw this. *pulls out a box Pirates of the Carribean cereal with Captain Jack Sparrows on the cover.* ^_^ Captain Jack Sparrows.^_^
Gojyo: You've got to be kidding me.
Arianna: Iknow I'm just as shocked as you are. I went to go get Smart statr cereal and find this. Doesn't Johnny Depp look so hot on here.
Gojyo: Sure, but I look better.
Arianna: Ha, whatever, but look what I got.
Gojyo: another Johnny Depp cereal,
Arianna: no even better,see. I'm testing for my orange belt tomarrow evening.
Gojyo: Wow congradulations.
Arianna: I know and since I'm in such a good mood today I just might post up a sexy picture tomarrow.
Gojyo: cool. That means I'm going up.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
burned out
Arianna: So tired need sleep. *flops down on bed* such a long day such a long week. At least my resentment is going down a bit.
Gojyo: Resentment, I thought you said vexation of the spirit was a waste of time.
Arianna: Actually Damian Marley said that, I just follow it.
Gojyo: So where you've been, I haven't seen you since Thursday afternoon when you ditched the backpack and grabed your sparring bag. Although I did hear an argument in spanish around 2:00am
Arianna: That's because my mother didn't pick me up from the dojo. I came in like around 2:00am greated by her saying "why are you home late?" Which is why I left to school and headed over to my cousin's for the weekend since I still had to go to the dojo. Chilled with my father on Sunday and arrived here monday evening from my brother's pad.
Gojyo: Wow then you pretty angry to be speaking fluent spanish, like that time at the Jack n the Box when they put extra bacon, extra tomato, and extra ketchup in your burger, when you don't eat pork and despise tomatoes.
Arianna: Yeah I actually mouthwashed with rubbing alcohol and listerine to elimate the pork taste. Since then I'm in my vegetarian mode right now.
Gojyo: That explains the vegetarian pizza and subs and mass amounts of carrots you've been digesting lately.
Arianna: Yeah, but I always eat a lot of carrots, like today I ate a pound for example. But hey I'll be eating meat again in a week or two.
Gojyo: So you ever going to post up any pictures yet?
Arianna: Yeah when I have the chance I'm like busy all week man, I still haven't finished that Harry Potter book Alurra chan lent to me, but I did finished watching all the dvd's though.
Gojyo: So basically no pics then. What about a story?
arianna: Working on that, hell I still haven't gave Clear an episode. speaking of Clear, the guy that looks like Danny, um is it Rudulfo or someone else because there's two of them actually, one that favors him and one that's somewhat a splitting image of him. By the way have you talk to Danny by the way?
Gojyo: Arianna quit sidetracking.
Arianna: Sorry well when I have the time I'll post up the pic and a story alrighgorjyt.
Gojyo: Arie, Arianna.*stands far away and pokes her with a ruler. she doesn;t react* hmm, it must have been a long week, your reflexes are down. I guess that's all for today, I'm going to dump this girl on her bed since she's burned out. So goodnight.

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Saturday, January 7, 2006
Welcome Sha Gojyo
Deep in the bowels of a newly ice cold room with the eerie blue glow lurks Frost.
Arianna: Hey otakus it's me, Frost preparing you with another daily duldrom. Like the new theme, it's Sha Gojyo from Saiyuki. Had to put it up because he just looks so sexy just lying there.
Gojyo: Is it me or are my ears burning because I could have sworn I heard someone call me sexy.
Places arm around the blushing Arianna, smiling.
Gojyo: Was that you Arie chan?
Arianna: *holds serious face* No, why would I say that?
Gojyo: Because you are blushing
Arianna: I believe you are mistaken Gojyo san.
Gojyo: with a sexy picture like that it's hard to resist me.
Arianna: hmph, that is indeed a lovely picture but my blush was from this.

Gojyo: Senior Johnny Depp, Nick is right you do blush too much for that man.
Arianna: Ha ha ha very funny.
Gojyo: whatever I’m just saying
Arianna: Well say no more man. Go do something useful like pack my pressed out gi and shoes with my sparring gear in the dojo bag for tomorrow alright.
Gojyo: what am I your slave?
Arianna: I’m just asking for a favor, no big deal alright.
Gojyo: alright I’ll do it. *walks away and packs Arie’s bag*
Arianna: Hey
Gojyo: What?!
Arianna: You’re pretty hot when you’re ticked off. ^_^
Gojyo:*eyes widen and blushes, shakes off expression* whatever
Arianna: anyways things at school seem to be going slow, Lunch is rather dull, Desiree is gone, Alurra’s absent and Lyndian is somewhere. After school today I talked with Rudolfo (he’s the guy that looks like Danny) then headed over to the Dojo, some guy hitted on me today. He was 21 and I told him I was 15 so he’ll back off.
Gojyo: That’s not cool you know.
Arianna: Whatever I don’t know what guys see in me. I mean you think my serious cold exterior would scare them off, but lately guys have been brave enough to approach especially when my hair is straight and I have it down.
Gojyo; Is that why it’s curly right now.
Arianna: That and I really don’t have the time right now to straighten it since I’ve been at the dojo all week. Plus I got some hair gel now so it’ll be a while till I straighten it again. Probably Tuesday or something when the class goes in for a lice check, cause I don’t like people touching my hair when it has gel in it.
Gojyo: They do lice checks in high school?!
Arianna: I know I’m just as shocked as you are.
Gojyo: Hey your stuffs packed and alarm clock is set ok.
Arianna: Why thank you Gojyo san.
Gojyo: Your welcome I’m heading out be back later so good night Arianna.
Arianna: Good night Gojyo and Buenos Noches to all you otakus out there, Frost is out.

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Monday, January 2, 2006
Things to come
Hello to you all and enjoy your new year. This year shall be a rather productive one like the beginning of the last before the rude intrusion of divorce that threw off my grove. I'll begin with new themes and more looks on Tainted Cycle and maybe even some sneak peaks at Odracir and Thirst.
Later Masterbaiters,

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Monday, December 12, 2005
Hyped up on who knows what? Wait it's herbal tea ^_^
Hey otakus just feel like giving a shout out because i'm so hyped up on energy right now and can't wait till tomarrow to use it on my sensei. He's going to be shocked everyone will. Frost has been drawing more realism pics they look great by the way. You'll enjoy them or so I hope I'll try to get them up on Wednesday or something as well as an episode of tainted Smoked Out Pt.II Golden Eyes Two. Wednesday a special day because it's going to be my second anniversary on the otaku. ^_^ Until then though. Wow this must be the first post I've ever made that doesn't have much sense or any complex words in it. How odd. *drinks herbal tea*
Later Masterbaiters,
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