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being a vegetarian for 10 months straight.
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fifth grade, well actually since Sailor Moon, I was like 4 then.
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Inuyasha, Tenchi Muyo, Rurouni Kenshin, and Yu Yu Hakusho
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writting, drawing, and karate
| Lady Frost Dragon
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Today was really gay
Ok today I went to practice and learned some grappling moves, oh man where they so uncomfortable. It looked so gay. Ok Sensei ( I think that's how you spell it) grabs one of his pupils and is laying on his back and had his pupil sit on top of him it looked so gay. I'm mean my cousin Marleen was like laughing and her sister Angie (Dark Mist Dragon) was telling her that if you need to laugh go to the corner so no one can see you. Me I just yawned and hold a straight face but there were like a lot of people laughing and smiling. You know trying to hold it in. Then while the whole time that Sensei was explaining the guy was still on top of him, and get this it was Sensei's birhtday. Then it was our turn we had to pair up. Sensei paired me up with this fat chick, she was on top of me and man did that hurt, she crushed my stomach, cutting off the circulation to my legs as i gasp for air. I through her off as soon as I can. Then later on Sensei started picking on us, he kept slapping us while we told him what we learned today. he really slapped the heck out of me, I'm in so much pain. We that's all for today. Later Otakus.
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Tainted Cycle: BluNess
Ok Arieon and Suichi made it too Blu's place and found out about Ness's fate. Not only did they find out about that they also found out about the realationship the two shared together.
Arieon: What! you mean to tell me you and Ness were... were
Blu: Yes, you have a problem with that.
Arieon: Of all the people how low.
Blu: What!
Arieon: I'm sorry but you are pathetic. I don't even think you are worthy of my presence.
Suichi: Now Arieon don't you think that's a bit too much.
Blu: Just cause your last name is Shindo doesn't mean shit. You're always walking around like you're the best when you're not.
Arieon: Excuse me, I think someones out of line here and need's to know their place.
Blu: If anything needs to know their place here it's you.
Arieon clenches her fist and punches the display case in Blu's shop.
Arieon: What?
Blu: Don't even start.
She breaks another case and two more.
Suichi: Arieon please stop, your making a scene.
Arieon: I don't care.
Blu is starting to loose his patience, he begins clenching his fists.
Arieon: Is someone getting mad?
Blu: You insolent fool how dare you disrespect me in my own house. I take you in as favor to my home you break everything like it's nothing, as if you own the place. What do you have in your hand. No you better not break that.
Arieon: Why not I just may drop it.
Blu: I'm warning you Arieon if you do so I will do anything in my power to make you pay.
Arieon: I like to see you try.
Arieon throws this giant glass dragon to the open window of his shop. Slow motion we see it flying through the air falling to it's parel. A crashing sound is made outside.
Blu: That's it, I had enough, now you're going to pay.
Arieon: Whatever.
Blu slams Arieon to the ground He raises his fist and strikes her right near her face as the door to the shop opened. A maiden with medium long black wavy curly hair, with grey eyes, with a pipe strapped to her waist. Wearing a black gownlike thing. A soulpiper walks in. (name is pronounced like AIR REE)
Arie: This is a rather fine dragon here. It would be a shame for someone to destroy this. You can clearly see that whoever owns this comes from a strong generations of prestegious dragons and would kill anyone that dishonors their family.
Suichi: The dragon is safe, then what was that shattering noise we heard outside?
Arie: My demon's orb of water. I saw the dragon falling so I went to catch it, it hit my side knocking the orb out of it's bag.
Sucihi: Blu your dragon's fine. (Blu and Arieon are wrestling on the ground) So do you need anything.
Arie: Uh yeah but I'll come back later when Blu's not occupied.
She walks out the shop letting a cold air inside.
Blu: Arie. Was that soulpiper Arie, of harmony. (sees the ying yang symbol on the back of her kimono.)
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Virtua Fighter
I changed my theme to Virtua Fighter. So from week to week the background will change where you can see all my favorite characters from this anime/videogame. My favorite character of all time on the videogame/anime is Kage Maru second favorite character is Pai Chan. She's on here first because I'm still looking for a picture of Kage right now, other than that He would have been first. I hope you all enjoy it.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
what's up otakus?
Sorry for not being here for you guys but's it's been hard trying to get on the internet and stuff. Well I'm changing the theme, this DN Angel look has been on here too long, even though I like Dark, but hey got to move on. Speaking of moving on time for another episode of Tainted Cycle.
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Spring Break sucks I want to go back to school so bad and that's pretty sad to be comming from a kid. Let's see I'm tired sore haven't slept in 2 days. Right now I'm at my cousin's house and they are making all this noise in the background and it's like 12:00 am, and everyone's asleep. Wow so that's going to bring me to a 72 hours of no sleep at this rate. So yeah and no longer live at my house and all my stuff is in storage, sniff all my anime, my computer, my friend's cd that I need to return but can't find cause of my mom so yeah. Sometimes I wonder while I'm typing what the heck am I saying because this is just random thoughts comming from my head, and do any of you guys read this? Well I'll be posting a new episode of tainted cycle but before I go here's a poem.
Should I burn all these pictures
of the times I spent with you
Or should I tear everything up,
just because you and I are through
Is all this damage really nessasary,
for me to forget about you
Even though it pains me so,
I'll just be acting like a fool
There's no need for me to get back at you,
over something so small
Cause life moves on and on,
so I just need to walk tall
-Arianna Ismarai Tykarai
So what do you guys think, let me know ok.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Ness's Message
Arieon leaves the chamber storming off. Suichi follows her to her room trying to calm her down as she through stuff about.
Suichi: Miss Shindo you must calm down.
(Ness): Yes dear cousin you should listen to your boyfriend.
Arieon turns around see's her cousin. Suichi looks at her as well. she was beautiful, she had light brown hair with blond highlights, and light brown eyes. She has a really cute mouth, her lips were thin but they fit her and made a nice warm smile, that showed kind yet mischevious person. She was shape like and hourglass with her small waist and childbearing hips and nice size breast.
Arieon: Huh, Ness, is that you.
Ness: Of course.
Arieon: what are you doing here?
Ness: I return home and this is way you treat me.
Arieon: I'm glad to see you but you hardly ever here.
Ness: Well dear cousin, I come baring a gift por tu madre. (tosses her a vile)
Arieon: Dragon's blood? (Arieon has her attention on the vile)
Ness: Yes, but that of a silver dragon.
Ness sits back down on the chase and lifts up part of her white gown showing her legs to Suichi as she gives him a seductive smile, then lets it down. Suichi blushes then looks towards a window.
Arieon: A silver dragon? How did you get a hold of this?
Ness: A bodysoul snatcher by the name of Sarah. She told me that if you use it with the NoirNight elixir, it should be able to save your mother.
Arieon: If only I still had the elixir.
Ness: what do you mean only, didn't your father state that Blu has it.
Arieon: He did and I bought it but it was stolen.
Ness: By who?
Arieon: Arie.
Ness: Hmm, whose your boyfriend?
Arieon: He's not my boyfriend.
Ness: Oh he's not. I thought you guys made such a cute couple.
Arieon: His name is Suichi and I met him through Blu.
Ness: I'm sorry. Well I'm going to tell your father that you are going to be staying with him ok.
Arieon: WHAT!
Ness: Start packing Arieon you need to leave here or you are going to die. There's a curse apon this place and that's why everyone is dying, the whole reason why your mother's ill and nothing works. This is why I'm not here I've been searching for something to cure this place but found nothing. The Bodysoul snacther who told me that also gave me that vile.
Arieon: Who would place a curse.
Ness: Forget who just save yourself. I want the two of you too leave here and stay with Blu for sometime ok.
Arieon: Blu?
Ness: Tell him Ness says so and be nice to him Arieon, or else.
Arieon: alright I'll be nice to the guy.
Ness: I'm serious if you don't something bad is going to happen.
Arieon: Alright come on Suichi.
Ness walks them out to the door. After she closed the door she begins coughing.
Ness: I guess I still have a cold. Oh well I'm sure Uncle won't mind my appearance.
She leave to see her uncle. She knocks on the door and kneals to her knees.
Ness: Good evening my lord.
Shindo: Ness is that you, get off your knees and give me a hug, I'm so glad to see my niece.
Ness: Yes yes, but you need to read this, and here is a vile of silver dragon's blood.
Shindo: (he skims through the note) I see thank you.
Ness: Your welcome dear uncle. I'll be leaving soon too.
Shindo: Well it was nice to see you one last time, tell your mother I said Hi.
Ness: Of course. ^_^
Shindo closes the door as Ness leaves to her room. She closes the door and leans against the wall and falls into a deep sleep where she could never be disturb again. She layed on the floor with her eyes closed and smiled.
Ness: I always thought I looked good in red.
The crimson tears of her life flooded throughout the room, tainting everthing that was white.
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My statist at this moment
Hey otakus, I just want to note that today is my last day on the computer, I got to box it up now, so I won't be on the net till Thursday or something or when I get back to school ok, but don't worry I'll do my best to update.
Dark walks inside room.
Dark: wow it's pretty empty now, all you have is this computer and that's it.
Arie: Well soon it's going to go too Dark. By the way Dark could you water the plants for me, since Kage couldn't do it.
Dark: Kage didn't water the plants. Ha what a slacker. Where is he anyways?
Arie: He's not here, he left on an assignment today and said he'll meet me at Angie's (Dark Mist Dragon) place, when he's through.
Dark: Oh, well then, here Arianna.
Arie: What's that?
Dark: Tainted Cycle. You post something before you leave.
Arie: Thanks Dark. Ness' Message. I'll get to it.
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Spring Break

I'm on spring break people and it sucks. I rather be back in school then sit here. Right now I'm in my room just going through some paperwork. I cleaned out my closet so it's now completly empty. I also lost my homework that's due when I return to. So I'm looking for that as well.
Dark: Arianna, I found your homework for Ap and english.
Arie: Oh thanks Dark. It really helps to have a phantom theif around to find my stuff when I lose it.
Dark: Yeah, who else could do that.
Kage: GetBackers.
Arie: How true, they do get it what you want back 99.9% of the time.
Dark: When did you get here?
Kage hands Arie some tea.
Arie: Thank you Kage.
Dark: Hey I was talking to you.
Kage turns to face Dark real fast as if he's going to attack him. Dark flinches
Kage: Soda.
Dark: Uh thanks.
Arie: (yawns) I'm tired I'm going to go downstairs for a little bit. Could you guys take care of this for me.
Dark: Sure Arianna
Arie: Thanks guys. (leaves outside of room.)
Dark: (begins to imitate Kage)NAMNNNN, is that all you say.
Kage: (turns to Dark and glares) NNMMMM HUAH.
Kage grabs Dark and throws him out the window. Dark lands into the pond again. Dark get's out of pond and spits out water.
Dark: Not again.
Arie walks out side.
Arie: what happen to you?
Dark: I uh (see's Kage by window giving him a death glare) was trying to get downstairs.
Arie: Uh Dark, you know there's an easier way to go downstairs, besides the window.
Dark: I fell.
Arie: Well since your there could you feed the fish.
Dark: Sure.
Arie: Thank you. (leaves and walks back inside.)
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
I screwed up today

Today has not been a very good day for me. Well anyways I'm still moving and stuff, getting injured and such, and realize that when I talk at times for some reason I rhyme. What's up with that? But really, yesterday I was helping my dad take his desk down from upstairs, now this desk is huge and made of solid birch and mahagony wood, so it's pretty heavy. Anyways I was on oneside and him the other and we were slowly taking it down, we were halfway when all of a sudden when we hit there corner it sliped out of his hand somewhat and I tried to save it so it won't crash into the wall by doing so it slammed right on my wrist. i pushed it off so quickly and removed my hand and it took it the rest of the way down by the time I was through my wrist was red and throbbing like hell. I bandaged it up to make it feel better but yeah, it hurts a little still. On to the next thing, Oh today I was outside in my backyard feeding the fish in my pond talking on the phone with my mother. The fish food had sliped out of my hand and fell into the water so I reached in to grabed it and dropped my fathers cellphone inside. I hurried up and pulled it out, but it was soaked and the phone cut off. I went back inside and told my father what happened and he just smirked and looked at me.
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Hey Guys
Yeah right now it's like 1:58 am, I'm so tired, I've been liftin and hoistin, packin, and shit, moving is such a hard task. Pretty soon I will no longer be at my house anymore, probably around this week or so, I'm going to be moving in with my cousin Salinda, so that means it might take some time for me to update, once I get situated and stuff, but hey once I'm there I'll make Dark Mist Dragon update her site. Anyways as I said that I'm tired, I must let you know that the reason I'm up is because I lost my report, that's right the one I wrote for ap that's due wednesday, and I have to get the information and write a new one, damn that sucks another 15 pages. I'll try to get a picture up this month, but if I don't I apologise. Anyways now to settle the issue with Dark.
Dark slips through Frost window into the shadows of a soft blue glow. Arianna sits on her matteress waiting.
Arie: Hello Dark.
Dark: Uh hello Arie, how are you?
Arie: A little tired you know, with the moving and stuff.
Dark: That explains why the rooms is mostly empty.
Arie: Of course, so what were you up to tonight?
Dark: Uh the usually, leave a note then later on still an object that belongs to the Hikari's
Arie: How fun. Dark do you think people lie at times to make others feel better?
Dark: That's an odd thing to say, but then again you are full of odd sayings, but where are you going with this?
Arie: Dark why do you lie?
Dark: Lie, I don't lie
Arie: You are lying to me right now.
Dark: I'm not, your just tired that's all.
Arie: Yes you are, you've been seeing Alurra.
Dark: Well the two are you are just friends
Arie: So, but leave to stay over there with her than with me.
Dark: Arianna, you've been busy latelt, so I got bored, and decided to do something, you hardly even talk with me.
Arie: Alright then.
Dark gives Arie a hug, but a cold hand touches his and removes it away.
Dark: I thought you forgave me Arianna.
Arie: I do Dark.
Dark: Then why did you shove me away?
Arie: I didn't
Dark: Then who did
Kage: *turns on light* NAMNNNN

Dark: Who's that?
Arie: Oh that's Kage, he's a ninja, and he's going to be staying with me a while. So you can back with Alurra ok. Goodnight Dark.
Kage does his famous move, runs towards Dark slides under him while kicking him up into the air where he falls down, then tosses him out the window. Dark lands inside of pond with fish, spits out water, looking up towards her room.
Dark: This isn't over, Arianna, it's far from over.
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